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The official Barf UFC/MMA thread

Watched that whole Paul heyman interview the other day.

Can't believe he almost bought strike force!
so NASC says they wil fine sonnen 500K if he does the metomoris no gi grappling match this weekend

sonnens lawyer says the NASC has no jurisdiction for a non striking grappling match held in california, sens letters askng for clarification, gets no repsonse

chael tweets today "when a gangter says hes going to make the walk, he makes the walk"

sonne, youre the man :laughing
It's fucking stupid for NSAC to even try to stop him. They really don't have any jurisdiction over him participating in Metamoris.
Nope. Jones is champion and has been for a long time. He can talk all the shit he wants.

even this? :wtf


“It’s going to be intimate,” Jones practically purred, using the same word he used during a SportsCenter appearance on Monday in describing the brawl.

“And passionate,” Cormier added, using another Jones descriptor from Monday.

“I’m going to make you my wife,” said Jones, taking the conversation in a strange direction. “You’re going to be Mrs. Jones for the night. I’m going to rub on that big ol’ belly and you’re going to like it.”

“It’s going to be right in your face,” said Cormier. “I’m going to put it right on your face. I’m going to smother you with my big ol’ fat belly.”

With that, the event’s moderator, Megan Olivi, gave her thoughts on the banter: “This is getting weird.”
So, this going to be the first ghey sexx0orz in the octagon, then?

Chaels trolling way better than jones IMO

Walking around with a fake belt and then saying he's the champ, and Andersen had a fake belt, was great
Chael comes off like a pro-troll and/or lunatic. Jones comes off like a jackass like he mad. He real mad. I mean, all the crap he's said, if DC had half the troll skills of Chael, he'd skewer Jones, badly. He's served it up on a platter, just need someone to run with it. :laughing
I hope he never retires and he keeps giving us these quotes.

I died inside a little when Mike Tyson retired. There was a hole to be filled of fighters telling their opponents he will eat their children and stomp on their testicles.

I wish Vitor would go back to always talking about everyone ducking him in his division though.