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Musician thread

YouTube backing tracks are awesome. Yesterday I met a few of my girlfriend's friends and we were jamming, and it was all a little incoherent (having an electric cello, electric violin, wurlitzer and me on the guitar), but I put on this Portishead backing track through the PA and we were jamming hard af. It sounded so damn good haha. Yt backing tracks are frickin awesome for noodling
Back in the late 80’s early 90’s when I was performing in bars/house parties etc, I considered noodling a bad word and a waste of time. I had 2-3 new covers per week to learn and about 60 setlist covers that could always use some polishing. No time for that noodling shit man, I’m a busy musician!:rolleyes

But when I picked up the guitar again in 2018, after following the same “covers only” trajectory for a few months, I found that I had grown and wanted to have my own musical voice. That’s when I discovered the beauty and utility of noodling/improv. I fit improv into my work every single day. Over drones, over progressions, over backing tracks, or just freestyle.

It’s helped me immensely.
Just downloaded the Archetype Abasi update....sooooo nice!

I love those Neural DSP folks. Along with really useful cpu usage and noise gate updates, they’re all “oh, and here’s 90 new artist created presets for ya. Have fun!”
Just because you can doesn’t mean you should.

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Hey all, I haven't posted here before but I play the trumpet! I've played since middle school but I haven't seriously played or practiced since finishing undergrad. I'm looking for a community band to play with because I've realized that if I'm not in a group, I tend not to practice on my own, and I don't want to completely lose my mad 2nd trumpet skills.

I live in Oakland so I think my best option would be the Alameda Community Band, but it doesn't seem like their webpage is updated all that often so I'm wondering how active they are. Anyone know of any other local community bands I should look into? I'm not looking for anything super intense, just a chill environment that will prompt me to practice more.
Im not even an LP guy and that’s still tempting af, those covers are a total aesthetic improvement imo. But I gotta keep my powder dry. Looking to put in a Kiesel build this fall. Good luck!

And MaverickDude, wish I could help but I’m not germane to the area and brass isn’t my thing. Good luck to you too! Finding industrious, like minded folk to make music with can be discouraging but don’t give up.

Kinda rethinking my desire to perform again. Went to watch a friend(10x the musician I’ll ever be) fill in guitar for a high end cover band. They were all pros. Tight, mistake free, polished veterans all.

Playing for a bunch of piss drunks who wouldn’t know SRV from STP. I understand the musician is there make people happy, put some butts in the seats and help the owner sell some booze etc. But dang, the whole pearls before swine thing was palpable. Not sure I want to go back to that. Maybe I’ll just keep working on my little ideas here at home...
I'd like to play with some folks again, but I really hate hauling gear around and don't feel like buying a dual set of stuff again.
Yeah I think doing duo gigs at breweries with my girlfriend playing covers will scratch my itch for being on stage for a while. No perfection involved haha
Korn...Fractal Audio FM3 fits in your backpack and run it straight FOH. Done.

Kelso...wifey and I love date night. Sac’s a little far but ya never know.:thumbup

Another old band mate wants to record “Babe I’m gonna leave you” and asked me to do the guitar tracks. I’ve been faking my way through that one for years so I decided I’m doing this right and I’m going to learn it proper.

This is day one so there’s nowhere to go but up, but all those variations on the theme are straight kicking my ass.:laughing
Kelso...wifey and I love date night. Sac’s a little far but ya never know.:thumbup

Haha I'll let you know when we get a gig. Our set list is only at 4 songs right now and she wants to write some originals but we haven't really found our writing process together yet.

I went down to San Diego last week to help film the lady's new cello promo video for her wedding bookings. We got some amazing drone footage at the beach in Carmel and at the mission down in Oceanside.

On our way down to the condo in San Diego, we stopped at the guitar center on sunset strip. I geeked out on all of the history there. I saw David lynch leave the back room as we were walking in and I had a good discussion about this guy's Murphy lab guitar and he casually compares his new Murphy lab aged R9 to his original 59 burst (which is a $250,000 guitar). This week I came across a video of the guy showing off his guitar collection on YouTube and the dude is the legendary producer John shanks. That's the only reason I love LA. Rubbing elbows with crazy talented people.

While I was there, I bought a fender 57 custom champ 5watt little screamer tube amp. Sounded like shit at first and I had buyer's remorse but I am about 20 hours of play time into it and it has transformed into one of the best sounding amps I own.