ok, i was wrong

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Your all right. I get what I deserve. Pyscho, you are a bit%$ to me. But I don't want to see a R.I.P thread on ya. Think what you guys want. If I see you stranded on the road, ill still give you a ride
Yes, we've already read about how helpful you are with people in need. :|
Due to a recent lack of terror alerts, we have been bored at the agency, and really started getting into the Carnivore logs. Thankfully, it archived the last thread.

The freedom of information act is working in your favor today. You already thank us by paying way too much in taxes and giving up your rights to privacy.

But remember, we are ALWAYS watching.

(Oh, and we were never here.)

I AM a mechanic. And a fucking good one at that. Reguardless of how many people say I don't know shit, I have PAGES of people who got work done by me that can testify of my knowledge and quality. That's PROOF enough.

regardless of your intent, the image your trail of bullshit threads portrays to thousands of people that haven't met you is one if dishonesty. on thread like this, yeah sure call it a lark, a bad idea and move on. several threads on barf alone, and more on another forum... not so much.

the odds are slim that i'd ever have called for your mechanic services, however i bet there are more than a few that have seen your antics and will use them as the deciding factor in choosing you or someone else to wrench on their vehicle.

Drama drama drama.

OP: Your opology sucked as well as your attitude.

But look on the brighter side.

Ever think about being a novelist?
I only give what I get, you wanna take the juvenile route, you go for it, but dont expect to bait me into some name calling shitfest. Call me a bitch, I dont care. I've been called worse by better people.

You say I lack a life, yet I'm not the one conjuring up all the false tales of woe is me or I'm a superhero.

All I do is call you on your lies and bullshit, if you cant take it, then maybe you should just go.

You shit on everything good about this place and think that we should really accept your so called apology ?? Whatever dude, youre sorely mistaken.

The people I feel for are the ones that have taken you in as a friend.

I can only hope that you dont lie this much in person, unfortunately I dont think thats the case.

T...that is the most I've ever seen you say in one post You could have at least got 6 posts out of that!!:twofinger
I AM a mechanic. And a fucking good one at that. Reguardless of how many people say I don't know shit, I have PAGES of people who got work done by me that can testify of my knowledge and quality. That's PROOF enough.
The question is whether or not these 'people' exist outside of your mind. :rolleyes

The problem is that you didn't just have a moment of idiocy, wrote something that wasn't true then learned from the mistake. You have a clear and consistent pattern of making things up which points to a much deeper problem which is a valid reason to call into question anything that you say. Sorry, but that is the way the world works as well it should!
he LIED about a domestic violence episode where he looks like a hero?!??!

what an absolute canker sore of a human being.

I honestly don't know what's worse - that someone lied to give themselves a false sense of respect and adoration from an online community, or the vultures circling the corpse to make sure its absolutely picked clean.

he lied, it got found out. That sucks for him and anyone who respected him for what he claimed. But what's the point in continuing to grind the axe? Certainly you have something more joyful in your life.

Do you really believe everything you read on the internet?
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[QUOTE Do you really believe everything you read on the internet?[/QUOTE]

Yes I believe your 10 ft tall!
Speaking of Plagiarism, and for those who missed out on the now EPIC thread, this dude is also known as "halfbreed" on 600rr.net forum and got banned because he lied while tried to win the online contest called.... are you ready? ........ "The most embarrassing life moment " :rofl

Wow, just wow dude...


Copy of his Plagiarised text.

The Josh tries buttsex; hilarity does not ensue

I spent the summer of 2002 in South Florida. It was the absolute prime of my “do anything to get laid” phase. I was recently freed from a 4-year long-distance relationship that began in high school and I wanted nothing more than to have sex with as many girls as possible.

Most of the things I did that summer are not story-worthy; you can only tell the same, “I got drunk on Dom and fucked this hottie” story so many times before it gets annoying. That summer I experienced every random sex situation that a 20 year old can imagine: ******* on the beach, getting head from random girls in club bathrooms, sleeping with 3 different girls in a day, getting so drunk I passed out during sex, getting arrested for receiving fellatio in the pool at the Delano, blah, blah, blah…Jesus. What does it say about how fucked up my life is that I don’t consider these stories to be extraordinary anymore?
You didnt read that, you saw that...

So you believe everything you see on the internet. :twofinger

[QUOTE Do you really believe everything you read on the internet?

Yes I believe your 10 ft tall![/QUOTE]


  • 200px-A_Million_Little_Pieces[1].JPG
    34.2 KB · Views: 158
Dude, are you EVER gonna get off my nuts?
Every other post has you chasing my tail. Pathetic.

PS: Nice touch with the bold. Is that like the new allcaps? :laughing

it's all good dude ! BIG LOVE !

You know if your wheel fell off I'd help you go get it, unless it was too far down the canyon....then we'd drink beer and shoot at it ! :thumbup
You didnt read that, you saw that...

So you believe everything you see on the internet. :twofinger

Yes I believe your 10 ft tall!

I read it & seen it on his advatar before, He had said it! so HA :twofinger:teeth
He's kinda putting a bad name out there for the real Halfbreed that rides.
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