The Retire and Relocate Thread™

I don't follow the "be successful" part, but there's kinda no such thing as "California" in any sort of singularity when it comes to the issues with real estate prices here. People in California suffer the same effects that other states do. It comes from the unwarranted rock star wages in the bay/la areas. The draw to those wages and subsequent real estate demand/pricing essentially leads to a devaluing of currency for Californians that live outside of those areas, then it trickles across the country. We're more victims of it than the people in other states that endlessly whine about it as if they're special. And I'd bet that your home value in TN is greater than our 4/2 2000sq-ft home just 45min east of Roseville and we're on ten acres with a 2000sq-ft steel shop.

Folks in the bay have a very skewed perception of California. They think you have to go thousands of miles when really an hour or two away can achieve the same thing. And these two coworkers, its fine to make screwy tinfoil decisions for themselves, but they pressured their wives/kids and in the end, those coworkers are still working here and get to see their parents/siblings/etc, whereas their wives/kids are stuck away from parents/siblings/grandparents/etc. The net result is just that they moved their wives/kides further from their families, and they spend more time without their husbands, because the guys are here working most of the time. Maybe that's worth it to them for the frequent flyer miles, I dunno, but I do know their families in CA are not a fan of these guys. They're all tight-knit churchgoers and that's all in shambles now.

And people complain about California crime, but that's also not singular and also easy to change without going all the way across the country. Google any city name and add "City Data" and look at the crime metrics. Chattanooga sits between Oakland and Stockton. Now lookup Auburn and Roseville. East coast humidity crushes us on the fires though. I'd happily trade a little humidity to get away from fires and the insurance of living in high/very-high wildfire areas, though this state is doing a lot better than some others (cough*texas*cough) after going through quite a gnarly learning curve.

Anyway, florida is nothing special. And their water is nasty too. Having a two foot water table with eighty degree water and enjy ur flesh eating bacteria. Florida is why people root for climate change.
That depends entirely on what part of the state you're referring to. There's a lot more to it than Miami and Orlando.

No, it doesn’t. The entire state is less affordable than it used to be.

No, not all places are priced like Miami, Orlando and West Palm, but every place in the state is more expensive than it once was.
I don't follow the "be successful" part, but there's kinda no such thing as "California" in any sort of singularity when it comes to the issues with real estate prices here. People in California suffer the same effects that other states do. It comes from the unwarranted rock star wages in the bay/la areas. The draw to those wages and subsequent real estate demand/pricing essentially leads to a devaluing of currency for Californians that live outside of those areas, then it trickles across the country. We're more victims of it than the people in other states that endlessly whine about it as if they're special. And I'd bet that your home value in TN is greater than our 4/2 2000sq-ft home just 45min east of Roseville and we're on ten acres with a 2000sq-ft steel shop.

I have just short of an acre of land with a 2300 square foot home and a 1000 square foot enclosed and heated shop that's wired for 30-amp. I doubt very much it's worth more than what you have in Roseville. I'm damn near certain of it. But the fact that I am paid more here and don't pay state income tax makes me "feel" like I'm doing better than most of the folks in the same position I was in California before I left. It's not about a "fuck you" mentality. I simply can't understand why someone would want to stay in that type of situation when they absolutely do not have to. But, as I said before, I'm also not the type of person that needs my family close by.

Folks in the bay have a very skewed perception of California. They think you have to go thousands of miles when really an hour or two away can achieve the same thing.

Achieve what, exactly?

And these two coworkers, its fine to make screwy tinfoil decisions for themselves, but they pressured their wives/kids and in the end, those coworkers are still working here and get to see their parents/siblings/etc, whereas their wives/kids are stuck away from parents/siblings/grandparents/etc. The net result is just that they moved their wives/kides further from their families, and they spend more time without their husbands, because the guys are here working most of the time. Maybe that's worth it to them for the frequent flyer miles, I dunno, but I do know their families in CA are not a fan of these guys. They're all tight-knit churchgoers and that's all in shambles now.

Are you saying it's in shambles because they moved out of the Bay Area?

And people complain about California crime, but that's also not singular and also easy to change without going all the way across the country. Google any city name and add "City Data" and look at the crime metrics. Chattanooga sits between Oakland and Stockton. Now lookup Auburn and Roseville. East coast humidity crushes us on the fires though. I'd happily trade a little humidity to get away from fires and the insurance of living in high/very-high wildfire areas, though this state is doing a lot better than some others (cough*texas*cough) after going through quite a gnarly learning curve.

Yeah I don't talk about it a lot, but wildfires are basically a non-issue here. Not non-existent, but certainly rare. I don't miss the choking smoke at all and the humidity here is nothing like Florida or Louisiana.

As for the crime issues, we have crime here and I'm not afraid to admit it. It's nothing that makes me fear going out at night or anything, though. What we don't have are homelessness issues that I experienced throughout California, regardless of the location. Could be because of the weather, but it also could be that housing is more affordable so the working poor aren't necessarily locked out of being able to afford a place with a roof over their head. Could be political shit too...

