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The Retire and Relocate Thread™

I do plan to 'retire' a bit early, but I will not relocate.

I will be too busy cashing Bay Area rent checks. :cool

I just need the folks to kick the bucket :laughing
Deal's Gap is nowhere near Florida. :laughing ...but it is in my backyard. :cool :ride

"Winter" in Florida is too goddamn warm...same as the rest of their "seasons". Florida's seasons are as follows: More Mild Summer, Mild Summer, Summer, Somewhat Cooler Summer.

I said roads. Tracks are not public roads.

i think that’s part of what pissed me off so much when my mom moved from TN to FL - she was close to the dragon, and it was awesome. fucking GORGEOUS area.

Agree FL has only three good motorcycle roads: Jennings, Homestead, and Daytona. But Deal's Gap ain't that far...still, no argument on the lack of any good roads. Yeah on the (summer) humidity. Winter is dry and darn near perfect weather.

Lakes? Do you guys have places in FL on lakes? No bacteria in CA? That's not what I remember from last summer's warnings of pets and people getting sick.

my mom lives on a ‘lake’ in florida. i say that loosely because the water table is so high, you dig a hole, and you’ve got a ‘lake’ - which is what they did where she lives. no one can go anywhere near it though. as they say in florida ‘where there’s water, there’s gators’. she has a gator fence to keep them off her property. no thanks.

I love Clearlake cause I grew up (and was made) there...but also because Tahoe people come and never come back. That green water is kryptonite to Tahoeinians.

There was several stories of toxic water In CA the last few years during the hottest months. If you're hanging out in the bayous, I'd expect brain amoebas at some point too, but the decent sized lakes aren't like that. The amount of rain FL gets in the summer is significant and cleansing. Every day at like 4PM...and I'll agree with you guys that in the summer, the place is a humid hell hole. Then again PA's not much better in the summer.

I'll disagree with Jason on FL winters. There's just something cool about running a buoy course at 75 degrees in January.

the toxic water you are referring to is due to algae blooms. they’re getting more common due to global warming. florida has them too. not a new phenomenon, just getting more common. when i was a kid in minnesota (land of 10,000 lakes), we used to call it ‘dog days’. that was because when the lake ‘bloomed’ it looked like fluffy dog shit floating on the surface.

and yeah, that bit about january watersports in florida - a good friend used to be a competition water skier. did the winter circuit there. said it made him sharp. no going down. because - (as per above) gators. not my idea of fun.
Yeah but you don’t say public roads. :laughing

For someone that has definitely given me shit for being pedantic in the past, you are definitely needing to look in the mirror right now. :twofinger :x

i think that’s part of what pissed me off so much when my mom moved from TN to FL - she was close to the dragon, and it was awesome. fucking GORGEOUS area.

The amount of beautiful riding areas (on PUBLIC roads, Andy! :twofinger ) that are within easy day round-trips in this area are simply unreal. I tell people all the time that there's a reason I chose this area and it wasn't just because of the cost of living. The natural beauty of the Smokies and the wonderful motorcycle roads that surround this area are just fabulous.

my mom lives on a ‘lake’ in florida. i say that loosely because the water table is so high, you dig a hole, and you’ve got a ‘lake’ - which is what they did where she lives. no one can go anywhere near it though. as they say in florida ‘where there’s water, there’s gators’. she has a gator fence to keep them off her property. no thanks.

Don't forget about the fucking snakes and gigantic spiders too. Hard pass.

The amount of rain FL gets in the summer is significant and cleansing.

I think the word you meant to use is flooding.

...and I'll agree with you guys that in the summer, the place is a humid hell hole. Then again PA's not much better in the summer.

Based on what criteria? Humidity or being a hell hole? If you're suggesting that Florida and Pennsylvania have similar levels of humidity, I'd love to talk to whoever is selling you your weed because that shit must be incredibly potent. If you're just saying it's a hell hole, I mean...yeah I can see that.

I'll disagree with Jason on FL winters. There's just something cool about running a buoy course at 75 degrees in January.

