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Post / Chat whores post here (2024)

Oh shit , dude stopped at a strip club with a work van :laughing , complete with decals I bet :)

Wooo wooo
Your uncle sounds like a cool dude, aside from the weird tool names
He was. Not to be too morbid but he was only 57 or 58 when he checked out. I've said it before but based on the ages of the men in my family died (dad, uncle, brother, grandfather) it's possible at 38 I'm already playing on the back 9 holes of life.

To liven things up more here's one of my favorite jokes.

Why did the chicken cross the Mobius strip?

To get to the same side.

PG&E employee here. There are some morons for sure. But generally, the most competent and hardworking group of people I have worked with are here. Eerybody loves to harp on them for "not maintaining their lines der herrr". As someone who until a week or two ago was working hard to get permits to maintain our lines, it isn't at all in PG&E's hands. There are times (more often than not) when we have to tell an agency to pound sand, we are removing these dead trees now because they are a threat and they have sat on our application for eight months without responding. Inevitably this results in a large fine, which we all get to pay (from our bill).

Let's talk about the cost of permitting. Forget about the hundreds of hours spent on identifying and trying to permit a tree removal. Just the permit fee alone to remove a tree (or several trees) in the coastal zone can run about $8,500. And then they say you need a separate permit for each parcel, and each application must have an engineering drawing with every tree's dripline, every rock outcrop, every tree height and size, etc, etc, etc and each application starts to run in the tens of thousands of dollars. Considering the number of these applications every year (dozens to hundreds) your anger is largely misplaced.

I managed to get Marin County to agree to not do this and exempt the veg management work. This single handedlly saved PG&E (and you guys) over a hundred thousand dollars last year alone. But when you consider we remove trees throughout the state, it makes you wonder how much is spent on these fees.

It's never as simple as "PG&E sucks". But go ahead and keep saying that if it makes you feel better. We'll keep working 7 days a week to keep your power on.
Figured I could live past 80, could blow a corner and cash my chips in on my next ride, ya never know so do the thing.
Welp, that's part of why I love motorcycles. Any day could be your last day.

Also why I have a peeve about friends that get into riding, have their first off or even remotely close, sell their bikes because they decided it's too dangerous. Like they just straight up ignored all my advice, especially that if you haven't made peace with the inherent danger of riding, you shouldn't be doing this. They're usually askholes. You want to ask me questions but you're going to do whatever you want anyway no matter what I say.

To be completely honest, during the pandemic when I started working from home, I was a bit relieved. Before then, I was riding to work everyday because my car was down. Commuting in Orange County was tipping the scales of risk/reward of riding to more risk and I didn't like that. Then I got back to riding because I want to not because I have to.
PG&E employee here. There are some morons for sure. But generally, the most competent and hardworking group of people I have worked with are here. Eerybody loves to harp on them for "not maintaining their lines der herrr". As someone who until a week or two ago was working hard to get permits to maintain our lines, it isn't at all in PG&E's hands. There are times (more often than not) when we have to tell an agency to pound sand, we are removing these dead trees now because they are a threat and they have sat on our application for eight months without responding. Inevitably this results in a large fine, which we all get to pay (from our bill).

Let's talk about the cost of permitting. Forget about the hundreds of hours spent on identifying and trying to permit a tree removal. Just the permit fee alone to remove a tree (or several trees) in the coastal zone can run about $8,500. And then they say you need a separate permit for each parcel, and each application must have an engineering drawing with every tree's dripline, every rock outcrop, every tree height and size, etc, etc, etc and each application starts to run in the tens of thousands of dollars. Considering the number of these applications every year (dozens to hundreds) your anger is largely misplaced.

I managed to get Marin County to agree to not do this and exempt the veg management work. This single handedlly saved PG&E (and you guys) over a hundred thousand dollars last year alone. But when you consider we remove trees throughout the state, it makes you wonder how much is spent on these fees.

It's never as simple as "PG&E sucks". But go ahead and keep saying that if it makes you feel better. We'll keep working 7 days a week to keep your power on.
That's all fair, Mike. We're in the same biz so I relate to you on that level.

To be clear, my issue wasn't with PG&E as a whole, just the specific project I was on and how it was being handled on our end.
There are 11 types of people in life, those who block, those who attack and those who don’t do anything.

Yeah? Yeeeeah? 👍
I suppose my PG&E comment was a bit flippant, mostly based on a friends experience waiting more or less a year to get power to their house with a lot of back and forth with them about where the box was to be placed (which changed) and how deep the drich was supposed to be (which also changed). On the upside I got to use a jack hammer 😆
PGE doesn't actually remove any trees as part of these recent waves of forest management, afaik. They hire the college kids from ACRT and the pudgy guys from some other place to come out and inconsistently mark them, then they all come through and mark them five more times after that because reasons, then Mountain Enterprises comes out and does the actual removal, then they come out again three more times because reasons. The Mountain crews have been pretty good, but a portion of the process does feel like a partial cash grab, like everyone's doing work, but it doesn't look very efficient at all, save for the endless fleet of $100k white Ford trucks, $250k boom trucks, and $1M crazy pieces of tracked forest equipment. That part they all seem to have down pretty well.
The one time I called PGE in a complete different environment, the 45-55 up dude was pretty good.
More importantly, arrived fast. . Complete moustache, the whole deal.

But yes, a whole blue truck, in the city, shiny and orange lights. Checked my gas leak ... I think twisted and tightened something... And said "we try" when I said “wow that was fast. “

So yeah, that was good :thumbup
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okay - what the fuck is up with the DMV? couple of weeks ago, i finally got the registration on my newest bike (almost six months later :rolleyes). i put the tag on but left the paper laying next to my helmet. i don’t pay much attention to it until i said i was going for ride, and i hear my SO laughing hysterically, and waving it at me. did you read this? they listed the make as ‘kawk’. it’s totally bringing out the child in him, and now i gotta listen to ‘you gonna ride your ___?’ and i’m sure it won’t be the last time. thanks assholes.
PGE doesn't actually remove any trees as part of these recent waves of forest management, afaik. They hire the college kids from ACRT and the pudgy guys from some other place to come out and inconsistently mark them, then they all come through and mark them five more times after that because reasons, then Mountain Enterprises comes out and does the actual removal, then they come out again three more times because reasons. The Mountain crews have been pretty good, but a portion of the process does feel like a partial cash grab, like everyone's doing work, but it doesn't look very efficient at all, save for the endless fleet of $100k white Ford trucks, $250k boom trucks, and $1M crazy pieces of tracked forest equipment. That part they all seem to have down pretty well.
The veg management program is an absolute shit show.
The DMV is similar to the dentist. No one likes going there but sometimes we have to.
I'm an open book man. Happy to give you my jaded opinion.
I'll PM you. Doesn't have to be today. Just really want to know your involvement and overall opinion being a different side of that whole effort (for lack of a better word).