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Post / Chat whores post here (2024)

I would ask him to ensure he is not a nutcase.
I'm gonna give it one more week to see how he acts before I have a real talk with him.

If he doesn't like these living arrangements, blame your landlord. He didn't even try to introduce you to your potential roommates. Some of this shit so far is not gonna fly with me. I don't mean or want to be a dictator. He pays rent so it's his home as much as it mine. I don't think it's unreasonable to expect a new roommate to get acclimated to how things have worked in the house. If things need to be changed so we're all comfortable, so be it. Nothing wrong with that.

Even though I do enjoy roommates, my goal is to get back having my own place in the next year. But I'm thinking my rule for roommates is similar to dating women. No one younger than my little sister. This dude is years younger than her. I don't like living with a kid but I didn't have much choice in the matter.
Maybe talk to him and find some common ground? Seems like there is a fair amount of passive-aggressive behavior happening and quite frankly the whole scenario seems weird.
The new roommate... It's possible I'm living with a psychopath.

1st, we have a small trash can where we put recyclables before taking them down to the big can. I noticed the tops of my orange juice bottles were taken off. That seems weird. I didn't know until I was refilling our soap dispenser. I was shocked because there were two juice tops in the cabinet under the sink. Why would you take the tops of juice bottles and put them under the sink? And why did you take the tops in the first place when they were already in the recycling area?

Second, I noticed the small garbage can on the side of our bathroom is missing. I'm thinking, where did it go? I was taking out the trash earlier today and I see the small garbage can right by the big trash and recycling cans. I could not make sense of this at all. Was that trash can not okay? And if it wasn't, why the fuck did you just place it right next to the big trash can instead of just putting it in the trash?

The kicker on this is there was an Amazon package delivered for our other roommate and he brought it in the house but left it right where we leave our shoes on the floor at the front door. So... you saw a package that was delivered to someone in the house and your inclination is to just leave it there?

How many days are there til September 2025?

What the fuck are we doing here? Please check in me if I'm not triple posting the post whore thread to make sure I haven't been murdererd in my sleep by a crazy person.

I don't understand any of this.
I have a spare bedroom in Oregon.

Do you like cats?

Ok, why do we all have hats?! 😂
omg i am always feeling cute. this is perfect.

nate is rad. he did great work today and we’re stoked. 14/10. would hire.
I do appreciate those of you that responded to my current living situation.

When I lived in Santa Barbara, it was a house of 5. We were all within 3-4 years of each other. It was really fun. Acclimating to the house was pretty easy.

I'm ranting because yes it is annoying but if he's going to be doing dumb shit like he has been so far, I'm just going to keep living my life how I have been in this house. I've been here since 2018. I'm not inflexible but there clearly needs to be some common ground here. And I wish I didn't want to have to do this with a kid.

I will respect that he pays rent, this is his home too... He has the same rights to his home I do but maybe it might be a good idea to tell your roommates before you just go around changing shit in the house.

If he doesn't like it, blame your lazy landlord that didn't bother to introduce you to the roommates you'll be living with. And also blame yourself for signing a lease having never met the people you'd be living with.

Hopefully there's an easy solution. I know some of you have said talk to him. I get that. I'm not stupid. I want to keep living in a home without frustration. 7 days from now, I might have a different opinion.

In the house group chat, Eric asked where's the spatulas? And I had to find the scissors to open a package from Amazon. Because this kid decided he's just gonna rearrange the kitchen the way he likes it.

I have a spare bedroom in Oregon.

Do you like cats?

The last cat I liked would love to sit on my chest when I was sleeping and wait til I awoke and stare me in the eyes like she was peering at my soul. It was creepy. Wasn't my cat. A friend's cat.

I don't know if Jessica did or did not like me.
Perhaps he is in a public art class where they use bottle caps.

.he keeps them. .
.le Block
Up here in the howling wilderness, waste manglement vehemently denies recycling plastic jar or bottle lids.
Possibly he's being pro-active and green and all that mess.