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Post / Chat whores post here (2024)

pfffft. stop overthinking things.
While I don't think anyone would stop us from drinking in the gym, I am pretty sure that would not be conducive to a good workout...
she's right.

on the bleedin edge of not overthinking, I suggest carrying a protein bar, buying a strong IPA and then just dropping the bar in it and waiting for it to melt before you drink it..

... and yes I just came up with that just as I always do when I have to tie-down something on my roof rack, etc etc. :D
I'm torn between cleaning the entire house so the people who are cat-sitting don't see the squalor we raise our children in... And not giving a fuck, relaxing and reading my book, maybe even napping while the twinz nap and call my adulting done for the day.

Laundry is done, dishes are done, bottles are sterilized...

I deserve it.

No, in fact, it's expected of me.
My neighbors would like to wish you happy 11:22 on 9/26... A Thursday!!!!

Not sure why the firework show but it's only like 8 or 9 houses down by the cheers.
Mine is still hanging because... Well because it can.

I'll be curious how long I can line dry clothes if it's not actually raining. I'm guessing through December.
Koi's twinz will be adults by the time I figure out how to get the portable baby prison out to him. Don't ask about the italics to lazy tofix.

WTH you run out of coffee often. (Want me to give you some from my two pounder Amazon lavazza espresso Italiano subscription?!?:rofl)

Dunno how everyone is feeling , I'm feeling pretty crappy that I haven't walked out of the house much ,...now making some grubs for lunch. :dunno

PS Hi Melissa
And I'm out of coffee, might have to acquire more for that shakey energy :laughing
