ok, i was wrong

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With anonymous rep you can't get pissy little PM's when you give negative rep...like this little gem I got back in January...

Last time I posted this PM I think it was in the thread where people actually were believing him about going to Pennsylvania to get psychiatric treatment from army doctors or some bullshit, and they were all sympathetic and supportive. :rolleyes The thread was removed shortly after.

Exactly my point. Ironically it also prevents some psychopath from putting you on their grudge list should you give them negative rep.

One of the reasons I rarely give it out.
You got called on your Bullshit.

(IMO) You're less of a man for making up such a story.

Your credibility is SHOT on BARF.

Crawl into a hole and disappear already.

The original thread has been moved and is currently in the Recycled Bin.
Amen! can't help it, I am bored at work

Count me in on that as well. :laughing I'm sitting here waiting for my computer to finish some work for me and hitting refresh, read, refresh, read...

It's certainly added some drama around here for the last 24 hours.
You gotta admit, that's some good shit talkin'. :laughing
Only thing better would be a "smelly bum with big teeth".

"Must login. Wrong password."
:dunno It just won't work for me...
I missed the whole 8am-noon crowd. I'm curious how the rest of the public reacted.

I bet you, of all people on BARF, would not be laughing if you received that in a PM.
OK..this is bad.....HR just stopped by and gave me a little lecture about surfing at work.......and I'm the freakin' web guy......this damn "ass nut" is gonna get me written up with his antics.....

it's like a drug....or, at least a bucket of ice cream i can't stop eating.....please gawd....make it stop........i can't turn away.....

Psychochick did a little research into your past in other threads. No different then anyone else checking your facts.

It would be a shame for you to be exposed as a liar, and then suspended because you went after another person.

Don't go away mad, just go away.

Pyschochick. How about staying out of my threads and stick to making you T4M erotic service posts on CL.
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