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Post / Chat whores post here (2024)

Plus, construction is cheaper in areas where earthquakes are not a concern.
At least there isn’t a run on plywood at Home Depot when an earthquake is coming.
Not like there could be anyway since there's no way to know it's coming. There damn sure is a run on it afterward, though.
Dante's Peak says they know it's coming, but the people in charge are always stifling advanced warnings because they're more worried about local businesses than saving lives. Fucking seismologists.
just on time when I was going to say that Tenessee doesn't even touch the ocean...


I guess in the eastern third of the country
I have to be tested for TB tomorrow :wtf remember that kidney infection? The ear aches? The fatigue? Etc etc doc has me on the radar now which is good but not a fan of poking and prodding.
I had one like thirty years ago and they jammed this weird sharp thing into my forearm. It was a grid of pokey things, like 3x3 or 4x4 or something like that, then after some period of time they look for a reaction. What was weird was that every once in a while I'd get what looked like a mosquito bite in that same spot. Don't think I've seen it for a while now though. I asked about it years later and they were just like, "hm, so anyway...", but it always struck me as odd. I'll be curious to hear your experience with it.
yeah testing for TB is just a mosqito bite thing, but that's just the preliminary test . Not painful. The real check is a chest X-ray