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The official Barf UFC/MMA thread

I really want Mir to win, but i think Jr will

Frank is 8-2 in his last ten fights. Dont know he gets little respect
Cain over bigfoot since Cain is faster.
JDS vs Mir...dunno. Mir may win if he can successfully shoot on JDS within the first minute. If not, JDS' punchy punch for the win.

I will miss the fight, have to be at a wedding :(.
mir basically called his shot, said he isnt going to shoot, but get in the clnch, pull gaurd, and as JR tries to escape and get up, grab his ankle, and snappy time
If it ends in the 1st round it will be JDS by KO or TKO. If it moves past round one it could go either way.
Great card!

Cain looked impressive!

So what did Miller do in the locker room to get himself booted out of the UFC?
Cain fucking murdered silva!

I'm wondering the same thing about miller. He's been very unimpressive in his re turn
Silva kind of resembles Andre The Giant, no?
I dislike CB Dolloway and it seemed that Miller knee was inadequate. Fight sucked.

The dude who returned after being out of the ring for 5 years beat the guy w/10-0 record! I thought that was a great comeback.

Poor Frank.
frank just didnt have it. frank is the best of the rest. cain, JR, ovreem, then a big gap to frank. I really like frank, but dos santos is just better.

when dan hardy knocked that did out I was jumping around screaming.
truly a great moment!
He's very likeable and it will be cool having him back in the ranks, working his way up.
Did I call it or what? Great card all around. The fighters who impressed me the most were Struve, Big Country, and Varner. Glad to see Hardy back in form. I hope he can keep it up. He shoulda and could won against Lytle. Anyways, best card in a while.
Did I call it or what? Great card all around. The fighters who impressed me the most were Struve, Big Country, and Varner. Glad to see Hardy back in form. I hope he can keep it up. He shoulda and could won against Lytle. Anyways, best card in a while.

Yeah, you called it bigtime dude! Nicely done. :thumbup

I utterly failed when I said:
Cain is over rated


He didn't appear over rated at all. Bigfoot ain't no joke.

I too was so pleased to see Hardy pick up a win. I have always loved that guy. He's always down to fight...whoever wants to fight. He's got fighting passion.

I swear that left hook he has is so fucking gorgeous. :wow It's like a fucking De la Hoya hook. What a weapon that thing is. He does a little jabby shrug-fake, and then unloads it right on the side of your face. And, it's so short and tight!! Excellent boxing from that guy.

If he can straighten out his ground game a bit he can really be a threat. He went 5 rounds on his back against GSP and looked like he was totally unhurt. If he can turn that into offense he'll really have something.
I have to say, I don't think people are going to find it easy to take down Jr. His td defense is about the best in any division.

Also, I think people are going to find that if they do get him down, they might be the one with a broken arm. Jr. is a BBJ bb as well. We haven't seen it yet, but I would like to see what he could do on the ground.

EDIT: And HURRAY for Big Country. Dude fucking brings it. Can't get my head around why Dana dislikes him so much. Chriminy, get off his fucking back Dana, ya douche.

We need guys like this in MMA. He marches to his own drummer and Dana wants him to shave his head and beard. RESPECT THE MULLET.
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as far as I know, JDS is a brown belt.

his boxing looks great. I still think overroid beats him, but until then, he rules. no one else is goig to beat him. should cain gtet a rematch? not in my opuinion. he was deciively destoryed by JDS. hes gotta win more than one fight.
Anyone see the TUF finale? I thought it was so-so overall, tho there was a gnarly KO.

What I did notice is that a lot of guys throw winging hooks and not much else. Work on your boxing, doodz.