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Post / Chat whores post here (2024)

okay - what the fuck is up with the DMV? couple of weeks ago, i finally got the registration on my newest bike (almost six months later :rolleyes). i put the tag on but left the paper laying next to my helmet. i don’t pay much attention to it until i said i was going for ride, and i hear my SO laughing hysterically, and waving it at me. did you read this? they listed the make as ‘kawk’. it’s totally bringing out the child in him, and now i gotta listen to ‘you gonna ride your ___?’ and i’m sure it won’t be the last time. thanks assholes.
The fact that it’s a kawk, is like 15 to 17 years too late from when an algae (actually, Valgar, but the ghost of Tim Apple Autocorrect Steve is haunting him) borrowed a 250 and screamed ‘kawk‘ with it on the freeway.

He made a thread about that. How it is a kawk.
Sshoulder surgery seems to have been a success.

Hardest part now will be forcing myself to be inactive for a week or two
Got movies or shows in your queue? Could be a good time to cross some of them off the list.
I do, and I ordered the Dark Tower series to catch up on some Stephen King reading.
Sshoulder surgery seems to have been a success.

Hardest part now will be forcing myself to be inactive for a week or two
Heal up well, friend. I hope quality of life is better once you are healed.

Happy belated, too. :)
I do, and I ordered the Dark Tower series to catch up on some Stephen King reading.
Word. Heal up, my friend. I didn't have to have surgery but I had a pretty gnarly shoulder injury from a crash at the track some years ago. Couldn't raise my arm beyond belt level.

Have fun using the other hand to do stuff. (Yeah, I went there.)
nice , congrats, good and easy healing!

I do, and I ordered the Dark Tower series to catch up on some Stephen King reading.

you can also try the local/county library and see if they have e-books and audiobooks. download download (Although if you're diligent, one book takes a while.)

in the land of the more unprepared people, I just cut a strand of wire shelving with 1ft long (small) wire shears. I hit one of my finger at the end so now I'm chilling.... will cut the thicker strands with a dremel.
Yeah, hate the dentist, more so when it seems like they are looking for a reason to drill for gold versus actually addressing anything of real concern.

I saw the sun for a moment so I am now at Zeitgeist "working" aka sending resumes off into the void...
Hey Gwynne, who is this Arthur Rogers guy and why does he think I am a Russian bot? I've seen some crazy before, but that one took the cake.