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Musician thread

Hey guys... I put a little song together. It's nothing great but it's my first one :teeth Imma try to record it some how and post it:twofinger Btw it aucostic so dont worry about getting your face melted:rofl.

On a side note...Thnx Hools!:thumbup
Ohhhh... Since ya'll are talking about video game tunes... Found this sight when I was trying to learn "Alive" from Portal... http://www.gametabs.net/
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Yup!:teeth afterwards tho i figured out what i did wrong tho...lulz:rofl I didn't leave any slack like i should've... That's what i get for rushing through it i guess:rolleyes

That's how you learn though mang! :p

So, is Supermike going to hold any more jams @ his Concord warehouse this year, or wut? :confused
Tzrider will be happy to know that Vernon Reid has seen the light and now plays Parkers. :teeth

I'm good this sunday (I work the night before so maybe in afternoon :dunno)or (anytime) mon,tue,weds next week. The JF is gone so I got some time on my hands :teeth

00oo.. I"ll be on Vacation til next Wednesday, so anytime after that lol

8 years?! N00b! I played that shit when it was actually cool in '91! :laughing

You're old. I was 6 in 91' :x