Anyway, Florida is nothing special. And their water is nasty too. Having a two foot water table with eighty degree water and enjy ur flesh eating bacteria. Florida is why people root for climate change.

But then where will all the Snowbirds go?! :laughing
Recently bought my retirement home... in Menlo Park :laughing

Wife is happy and it means I get to push retirement in the current gig until 2027.

I hate packing/ good willing/ moving even more that I used to and at at 66yo I am not that good at it. :rant

At least it is only a 15 minute drive so 25 plus truck loads are good for saving $$ on the real movers.
I have just short of an acre of land with a 2300 square foot home and a 1000 square foot enclosed and heated shop that's wired for 30-amp. I doubt very much it's worth more than what you have in Roseville. I'm damn near certain of it. But the fact that I am paid more here and don't pay state income tax makes me "feel" like I'm doing better than most of the folks in the same position I was in California before I left. It's not about a "fuck you" mentality. I simply can't understand why someone would want to stay in that type of situation when they absolutely do not have to. But, as I said before, I'm also not the type of person that needs my family close by.

Man I wish we had ten acres in Roseville! That'd be a mid seven figure number, is my guess. We'd be in europe by now. Zestimate for ours shows around $500k even and I think it's pretty accurate. It sounds like you found a better arrangement, but my whole point is that people would be surprised to discover that they can probably find what they're looking for a couple hundred miles away and didn't actually need to go a couple/few thousand miles away. Most people in the bay don't know that you don't have to leave california to get away from "california".

Achieve what, exactly?

Achieve the things people most commonly claim to leave california to find.

Are you saying it's in shambles because they moved out of the Bay Area?

Well there's a perspective issue. I guarantee you that the two guys that left would tell you everything is amazing, because they're machismo goons that can do no wrong. I also guarantee you that their wives and kids aren't happy to be further from their families and spend time away from their husbands. But, I wouldn't characterize it as being because they left, I'd say it's because they have an abnormally high level of gullibility when it comes to confirmation bias.

But then where will all the Snowbirds go?! :laughing

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Most people in the bay don't know that you don't have to leave california to get away from "california".

To me, I did though. Living in the valley would've just annoyed me. Living in Southern California was just as expensive as the Bay Area and living in the northern part of the state still would've been pricey plus I had no remote work options at that time anyway which would've meant no job like I had in the Bay Area.

Too far to fly from the northeast! :laughing
I will have 2 homes available in the Grass Valley area soon ...
If anyone is interested.....
Getting old and just want to cash out and Travel now.....
Florida is much less affordable than it used to be.

yeah - a more expensive shithole. my mom lives there. keeps asking me why we don't come visit her. maybe because you live in a shithole? my dude put it very succinctly to her - mother-in-law or not, told her he wouldn't 'spend a fucking dime in florida'. and yeah, she was pissed. but getting pissed at him is like getting pissed at a brick wall.
OK, Tennessee. :twofinger

I'm not a Snowbird! :laughing

yeah - a more expensive shithole. my mom lives there. keeps asking me why we don't come visit her. maybe because you live in a shithole? my dude put it very succinctly to her - mother-in-law or not, told her he wouldn't 'spend a fucking dime in florida'. and yeah, she was pissed. but getting pissed at him is like getting pissed at a brick wall.

You do you, but I don't understand why you wouldn't visit her just because she lives in Florida. I still fly back to California to visit my folks and would fly anywhere else in the country to do the same regardless of where it was. Now admittedly, my dad and my stepmother are the only people that have come out to here to visit us and see the area and while my dad said a few times that "he doesn't get it", they still come out to visit.
I got a girl in Tennessee
honey, honey
I got a girl in Tennessee
babe, babe
I got a girl in Tennessee
she's as sweet as she can be
honey oh baby mine
go to your left your right your left
go to your left your right your left
You do you, but I don't understand why you wouldn't visit her just because she lives in Florida. I still fly back to California to visit my folks and would fly anywhere else in the country to do the same regardless of where it was. Now admittedly, my dad and my stepmother are the only people that have come out to here to visit us and see the area and while my dad said a few times that "he doesn't get it", they still come out to visit.

i give her a lot of attention, but i have a line, and she knows full well where it is and why. has very little to do with where she lives at the moment (it changes fucking constantly). i love my mother, but it’s complicated. the most i will add is that she made me who i am, and like it or not, her reward is exactly that - who i am. she and i have had this conversation. more than once.
I got a girl in Tennessee
honey, honey
I got a girl in Tennessee
babe, babe
I got a girl in Tennessee
she's as sweet as she can be
honey oh baby mine
go to your left your right your left
go to your left your right your left


i give her a lot of attention, but i have a line, and she knows full well where it is and why. has very little to do with where she lives at the moment (it changes fucking constantly). i love my mother, but it’s complicated. the most i will add is that she made me who i am, and like it or not, her reward is exactly that - who i am. she and i have had this conversation. more than once.

So if florida were a foot, the bridge is its orthopedic insert.
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