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The official Barf UFC/MMA thread

Well I saw the official judges score card and it was pretty much the 4th round that Won it for Lawler.

R1 was given to LAwler

R2 was 2 for Hendricks and the one judge that scored it 49-46 gave it to Lawler

R3 was given to Hendricks

R4 is where the debate is at. @ judges gave it LAwler which gave him the win. Did all that damage he dished out in the last 15-20 seconds give him the round?

R5 was given to Lawler
I think it was to close to call and usually it that happens... The judges give it to the champ. Because in order to be the champ you have to beat the champ by a good margin. Anyways, Hendricks needs just to step it up. His last three fights were close and could of gone either way. Being 5'9" and walking around at 215 doesn't help. His fat ass needs to stop eating and build is cardio so he can concur 4th and 5th round. I think I read some where that Dana(even though he been MIA after the fight) said there will be a rubble match and McDonald has to wait some more.
I didn't really think Lawler had it and was surprised at the decision but frankly if you're just gonna try and lay on a dude with 1:30 left in every round you deserve to fuckin lose. I was excited about this guy before he was the champ and have been less and less of fan since he decided to adopt the GSP wet blanket style. He walks around @ 215 and plays golf when hes not in camp then struggles to make weight. He just isn't really champ material, especially in such a talent loaded weight class.. Rory up next..
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Didn't see the main card, but the undercard was ok. Too bad about the Uriah eye poke, didn't even see it at first, happened so fast.

Samman head kick was pretty rad. :D

Glad Lawler got the belt.
I didn't really think Lawler had and was surprised at the decision but frankly if you're just gonna try and lay on a dude with 1:30 left in every round you deserve to fuckin lose. I was excited about this guy before he was the champ and have been less and less of fan since he decided to adopt the GSP wet blanket style. He walks around @ 215 and plays golf when hes not in camp then struggles to make weight. He just isn't really champ material, especially in such a talent loaded weight class.. Rory up next..

Yeah hendricks basically is a fast food lover with a gut before he cuts down lol
Yeah hendricks basically is a fast food lover with a gut before he cuts down lol

The pictures rolling out of him leg humping are amaze :laughing


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He needs to stop weighting 210+ between fights if he was really serious about holding the belt for awhile.

Luckily he has Mike Dolche there to bullshit him into fighting weight :party

(Insert: 181 embedded where Hendricks is shaking uncontrollably just like before the last fight)
I swear they need to change weight classes to include out of comp weight testing with certain requirements. Like you can't be beyond 20 over the class.
Luckily he has Mike Dolche there to bullshit him into fighting weight :party

(Insert: 181 embedded where Hendricks is shaking uncontrollably just like before the last fight)

He's too short to do much at MW and letting himself be too fat for WW. I had some hope when he came in to weigh ins with visible abs. But then showed up on fight night with instagut again. Why can't he keep his shit in check? I mean, DC jokes about chicken and popeyes but he doesn't have problem making weight and keeping his gas tank.

I swear they need to change weight classes to include out of comp weight testing with certain requirements. Like you can't be beyond 20 over the class.

I'm not even for that. If you want to be a blimp in the off season and show up on fight not with subpar cardio, that's on you. I mean, if you can cut that much weight and still be effective, more power to you. If you can't then stop gaining so much. He's had this issue before.

Anderson cuts a pretty decent amount of weight but he's not 5'6". Being that short and walking around that heavy to fight at 170 is just not smart.

Or if you were a real badass mofo, you'd be like Frankie Edgar, pretty much cut almost nothing at all and still be sending contenders to the back of the line.

I'm just glad Lawler won to silence all the 'experts' who were like, "well Hendricks won last time with a torn bicep so with two good arms this time, he'll beat Lawler even worse."
Can someone tell me the last time a title changed hands via a split decision?

(Excluding Benson Henderson/Frankie Edgar.)
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After watching again I can see how the judges gave round 1 and 4 to Lawler. Hendricks was doing a lot of crotch sniffing. Hendricks even said in the post fight interview he has to choose between food or the belt. lol. I'm the same height and built as Hendricks, 5'9", and walk around at 180 no problem. I barely exercise. I just keep a 1500 calorie diet. Fucking easy.

CM Punk said he will probably fight at Middle Weight.

Where the fuck did Dana go? Did he had to do a vigorous jerk off saying, "Fucking Judges! FUCKING JUUUUUDDDGES!!!!!"
i'm glad lawler got awarded the win- he got outstruck in rd. 2, fell asleep in rd 3 and 4 was a tossup, but he won 1&5 clearly and hendricks just plain wall and stalled for WAY too much time. glad to see that go unrewarded, because it's bullshit. i also don't think hendricks should get an instarematch, because the first fight was even closer and deserving of being called a draw, if not a win for lawler.

really like to see these fights judged a little more like pride. wrestling has a big place in the sport, but you HAVE GOT TO ADVANCE POSITION. period.
Rener Gracie asked a funny question the other day. When guys stall standing up, or run or circle, why not restart them down? Lol

I agree johny was wall and stall way to much. You have to advance position.
Joe Rogan rips Brendan Schaub and tells him to hang his gloves before he gets any more brain damage. It was on "The Fighter & the Kid" podcast.

Travis Browne was saying in the post fight that he was teasing Schaub towards the end of the fight...