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RZ350 re-frame... classic 2-stroke gets modern upgrade

I think it is amazing that you are not just building a one-off, but rather building everything in multiples with an eye towards short run production. Are you taking deposits on the finished beasties? Go Fund me ?
I think it is amazing that you are not just building a one-off, but rather building everything in multiples with an eye towards short run production. Are you taking deposits on the finished beasties? Go Fund me ?

Not taking deposits yet. I need to get the current batch of three frames finished and then decide if I still want to make more. In two weeks I'm planning to bring the prototype and the gen2 chassis (even though not finished) to the 2-storke Extravaganza and see what type of reaction is created. Since the folks at this event will be closest to having my target market all in one place, I'm hoping it will be a good way to judge the demand for further duplicates of the frame.

I also need to get this batch completed so that I can do some rough estimating on price points vs. the build effort. Even without solid prices determined, I've had a few folks already express interest... but as we all know, talk is easy.
This past weekend only saw one day of work being done on the RZ project. Saturday was Mrs. Frame Maker's birthday so we went to one of these places that lets you throw axes at the wall. Gotta say it was very fun and good way to get out some stress in the process.

Sunday I was back on the frame, but kept my to-do list a bit on the moderate side. But first I'll mention this. Remember the supplies and odd stuff that was being gathered a few weeks ago. Also on that list was to get some type of sturdy work table on which I can model the new tail. I found this nice Husky brand work bench at Home Depot. It has adjustable height, and two thin drawers. Perfect size for my small office/studio space, but just big enough for the modeling board on which the tail buck will be built.

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Sunday's activities started with welding 6mm threaded bungs (that were made a few weeks ago) onto the top gussets. The threaded bungs are where the front tank mount attaches.

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Next is to weld the upper and lower gussets to the frames. Only two frames were far enough completed to receive these. The third frame will need more welding before the gussets are added.

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While in welding mode, I added the upper sub-frame tabs using the fixture that was made last week.

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Next up was to construct a simple fixture that will be used for locating the left exhaust hanger tabs.

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Last on the list for the days work was to shorten the swingarm pivot inserts. These were made intentionally long so that they could later be trimmed to fit specific swingarm widths. So trimmed to fit a TZR 3XV swingarm which will be installed (temporary) for the 2-stroke show coming up.

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And that was Sunday's progress.:thumbup
The 2-Stroke Extravaganza is just a week away, so this weekend's effort was primarily on prepping for the show. On Saturday I did a little bit of fab work which included adding a battery box and electronics tray to the new sub-frame on the prototype bike. I did some machining to make stand-offs for the new radiator shrouds, and machined the swingarm pivot plugs to size. Also machined wheel spacers to fit a matching GSXR rear wheel into the TZR swingarm. I doubt if I would use a 5.5 width wheel on the finished bike, but I wanted the wheels to match cosmetically for the show. This was the quickest solution and does demonstrate that a 5.5 wheel *could* be used.

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I screwed up and wasn't thinking when I mounted the battery box putting under the front seat support. The battery would have fit perfect, but no way to install it. Opps! Luckily there was just enough space between the seat support and tray, so had to re-mount it. Anyway, battery fits now.

Sunday was a day of assembly for both bikes. The prototype needed to have the battery and electronics re-installed, and pipes mounted. The gen 2 bike was completely apart and needed to be re-assembled.

On Saturday some carpet fiber parts arrived from my favor laser cutting vendor, although I believe these were cut on a router.

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I really like the way the shrouds look. They add a nice detail, and bit of black. Hopefully they function to keep airflow passing into the radiator.

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The matching GSXR wheels also look nice. I'm very happy with how the bike is coming together!

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Both bikes are ready for the show. Still a work in progress, but I think they tell a good story.:thumbup

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Stay tuned for a report from the Extravaganza next week:party
Impressive. It's also always amusing to see a rolling chassis without the engine, it just looks so empty.
Yesterday I found out that we have a pair of vehicle scales at work. So today I brought the prototype to work to measured the weight. These are 5000lb capacity scales with 5lb resolution. They round off to nearest 5lb increment. So the total accuracy is +/-2.5lb x 2, so +/-5lb total weight. When I first built the prototype last year I weighed it using a crappy bathroom scale and total weight was 285 (wet with partial tank of fuel). That seamed too low, so I always assumed the crappy scale was off.

