taft means we can please our dual sport crowd …


what I enjoy most about BARF-style motel-destination-rallies. each of them is a pleasing dual-sport opportunity, if I take the correct bike.

need to follow Mr mean dad’s RZ 350 example and take my vintage bike one of these days, and make a BARF rally a pleasing vintage bike ride. w00t! :angel
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Did a recce drive in the 911 over highway 33 from Ojai to Highway 166 on Saturday, February 17. I had tried going over the 33 on the 1190 in January, but got turned back by the repair work. This time it was open, but there were 4 stoplight controlled one-way sections on the Southern side, 1 at the top, and 1 on the Northern side. All but 1 were less than 3 minutes stopped. One has signage indicating up to 15 minutes and I was stopped for 13 minutes. Traffic was light, the road was in decent shape other than the sections under repair. Fair amount of loose gravel and rocks on the roadway, sized from inconsequential to soccer ball. There has been significant rain in the couple days since then, so conditions may have worsened.

Pistachio stop in Maricopa - premium gas available there too. Not inexpensive, but good that it's there, so I'll buy..

Continued West on 166.

Tried for lunch at the Buckhorn in New Cuyama. The host pointed me to the counter since I was solo. A moderate sized customer mix of bikers and influencers seemed overwhelming to the bewildered staff, so I eventually wandered off back to the car without ever having seen a menu or any hint that the process would have been other than excruciatingly slow and frustrating.

Freed from the tedium of indifferent commerce, Highway 166 West to Santa Maria was lightly trafficked, lushly green and miles and miles of big, fast sweepers. Got back to Santa Barbara uneventfully (thank you Valentine 1!) before any serious rain started. A good day. I'll take a bike next time..
Pistachio stop. Is that the Nut company on highway 33?
I just called to confirm my Expedia reservation with the guy in Taft, and of course he couldn't confirm it.

We wound up re-booking with him, and I just got finished cancelling my Expedia.com reservation. :rolleyes

just did some quick math, and if I have to pay for four nights in Taft, it'll still be cheaper than two nights in Morro Bay. what's the old W.C. Fields joke?--"I once spent a year in Taft. I think it was on a Sunday." :toothless

anyway, still in for our BARF Pit Ho Taft Rally, 2024, if the stars align. pray for me. :laughing
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Santa Barbara Pistachio Company on Highway 33.


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what I enjoy most about BARF-style motel-destination-rallies. each of them is a pleasing dual-sport opportunity, if I take the correct bike.

need to follow Mr mean dad’s RZ 350 example and take my vintage bike one of these days, and make a BARF rally a pleasing vintage bike ride. w00t! :angel

would my transalp qualify as vintage? hmmm….
I just called to confirm my Expedia reservation with the guy in Taft, and of course he couldn't confirm it.

We wound up re-booking with him, and I just got finished cancelling my Expedia.com reservation. :rolleyes

just did some quick math, and if I have to pay for four nights in Taft, it'll still be cheaper than two nights in Morro Bay. what's the old W.C. Fields joke?--"I once spent a year in Taft. I think it was on a Sunday." :toothless

anyway, still in for our BARF Pit Ho Taft Rally, 2024, if the stars align. pray for me. :laughing

You inspired me to call, John. :laughing
He has my Expedia reservation. :thumbup
We'll see.

Hopefully, there are still some wildflowers along the way, and in the Carizzo Plain.
Road Closures

I really hope 33 stays open. It's a fun trip down to Ojai from Taft. :ride

Registered! :teeth:party:ride
Unfortunately, I will be moved out of state (hopefully) by this time, otherwise I would go to this. So, knowing nothing about the presumed spectacular and dazzling town of Taft, I pulled up "best things to do in Taft" and this picture was the first thing that came up. :laughing

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Makes sense to grab Thai food when picking up ammo. :laughing