There's nothing "cool" about it being 75 fucking degrees in January. Also, enjoy your electric bills year-round since you'll never be turning off your A/C.
Some newer numbers of the Exodus of California residents.
and, I for one did willfully depart Ca. during this time frame, to move to Az, and settle.

Hope they all live on the coast and HWY 1 will see less traffic. :p

CA is fucked up in several ways however still my home and stunningly beautiful.
Hope they all live on the coast and HWY 1 will see less traffic. :p

CA is fucked up in several ways however still my home and stunningly beautiful.
I've been retired since 2008 and the idea of moving has never once crossed my mind.
My former neighbor owns an Island on Clear Lake and is his go to get-a-way from his Winery.
Clearlake seems like it could be so much more but is somehow surrounded by poverty and all that that brings with it.
Working on the stores there was always challenging when I was in maintenance.
I remember the lake when it was clear and as far as I was aware no meth or other problems existed.
Probably did to some degree and I did not get exposed to it.
my mom lives on a ‘lake’ in florida. i say that loosely because the water table is so high, you dig a hole, and you’ve got a ‘lake’ - which is what they did where she lives. no one can go anywhere near it though. as they say in florida ‘where there’s water, there’s gators’. she has a gator fence to keep them off her property. no thanks.

I love those animals so much. I like crocodiles better, but gators are such a terrific evolutionary triumph.

If I lived by the lake I would create a "Dog Walking" path with a nice sign than ran right next to the water to help keep them healthy and happy.

I remember the lake when it was clear and as far as I was aware no meth or other problems existed.
Probably did to some degree and I did not get exposed to it.
I don’t remember the lake ever being clear and I’m not too far behind you in age.
I used to go fishing as a kid. So call it almost 60 years ago.
My Dad liked the lake so he bought a parcel right on the lake. Once the whole lake development slowed he sold it.

Fishing for Crappies you could see into the water to see their shine easily. No ooze on top... some pollen dusted the surface at times.

Catfishing off the dock at night with my Dad and his Mom are treasured moments.
My former neighbor owns an Island on Clear Lake and is his go to get-a-way from his Winery.
Clearlake seems like it could be so much more but is somehow surrounded by poverty and all that that brings with it.
Working on the stores there was always challenging when I was in maintenance.

Which island? There's only a few...Fruit/ Windmill/ Anderson...Maybe missed on?

I don’t remember the lake ever being clear and I’m not too far behind you in age.

Same here. Pretty sure me and my sisters were made there too...it's less green now than it was, IMO. I remember the "green paint" waves from my youth spraying from boats. We used to ski each other around till we fell in that shit...
I kept a sailboat on Clear Lake for a couple of years in the mid '90s. We would occasionally anchor and swim over to Soda Springs to sit in the hot water or jump in the lake to cool off. As soon as we got home we would hit the shower and wash the slimy, yucky stuff out of all the cracks.
Just got back from five nights in PCB. I can confirm that the area surrounding it, and basically the Emerald Coast in general, is pretty nice and "well equipped" for retirees. But holy shit is it flat there...as a motorcyclist, I just couldn't do it permanently.
I remember the "green paint" waves from my youth spraying from boats. We used to ski each other around till we fell in that shit...
Did you ever see it when it was bright pink or blue?

My dad and I used to fish there too. Good memories for me as well but by high school, I’d decided that I agreed with Mark Twain that fishing was a jerk at one end of the line waiting for a jerk at the other.
I love those animals so much. I like crocodiles better, but gators are such a terrific evolutionary triumph.

If I lived by the lake I would create a "Dog Walking" path with a nice sign than ran right next to the water to help keep them healthy and happy.

yeah. every time someone asks that dumb-ass question ‘what animal would you be?’, i always say gator (have survived for 200 million years).

Some newer numbers of the Exodus of California residents.
and, I for one did willfully depart Ca. during this time frame, to move to Az, and settle.

Basically all the traffic you see on the freeway, is people leaving California. It's just that there are so many people here, it takes a really long time before the reduction is visible.
Which island? There's only a few...Fruit/ Windmill/ Anderson...Maybe missed on?

I dont know. I think it was family property that he inherited. He is in his 70's now. I believe there is at least one vacation home on the island.