Today's measurement was 155lb front and 135lb rear, total 190 +/-5lb... so 285 might be accurate. :dunno

The front/rear bias (as measured today) is 53%/47% (with some degree of error) so I'm happy with that as well.:thumbup

Image from iOS (1) by andbike, on Flickr

Image from iOS (2) by andbike, on Flickr
I just stumbled onto this thread. Wow! I don't have time to read everything but the pictures speak volumes. Beautiful work!
Every time I look at it and stumble because of all the work involved. :wow
I don't have a progress update this week as the weekend was spent traveling to the 2 Stroke Extravaganza in southern California. My traveling companion, Ken, did an excellent show report found here (about half way down the page) https://www.bayarearidersforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=340781&page=343

I'd also like to thank Ken for providing his amazing transport rig and his skillful driving getting us safely to and from the show.:thumbup

Here are a few of my own show photos. Hopefully self explanatory...

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Hi Ken :wave

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Some bikes...

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You don't see these everyday...

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How about an FZ-07 with Banshee engine transplant. It was very well done!

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When I was 16 I asked my parents if I could sell our dirt bikes and buy my first street bike. This is what I bought and thus began my 2-stroke addiction...

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I guess drag racing scooters is a thing!

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and Best Of Show:party

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Thanks for the pictures. I gave up smokers a long time ago, but still like to look. Hmm, I think I know where there is a waterbuffalo in a garage. Hmmm.
Thanks guys! I really appreciate the props :thumbup

After following this thread for an age - I thoroughly enjoyed seeing both your bikes at the two stroke extravaganza. Amazing work! They were more full sized in the flesh than I was expecting (more R6, than TZ250.) Look forward to more updates. Cheers!
After following this thread for an age - I thoroughly enjoyed seeing both your bikes at the two stroke extravaganza. Amazing work! They were more full sized in the flesh than I was expecting (more R6, than TZ250.) Look forward to more updates. Cheers!

My bike builds tend to be a little on the tall side, and along with R6 tank and seat I can see why it looks more R6-ish. However, I'm hoping the handling will be more TZ. Anyway, glad you enjoyed seeing the bikes at the show:thumbup
I'm running a little behind, so here's my Friday, Monday update...

Shop time was very short this past weekend, but goal was to prep for another round of welding with Master-D. Started by making some temporary bosses so that the torque plate could be mounted to the engine. Then with the torque plate in position I could use that to fixture the mounting bracket to the mid-frames for welding.

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Then spent a few hours on Sunday making 3 sets seat supports. These are now ready for sub-frame builds in a few weeks.

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Later in the week I took half day off work to visit the welding master for some of his magic.

First mid-frame ready to be tack welded. Note the support fixture for the exhaust hanger bracket.

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Magic happening here!

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And three mid-frames are done!

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Coming up this weekend is a tricky, but very important machining operation on the main frames. Fingers crossed that it goes well.
The goal on Saturday was very simple... make the steering head bearing cups round. Simple goal, but not so simple process.

To start, I needed a way to securely hold the frames while taking a VERY light cut with a boring bar without making the cup diameter too large and scrapping the frames in the process. The cups started out round and the correct size for the bearings to press fit, however after all of the welding the cups have distorted slightly and need a "skim cut" to clean up and get round again.

Step one was to tighten up the gibs on the mill. I don't want anything moving during this operation. Step two was to make a holding clamp...

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The next step was to get the frames securely clamped. Then with the boring bar disengaged (so it could spin freely) the frame was carefully positioned so that the boring bar would just cut the high spots on the inside diameter. When I was satisfied that I had the frames in optimal position the boring bar was reengaged and a cut was made.

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The bores look nice, and if you look close you can see where the cutter removed material and where it didn't. Like I said, it was a VERY slight amount of material to remove.

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Final check was made with some fancy tools that only come out for special occasions:party

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On Sunday it was back to welding. The rear of the frames needed some welds finished, so just wanted to make some progress there. In particular, the rear hoop that the shock mounts to need to be welded all the way around where it joins the main frame tubes in preparation for gussets to be added (hopefully this coming weekend).

I'm not the greatest welder, but these will have to do.

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Two frames getting very close to completion (third frame is still tacked only and will be completed later).

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The dude has design skills, big giant fancy machines, and the brains and know-how to make it all work.

Tricky process there Julian. Nice work.