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The Awesome Videos Thread!

Moving to the other end of the car-love spectrum, now this:

In which this Finnish dude decides to strap 66 lbs of dynamite to his Tesla and finish it off...
Worthless dog. :)

"Oh, they're just stealing Dad's classic car. Nothing to see here. Where's my bone?"

Looks like everyone in that town is filled with copious amounts of spare time and energy, so probably no real crime to speak of. Or the family doesn't mind dropping some serious coin on a restoration as a surprise gift. Good for them :)

Oh, and it still got me. Nice one.
Speaking of The Good The Bad and The Ugly, check this out (if you'd like to get some culture with your Clint):
Honestly, I find them both hard to watch. I never cared for the style, just find them slow and boring, and zooming in on sweaty faces was never something that really grabbed me.
That was pretty cool. It put a smile on my face this morning. Thanks for posting.

Speaking of The Good The Bad and The Ugly, check this out (if you'd like to get some culture with your Clint):
I don’t know if this is up to the level of awesome, but it got a snort out of me.

Honestly, I find them both hard to watch. I never cared for the style, just find them slow and boring, and zooming in on sweaty faces was never something that really grabbed me.

Well, I'm biased because I like these film.
But, that "Slowness" might be coming from watching the film that were produced in the 70s today.

I was watching "The Killer Elite(1975)" the other day

and, I was kinda surprised that it's over 2 hours long.

I haven't seen that film long, long time.
But I don't remember feeling it was that long.

Now, "Yojimbo (1961)" by Akira Kurosawa, was an hour and 50 min.

"A Fistfull of Dollers", which is essentially based on "Yojimbo", is an hour and 40 min.
I don't find them to be slow, or boring. But then again, I am biased.
70's certainly had a different style.

I was pretty surprised. Other day we watch Bullit. The time I saw it before, I didn't care so much for it. I mean, car chase, yea, yay, I prefer the chase in French Connection, but, you know, it's cool event.

But I liked it much more this time. Just the way it was shot, etc.
This is my favorite version of "The Good, The Bad, The Ugly" :teeth Every bit as cheezy and tongue in cheek as the movie

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Based on Jack Higgins classic novel, the movie "The Eagle has landed" is now on Youtube, for free.



I'm more of a fan of the original novel.
My favorite scene (in the novel) is, near the end of story, when Steiner says to
Devlin," this is where we say good-bye."


"I already have and lost it in finding."
Liam Devlin, answering to Lieutenant-Colonel Kurt Steiner, saying
“May you find what you are searching for, my friend."
What he (Devlin) means by that (have found and lost) is Molly.
But, then again, he knew it from the beginning it's going to go that way, because of him being what he is.
Anyhow, worth watching, even if you are not into Jack Higgins, or WW2 movies.
I always confuse this one with "Where eagles dare". At a glance (i.e. the poster) they look the same.
This thread consistantly delivers!!

This one is just so off the wall it must be shared.

That was cool. That channel is quite interesting. I'm going to watch a bit more there. Thanks.