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Post / Chat whores post here (2024)

Mmmm coffee, so far not much motivation. I should get a workout in though. Maybe this afternoon?
Need a new helmet, tempted to try something different than the Arai XD, the new one, according to reviews doesn't leave much space between your chin and the helmet, and I already am close in the older version, so many choices...
i soon will be unloading the riding mower that @budman gave me and that @bikewanker was kind enough to deliver. :love

i have a headache and need a nap despite 7.5 hours of sleep.
Congratulations on the mower. We need one.
MRI on my shoulder a couple days ago. Fully torn rotator cuff.

Discussion are happening about whether surgery is a viable option or if I just start a pain medication regimen.
How'd you do that? I tore mine back in high school and my parents took me to a... Chiropractor. Suffice to say surgery was not offered and it, eventually, healed on it's own. As in years and years later. I can still cause it to flare up if I overdue it with weights in the gym otherwise manage to tweak the joint. Good times.
Wow Kevin, sorry to hear. Any chance it’s related to the accident last year?
MRI on my shoulder a couple days ago. Fully torn rotator cuff.

Discussion are happening about whether surgery is a viable option or if I just start a pain medication regimen.
dis.. terrible :( too many pushups?!?!?!?
Moto accident around 40 years ago (!) when a truck pulled out from side street without looking, went over the bars at +/-60mph
That started the shoulder issues.

Construction site incident about 20 years ago when I accidentally stepped into a Kevin-sized hole while holding a sheet of plywood, dropped straight down until the plywood stopped my fall. Would've been another twenty foot drop which would have sucked.
That exacerbated the shoulder issues and probably started the tear.

15 years of making assemblies at work by twisting/pulling wire ties finished it off.
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I remember when my shoulder went out.

I wasn't painful, it just...didn't work. My arm literally just flopped around.

Physical Therapy helped me.

My shoulder injury was from something very manly -- my cat. She would curl up on my shoulder on the couch, and I guess, eventually, it just gave out.
MRI on my shoulder a couple days ago. Fully torn rotator cuff.

Discussion are happening about whether surgery is a viable option or if I just start a pain medication regimen.
Moto accident around 40 years ago (!) when a truck pulled out from side street without looking, went over the bars at +/-60mph
That started the shoulder issues.

Construction site incident about 20 years ago when I accidentally stepped into a Kevin-sized hole while holding a sheet of plywood, dropped straight down until the plywood stopped my fall. Would've been another twenty foot drop which would have sucked.
That exacerbated the shoulder issues and probably started the tear.

15 years of making assemblies at work by twisting/pulling wire ties finished it off.
Well if you can get the surgery I'd think that's the move, my cousin got surgery for hers (admittedly she was like 30 or so) and was feeling great after a few months of recovery.
I tore my subscapularis slipping on a wet ramp and grabbing a post to stop my fall. Even got written up. Had surgery after a couple months with no regrets. Rode and crashed a couple months later so all was good! Dr. Kahn had video of the surgery on his website that I regretted watching prior to the knife.
I've been dealing with it for several years now, but the Taft rally sealed the deal. It escalated from discomfort to pain after a day of flogging the Road King and I'll be god damned if I'm gonna stop riding with aggression. :x