ok, i was wrong

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That sucks for him and anyone who respected him for what he claimed. But what's the point in continuing to grind the axe. Certainly you have something more joyful in your life.

You need to draw the mobs attention away from this thread. The only thing that would get more attention that picking on the mentally handicap is a thread about tits and ass.

I give you .......Toxic Brittany

after his suicide thread i was pretty convinced he was making shit up, it was funny how that thread led to a him being a mechanic thread which i have no doubt made him a good bit of money playing off people's sympathies. At this point i have ZERO RESPECT for the guy and think he needs help, not only has he used people on this board but he has used the forum as well to profit off the lies he has told. this is no better then people who steal bike's cause when it comes down to it he's basically making people feel sorry for him and then using that sympathy for his own good:shocker:rolleyes

I actually wrote a long paragraph about what I think of this supernatural guy, but I decided not to post it.

Because... What's the fucking point..?
I'd just like to point out that I called bullshit on the original thread at the point where he grabbed the guys head and started beating it against the hood of the guys car. I mean, if I had a buck for every time some drunk told me a chuck norris story I'd be able to take poor old Tina to dinner. Twice.
finally, I got to the end of this thread .. damn, i started reading when it was 8 pages and now its on 13th .... fawk I missed the other thread, I read the first two pages but never subscribed to it ... :cry .... oh well ... IBTL .... :twofinger
I'd just like to point out that I called bullshit on the original thread at the point where he grabbed the guys head and started beating it against the hood of the guys car. I mean, if I had a buck for every time some drunk told me a chuck norris story I'd be able to take poor old Tina to dinner. Twice.
Wow! You're almost as much of a hero as that supernatural guy whose post I read the other day! :twofinger
Poor old Tina....


We all know Tina is a little odd.... but poor and old? Wow....

I'd just like to point out that I called bullshit on the original thread at the point where he grabbed the guys head and started beating it against the hood of the guys car. I mean, if I had a buck for every time some drunk told me a chuck norris story I'd be able to take poor old Tina to dinner. Twice.
I'd just like to point out that I called bullshit on the original thread at the point where he grabbed the guys head and started beating it against the hood of the guys car. I mean, if I had a buck for every time some drunk told me a chuck norris story I'd be able to take poor old Tina to dinner. Twice.

Dude, Scott, I'm not old til September, k ?? :cry :cry
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