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Musician thread

I intend to demo that one this weekend, but it seems like (and based on the reviews), that a single pedal could be cumbersome to use.

I say that I only plan to use it a a way to loop a rhythm guitar track to solo over, but who knows, I may in the future want to incorporate a drum kit or bass track, too. Hell, after a while, the click-click-click of a metronome gets pretty bland!
Too much jibba-jabba'. :x

When is the next jam session?

If/When you guys jam again, I'd like to swing by. I live in a condo, so I can't host (but I can bring a 12 pack :teeth).

It'd be nice to meet a few moto/music dudes and dudettes!
Andy remember, Line 6 is the devil!

....well according to Jeff and Anthony. :laughing

Yeah, I know. :laughing

I have a POD 2.0 that I sometimes practice with late at night. I'll plug into the thing and play it through Sennheiser wireless cans, which is really convenient. The models aren't perfect, but they're serviceable.

I recently had a BOSS delay pedal go south, so I picked up a Line 6 Echo Park from eBay. It's built like a brick shithouse and sounds very good. It has a feature that most delay pedals lack: modulation. This imparts a very subtle and pretty chorus to the delay signal. The dry signal remains dry and you hear the chorus bloom on the first repeat.

This pedal stays tucked inside the back of my MkIV combo and is turned on with fixed settings. I bring the effects loop in or out via the amp's footswitches. It's not fancy and it keeps me from using some of the pedal's features, but there's no setup time and there's less for me to forget if I'm going to go play with someone on the spur of the moment.

Well, I went out and bought one. Found it on CL for $40 :teeth

Tested it and it seems to work fine. Case looks like it was hardly used. The only thing wrong with it is that the battery door is missing. I'll email BOSS and see if I can get one. I can always run a wall wart, and that could power my tuner, too.
Well, I went out and bought one. Found it on CL for $40 :teeth

Tested it and it seems to work fine. Case looks like it was hardly used. The only thing wrong with it is that the battery door is missing. I'll email BOSS and see if I can get one. I can always run a wall wart, and that could power my tuner, too.

I saw that one too and figured something was fishy with that kind of price. I hope everything works out with it!
I saw that one too and figured something was fishy with that kind of price. I hope everything works out with it!

I was a little sketch about it. Especially since San Jose is 1:45 each way from home. The gal used to have a recording studio, hip-hop mostly, and was selling left over gear. I figured for $40 it would be foolish not to check it out. Plus, if the thing takes a shit on me, I'm not out much dough.
Well, I went out and bought one. Found it on CL for $40 :teeth

Tested it and it seems to work fine. Case looks like it was hardly used. The only thing wrong with it is that the battery door is missing. I'll email BOSS and see if I can get one. I can always run a wall wart, and that could power my tuner, too.

I got in the habit of always using the wall wart and keeping the 9volt in it in case it gets kicked during a gig. with the wart, you ALWAYS have perfect tone...
I got in the habit of always using the wall wart and keeping the 9volt in it in case it gets kicked during a gig. with the wart, you ALWAYS have perfect tone...

Likewise. Boss wants $4 something for the door, which isn't bad, but they want $6 to ship it. I can do without. If I get dead set on using batteries, I'll make my own door for it.
Just pulled the trigger on a Fractal Audio Axe-FX Ultra. Hope it's as good as everyone says...
Just pulled the trigger on a Fractal Audio Axe-FX Ultra. Hope it's as good as everyone says...

It arrived today and I've just come up for air after three hours of running through the presets. This thing kills. I see a gear sell-off in the near future.
It arrived today and I've just come up for air after three hours of running through the presets. This thing kills. I see a gear sell-off in the near future.

This thing? You're such a gearhead Andy! :p

This thing? You're such a gearhead Andy! :p


Yup, that thing. I confess to being a bit of a gearhead, but my rack is going to get smaller as a result of this. I bought it to replace the DSP unit I use for verbs, delays and chorus, but it looks like I can shitcan my Hush and the Mesa Triaxis.

You should hear it. It sounds and feels like a tube amp. I can reproduce every tone I was getting out of my Mesa gear and then some. There's a lot of hype about this box and I can see why.
Just pulled the trigger on a Fractal Audio Axe-FX Ultra. Hope it's as good as everyone says...

[youtube]<object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/2-nHCW0eg0E&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/2-nHCW0eg0E&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>[/youtube]

It is..my friend in LA just got one and played a bit for me...was baaaaaaaaaahloown away...jealous of you:thumbup