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Post / Chat whores post here (2024)

Make sure you drive safely on the way to the doctor and don't drink alcohol on the morning of the appointment.

(I'm sure he was just trying to be helpful since people put stuff off all the time, like my broken tooth I've had for a year...)
Can't you just yank it and put a chiclet in in its place? :toothless

I think a certain segment of the population completely doesn't understand the instant part of all these instant messengers. They're not called "throw something in the air for next thursday"- messengers, you know.

Much less, repeated twice, in a minute, via Siri.
eh I kinda guessed it's not you, but still. Tale of the Drasticly expoooooooooooooosed hands.


I think the CT are allowed to resell now, for some reason (?) but not sure.
Crap we are all ageing. Better than the alternative.

While on vacation I sprained my shoulder but I still have full mobility so I am getting PT at my gym. I see a chiropractor every week too. An adjustment can do wonders...
Make sure you drive safely on the way to the doctor and don't drink alcohol on the morning of the appointment.

(I'm sure he was just trying to be helpful since people put stuff off all the time, like my broken tooth I've had for a year...)
Make sure you don't wait to fix that broken tooth :twofinger
Good morning! Aches pains yuck.

Blankpage, how’s your cat?
Good morning! Aches pains yuck.
I remember my wife battling sciatica and she was beyond miserable.

Hopefully the body mechanics know what they are doing in your case.

My wife had to resort to acupuncture which actually worked for her.