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Musician thread

haha that's still a nice set up for at home. The drum room not having a/c will encourage them to get it right quickly then, am i right? :p What did you do to acoustically treat the room? Did you actually take apart the walls and soundproof the entire place or is it just dampened? And I'd kill for that monitor/processor set up. I love the new mac monitors widescreen for recording. What do you use? Pro-tools?
I did some research and found this drawing was very close to the dimensions of the monitoring room(and area bass player,singer/guitar,and myself rehearse)


this drawing also helped

all I did then was put up a bunch of foam, filled the corners of the room with sleeping bags and pillows, and used this stuff on the corners , above the drum set, and behind the speakers. Its a certain kind of insulation.

I use cubase sx3 and record everyone live (about 17 inputs).
Firstly INJURY...very sweet "studio" recording toys. Props... Everyone be very careful using "egg crate" polyurethane foam on your walls anyone...its highly flammable. I had a friend catch his garage on fire just from a space heater radiant energy against one of those. Dont recreate the Great White club fire. FYI I see you are using Aurelex...thats good safer stuff. I spent hours calculating my acoustic treatments..and still have work to do (PIA!!) but i remember using eggcrate to treat some of the neg standing waves and bass build up in the corners with not much success in my old house. I'm building some Helmholtz panels and eventually going to put some clouds in the ceiling but my room is very recordable as-is, i just need to get some new mics. I love seeing other peoples studios!
I didn't add anything inbeween the walls but it really doesn't get too loud. We don't practice late either.
Injury you might want to put your speakers on isolation pads, as well as a drum riser. It will make a big difference in managing the bass and mids. Also you should use the rigid fiberglass boards hung off the walls instead of the Aurelex for reflections if you have the $$ to get more...but i'd use some of that Aurelex elsewhere. Cheap BASS corner traps??? Go to HOME DEPOT and buy the cellulose insulation in the rectangular bags. Pile those up in the corners and cover with whatever kind of treatment for looks.
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What're your favorite mics? I love SM58's. For instrument recording, they're wonderful, especially live recording. I love Neumann for vocals (I don't own one but the studio I go to to record a lot has one and it's awesome!!!)
And if you have one of those plexiglass screens you can even get at your local GC for dampening your drums, it'll be wonderful for live recording. I know when I didn't completely isolate drums, if you record live, the drums tend to bleed into other mics.

Also, +1 to 4tuneit1 for the isolation pads. They work wonders, again, especially with live recording.
What're your favorite mics? I love SM58's. For instrument recording, they're wonderful, especially live recording. I love Neumann for vocals (I don't own one but the studio I go to to record a lot has one and it's awesome!!!)

I used a SHURE PG setup for my drums..some Audio Tecnica for guitar.. i think a Nady for vocals..but i had all those stolen out of my truck:mad
WHAT!?! I hate thieves. Why must they steal the stuff we put our last monies into? :mad Anyway, sorry you lost them and hope you get your new set up quickly. I know how much it sucks to have something awesome in your head and not be able to record it and end up losing it...it sucks.
Thanks for the advice fellas! I struggle with where to put the insulation (I know it's the most effective) vs. where to put the foam (I have both pyramid and that other common pattern).

I do have the mopads under the monitors tho,here are more pics.

behind me (rehearsal space)...

cloud above drum set

bass player dude jammin with drummer (you can barely see him)


Guitar 1 - strat thru a mesa boogie nomad 100 head and line 6 cab (4 twelves) my bro's setup he sings and is rhythm mic'd via SM57

me - LP classic stock. Princeton Chorus (SS Fender amp SS) - just blew my Ultimate Chorus and I just picked up a fender stage 100 head to replace it; but still looking for a cab. Mic'd via SM57.

bass - Yamaha 5 string thru a Harke head driving (half) bass stack and another signal feeding a crossover driven by an Ampeg head to a 15" Ampeg sub. I mic'd the stack with a SM57 (i tell him he needs a d112) for one signal...a separate signal for line out...and the third and fourth signal are going to a line 6 bass pod. 4 channels recorded live on bass.

