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Post / Chat whores post here (2024)

in San Fran's case, it confuses it down to freezing and arthritis :(


lol we need realtime IRC with a password. (not like ...er what's his handle(anthony).. didn't set it up once)
Doc says a shot for my back, surgery for my shoulder.
Don't put off the surgery. I had two rotator cuffs totally off, had one reattached, and it hurt so bad that I kept putting off the other side. I waited so long, that the muscle atrophied, and can no longer can be attached. Lots of physical therapy gave me a useful arm, but it only raises to shoulder level. The pain that was associated with it is totally gone, so I'm semi-useful again. Oh well.
Got my Duc back from Lucy, going 20k between intervals is doable, but... not advised. It runs much nicer now :laughing
It might just be a caution, not an assumption.

My shoulder has been bothering me so bad and for so long now that I went to see my doctor and he told me that basically surgery is my only viable option at this point but what the hell does he know.

Oh shit a guy on the internet told me to listen to my doctor so I guess I better have the surgery after all.
My shoulder has been bothering me so bad and for so long now that I went to see my doctor and he told me that basically surgery is my only viable option at this point but what the hell does he know.

Oh shit a guy on the internet told me to listen to my doctor so I guess I better have the surgery after all.
Guess you’re a little cranky about it.
My shoulder has been bothering me so bad and for so long now that I went to see my doctor and he told me that basically surgery is my only viable option at this point but what the hell does he know.

Oh shit a guy on the internet told me to listen to my doctor so I guess I better have the surgery after all.
My boss had shoulder surgery a few years back and we were all like "THANK GOD." The pain had made him miserable. I have sprained both of mine multiple times. (Bicycle crashes and horses bucking me off). I am scared of what the future holds for my shoulders.

Hopefully, you heal up fast and feel way better after surgery.
Just seems presumptuous that someone feels the need to give me advice about what my doctor and I have already decided on.
Make sure you drive safely on the way to the doctor and don't drink alcohol on the morning of the appointment.

(I'm sure he was just trying to be helpful since people put stuff off all the time, like my broken tooth I've had for a year...)
Just seems presumptuous that someone feels the need to give me advice about what my doctor and I have already decided on.
Broadcast your medical issues on a public forum and you’re gonna get some of that.