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The official Barf UFC/MMA thread

I'd be down with that. Jones is too big of a liability. Dude can barely be trusted to show up, can't carry a PPV by himself, has a whole list of past legal troubles and is possibly the least liked champ ever. Take his belt, suspend him for at least a year and make him earn it back.
Leave Jonny alone!

jon jones clearly has a significant substance abuse problem that seems to be growing. hes spiraling badly

I actually feel bad for him. dude is on course to hurt himself and others. hes already a few near misses, having caused multiple accidents.
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arrest warrant officially issued for Jones just now

the woman he hit suffered a broken arm, and leaving the scene of an accident that has injury is a felony in NM

in addition the eyewitness that pegged him was an off duty cop. not good luck
Kenny florian said he should be stripped of the title

Totally agree. Man, this guy has got away with so much shit. Should toss him in the clink for 6 months, strip his title, suspend him for a year, pay the lady a half mil or so for her trouble, suspend the Reebok sponsorship and maybe he can think about shit for a while. Maybe he'll have some time to pull his head out of his ass.
Jon jones is the kind of person who gets high, injures a pregnant woman and wrecks a bunch of other peoples cars and runs away, but comes back for a minute to grab his stack, even though he's got millions in the bank!

Fixed. :laughing

Yeah, damn, not a hater over here but goddamn what a fucking supreme douchebag.

They should strip his title and suspend him for at least 6 months, imo.

I bet Dana won't do shit. :mad
SUPREME douchebag.

Was probably high and/or drunk, so he bolted and laid low for a while to come down/sober up and call his lawyer, Dana and Lorenzo. Already has a DUI history, so he couldn't afford another one o' them.

Probably grabbed the cash because, typically if drugs AND large amounts of cash are found together, it is assumed that the money is drug money and will almost certainly get confiscated, PLUS they could probably ding you with intent to sell/distribution or some shizz like that.

So, running may have helped him get out of two very serious charges. Maybe. Tho hopefully the fleeing thing will not be look upon kindly. And then his lawyer makes this all sound like a minor inconvenience to Jones. :wtf I get that he has to protect his client, but he just made Jones sound like an even bigger douche.

IF the fight goes on... I dunno what to say. I have cut way way back on PPV's (I think I bought one last year, used to get them all before TV saturation and the addition of nine billion fighters I don't GAF about), but have been thinking about getting this one due to its relatively stacked nature. Tho the last Jones card turned out to suck bawlz. Tho Weidman/Vitor? Hmmm. And the New Rumble can KTFO anybody. But now? I hated putting any money in Jone's pocket before this, I just don't think I can do that at all any more unless there is some real change in this guy.

Not saying pro athletes should be Clark Kent or whatever or that I really give a crap about most of their personal lives, but this guy... man, this guy.

I've been victim of hit n' run drivers twice and luckily I got away unharmed (tho my poor vehicles didn't fair too well), and I cannot describe how pissed off I was when it happened. And to do so to a pregnant broad? Not that he'd have known, but holy shit... not checking out your victim??? Hardcore asshole move. HARDCORE.
Just to elaborate, one of the times I got hit, I was spun sideways and was lucky not to roll. The asshole who hit me hit me HARD and his car was probably mutilated, too because his oil was all over the side of my truck. And that bitch ran. Did not stop. Probably did not get all that far, but far enough. I could very well have been seriously injured and dude obviously did not give one fuck. Not one fuck that I could have potentially died simply because he was driving like a raging asshole and didn't want to own up to his mistake.

Can't describe the feeling. Couldn't imagine what this chick was/is feeling. Jones, in my mind, is a supreme bitch. I don't give a crap how well he fights, that dude is a straight up bitch.
You know what's crazy. This was felony and he almost killed a pregnant woman and left her to be with zero fucks and his bail was only $2500!!!!!!