ok, i was wrong

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Seriously...WHY was the original thread deleted?

Regradless whether it was a bullshit post or not, it is still censorship :|
Seriously...WHY was the original thread deleted?

Regradless whether it was a bullshit post or not, it is still censorship :|

yes it is, but censorship is not illegal and BARF never claimed it doesn't censor so whatareyagonnado?
Budman, the BarfGawd, moved it. The Mods have given him a couple of suggestions on what to do with the thread. Once we have a final decision, we'll post.

OP, heres to your violent aversion to all dem fgts, qu33r5 and all sorts of none heteros. (Since its been pointed out and you seem to dwell upon it so much)

I'll be your Huckleberry.


There comes a time when one must swallow their pride, step up and say they "Fucked up". The way you're going about this isn't putting you in a positive let alone redeeming light.

What you're recieving now is a typical reaction from the guys and gals of BARF, I wouldn't expect any less and I wouldn't want any less if I fucked up. Trying to avert our direction upon another through insults and poorly thought out subterfuge is in horrid taste and simply shows juvenile tact on your part.

You may be a good person in life, you may have the history to back up what you say. Good on you on that regard if its true, but you're going about this the wrong way.
Your all right. I get what I deserve. Pyscho, you are a bit%$ to me. But I don't want to see a R.I.P thread on ya. Think what you guys want. If I see you stranded on the road, ill still give you a ride
I told ya's. He'd help you out.

Super - there was a thread about me that hit over 70 pages of me getting made fun of. It's all good. Just laughs.

Let's keep it just laughs, shall we?

After all - he played a prank on us and had a laugh at our expense. Now we're entitled to return the favor and have a laugh, too, I guess. But in perspective. No harmful wishes, please.

If I was him, I'd laugh along like a little brother getting picked on because it's his turn. This will be old news in the future, like everything else.

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