ok, i was wrong

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Your all right. I get what I deserve. Pyscho, you are a bit%$ to me. But I don't want to see a R.I.P thread on ya. Think what you guys want. If I see you stranded on the road, ill still give you a ride

that post has all the making of a Hallmark greeting card...:|
It's gonna pan out just fine.......

(blah blah blahbity blah)

..........I forgive him.........

(worship me, give me attention)

.......Expect the jokes to last a while, but this, too, shall pass ........................

(I am wise, follow me)

ANY chance you two could start your own forum.... a (REALLY) long way from here ??? maybe the "REALLY smart people who need some followers to admire our triumphs and yet acknowledge our victim status Forum " ??
Your all right. I get what I deserve. Pyscho, you are a bit%$ to me. But I don't want to see a R.I.P thread on ya. Think what you guys want. If I see you stranded on the road, ill still give you a ride

I only give what I get, you wanna take the juvenile route, you go for it, but dont expect to bait me into some name calling shitfest. Call me a bitch, I dont care. I've been called worse by better people.

You say I lack a life, yet I'm not the one conjuring up all the false tales of woe is me or I'm a superhero.

All I do is call you on your lies and bullshit, if you cant take it, then maybe you should just go.

You shit on everything good about this place and think that we should really accept your so called apology ?? Whatever dude, youre sorely mistaken.

The people I feel for are the ones that have taken you in as a friend.

I can only hope that you dont lie this much in person, unfortunately I dont think thats the case.
Your all right. I get what I deserve. Pyscho, you are a bit%$ to me. But I don't want to see a R.I.P thread on ya. Think what you guys want. If I see you stranded on the road, ill still give you a ride

Make sure you post it on BARF when you do!
ANY chance you two could start your own forum.... a (REALLY) long way from here ??? maybe the "REALLY smart people who need some followers to admire our triumphs and yet acknowledge our victim status Forum " ??

Dude, are you EVER gonna get off my nuts?
Every other post has you chasing my tail. Pathetic.

PS: Nice touch with the bold. Is that like the new allcaps? :laughing
gosh. i've REALLY missed barf, you just can't pay for this kind of entertainment. even on iTunes.

He provided some entertainment and manned up and apologized. That takes some balls so hey I think it pans out. We totally received a free meme from it.

I'd say the gist of his post is "fuck you if you don't like it." - that does not consitute an apology....

You can't say "I apologize...but"

It's all entertainment value anyway.... hell I still can't verify that Feanor is living a lie :twofinger
Everyone wanted a apology. I gave a heartfelt one. People want to still talk shit. Ok. No problem.

You suck worse at apologizing then you do lying.

It's not all BS. I'm sure I could personally confirm his mechanical work history, but I'm not making any calls to do so. I've seen a lot of resumes, and his experience and details are consistent with a lot of work experience in the mechanical field. I'd bet money he can work on bikes and cars.
Others have confirmed his active duty in the military, the only unconfirmed thing is combat. Again, I'd bet money on it.

Actually,regarding his resume,it was chock full of embellishments. It was given to a shop owner and good friend of mine when he was looking for a job and when phone calls were made nothing checked out. That was the original exception I took to the OP when he joined BARF. Whether he can work on bikes is irrelevant.:thumbup
I told ya's. He'd help you out.

Super - there was a thread about me that hit over 70 pages of me getting made fun of. It's all good. Just laughs.

Let's keep it just laughs, shall we?

After all - he played a prank on us and had a laugh at our expense. Now we're entitled to return the favor and have a laugh, too, I guess. But in perspective. No harmful wishes, please.

If I was him, I'd laugh along like a little brother getting picked on because it's his turn. This will be old news in the future, like everything else.


Please refrain from providing virtual reach arounds...that is all. :twofinger
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