Drums - TJS custom, zildjen (sp?) top of the line brass, and Pearl hardware

snare top and bottom are both Sure SM 57's -

tom 1- SM57 but 2, 3 and 4 are all Seinheisser e604's.

kick - d112

I have is a room mic (far front corner of the room) a studio projects CS-1, same mic i use for vocal overdubs.

behind drummer is a single Octava mk319

Octava MC 012 overheads - left and right boomed down at an angle in front of set. First time recording this way.

so that's like 11 channels on the drums! I love it!

Tascam DM24, Motu 2408mkIII,(2)UAD-1,G5 dual 2GHZ PPC
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Its nice you have an angled ceiling...that works for the acoustics. You can also make rolling panels that can be pulled out and used to angle the back to front aspects of the room which should help. Its hard to get the sound right huh? Deciding on a live room feel or a more studio "pure" sound with less hard reflections....plus not waking the neighbors..lol
Its hard to get the sound right huh? Deciding on a live room feel or a more studio "pure" sound with less hard reflections....plus not waking the neighbors..lol


Thanks for the home depot bass trap insight. If I do that I'll have qty 6 more panels. Any arrangement ideas? What kind of riser would you recommend? I had mentioned this to my drummer before but he was not receptive as that room is not that high or wide. He says he already feels cramped.

Burning a good mix is really hard too!

btw - holy shit your setup is pretty friggin nice!

Thanks for the home depot bass trap insight. If I do that I'll have qty 6 more panels. Any arrangement ideas? What kind of riser would you recommend? I had mentioned this to my drummer before but he was not receptive as that room is not that high or wide. He says he already feels cramped.

Burning a good mix is really hard too!

btw - holy shit your setup is pretty friggin nice!

Oh shit i just remembered....i have extra Cellulose..lol If you want you can pick some up from me for free at my other house...or anyone here looking to make bass traps.

Ok so how are you doing your recordings? You doing drums seperately right? Since he's in his own cave..lol A drum riser might be not necassary, but it can't hurt. A simple drum riser made of wood with neoprene strips to isolate it where it touches the floor, and filled with 703 panels or the cellulose attic insulation would work. Alot of debate there, about how best to build one, but a few inches is all you need like 4"...just to get them off the floor plus if you go too high you might exacerbate the bass frequencies by creating a giant drum head..lol Cover the surface with carpet or non-slip rubber.

The 703 panels you have...are they 2"??
I'd be on picking that up real quicklike but i'm near Phoenix lol thanks tho.

I record everyone live via a MOTU 2408 mkIII. Everything is isolated (my amp is in the kitchen and my bro's amp is in the laundry room) except the SM57 in front of the Hartke top stack and the live vocals.

The isolated instruments get mixed on a Tascam DM24 and played pretty loud outta Event bas 20/20's. Sometimes I'll feed a little kick and bass thru a yamaha sub (it's what my monitor sets on) but usually not.

The drummer is the only one that has to wear some (isolation) headphones.

It's too much to type how each of that shit is mixed down in Cubase, I also usually try different methods for different songs. But feel free to ask anything specific.

Here a old pick of a drum booth I built at my bro's house when we recorded/rehearsed over there.

That set I did lift off the ground. I used some large cork stoppers and plywood.

When I tore it down I used the 2 large bottom pieces of wood (all the area covered w/rug and holding the guiars) and positioned them leaning against the wall on both corners behind my drummer.
So, have any of the folks with recording setups got anything they want to let us hear?
So, have any of the folks with recording setups got anything they want to let us hear?

I did...My truck was broken into and i had 3k worth of gear stolen including my cd's which i was planning on moving to the web...fack fack fack I hate Sacramento
I used to share a space a secret studios, one of the newer rooms, it was great to be able to go there and be as loud as you want. I had to give it up when I was between jobs, I got out before I couldn't afford it. wish I hadn't because in the end I got a job fast and could have kept it. I'll never find that good of a deal again I'm sure