Well looks like I'll be joining my first Barf rally! Been stalking things here for a while, now time to say hi I guess
Right on! :thumbup

You have access to the private forum now.

Look forward to meeting you.
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Kevin, what bike are you bringing? There is some amazing dual sport opportunities around Taft. I was thinking of riding down but now I'm thinking Beta.
Still undecided.

I'm at 97,000 and change on the Road King and I'm kinda wanting to get it roll over to 100k this summer so maybe the Harley? On the negative side I bought some new tires for it which I really don't care for. I need to get out and thrash the bike in some twisties to see if they're acceptable and I can live with them, or swallow the cost and replace them.
You know how much I hate to slow the pace of the group. :ride

Also there's been talk of vintage bikes at Weaverville so that means the RZ which wouldn't help the Harley's mileage so why not take the adv bike down south instead? As long as the weather stays dry beforehand I'm down for some fire roads and whatnot.

I might not know for sure until Thursday night, lol.
Wait, vintage bikes in Weaverville? But my TransAlp tops out at 70 and that is unacceptable on 96.

I mean, an excellent choice so that I don't exceed the posted speed limits. :gsxrgrl
A slow bike ridden faster than it should go is always a good time.
i’m guess i’m taking the transalp then.

note to self: bring rotopak.
I looked... I did not see it.

Did you sign your life away??
Ha, I posted in the thread that i was going, but forgot to register, duh..

Registered now :thumbup
All of a sudden, May is no longer booked solid for me. I wont know if im for sure in till the Monday prior when my boss approves or denies my time off...

But im registered.
All of a sudden, May is no longer booked solid for me. I wont know if im for sure in till the Monday prior when my boss approves or denies my time off...

But im registered.

:rofl NVM

I'm out. I have been summoned by the beast from the east (HQ in DC) for the last week of April and the first two in May. I will also have conflicts with Weaverville and Kernville.

Looks like this is going to be a 1 rally year for me. :|

See Y'all in Hawthorne :D
I'm 90% in. I have a room reserved at the Best Western, which is a little closer to downtown, and signed up via Eventzilla. Hopefully I can make it :ride