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Time to get Fit thread

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the thread title says "fit", not "skinny. but a lot of people started off by listing their weights. unfortunately, popular culture has everyone equating weight with fitness, attractiveness, and health. its never that simple.

IMO, losing weight is mostly diet & gaining fitness is mostly working out.

Agreed. The heaviest I have been is 163, the lightest in my adult life was 135 when I was competing running, and about 3.5% body fat ( not good).

I'm staying at 142-147 now and happy with that. The key to keeping weight off for me has always been to avoid eating too much. I basically eat two meals a day with a very light lunch. No sweets, ice cream, no sugar, lots of protein and moderate amounts of vegy/salad every day. In order to put on muscle, you need to lift weights, in order to be aerobically fit, you need to do aerobic training. I alternate weights and bicycles with a couple days off a week. It's been perfect. A couple years ago I passed the cardio fitness test for firemen in Alameda County. Not the weight test, lol.
the thread title says "fit", not "skinny. but a lot of people started off by listing their weights. unfortunately, popular culture has everyone equating weight with fitness, attractiveness, and health. its never that simple.

IMO, losing weight is mostly diet & gaining fitness is mostly working out.

No kidding, right? No one's talking about gaining weight which gives me a picture of everyone that probably isn't correct. The idea that a program is about losing weight isn't true universally.

My goals are:

kick everyone's ass that's sitting on a piece of equipment texting

Kick everyone's ass who walks in front of the mirror when it's in use

Kick everyone's ass who doesn't unstack their machines

Kick everyone's ass who uses hand lotions before and during their workout

Kick everyone's ass who sits, resting on a piece of equipment in between
their sets

Kick everyone's ass who put weights back all fucked up on the racks

Kick everyone's ass who drops weights and plates (crossovers)...especially
the medium/ light weights

I figure with that much ass kicking, my new workout will keep me at a good heart rate!
I think only 1% of our population goes to a public gym.

some of you don't need no fucking key to keeping weight off...
Check this...


Super interesting! Thanks for sharing. My SO and I have been adjusting our diets for the last few years as we get closer to 40. We regularly exercise (I need to do more yoga) but have noticed that certain foods and drinks we used to be okay with, now affect us differently.

My goal is 30 lbs less and less fat before November this fall. I'm down 8lbs this year and keep on trying to make good choices each day.
No kidding, right? No one's talking about gaining weight which gives me a picture of everyone that probably isn't correct. The idea that a program is about losing weight isn't true universally.

My goals are:

kick everyone's ass that's sitting on a piece of equipment texting

Kick everyone's ass who walks in front of the mirror when it's in use

Kick everyone's ass who doesn't unstack their machines

Kick everyone's ass who uses hand lotions before and during their workout

Kick everyone's ass who sits, resting on a piece of equipment in between
their sets

Kick everyone's ass who put weights back all fucked up on the racks

Kick everyone's ass who drops weights and plates (crossovers)...especially
the medium/ light weights

I figure with that much ass kicking, my new workout will keep me at a good heart rate!

I lift weights one to two days a week. Full body workouts anymore. With several joints in poor condition I can't do anything like I used to but I still enjoy it. I've been at it since the mid 90s. Other than that, I have a spin bike and elliptical at home that I use. Sometimes rarely and sometimes regularly. Also try to do as much walking as I can and hiking when I can.

I did Keto last summer and lost 20 pounds pretty easily in 6 weeks. I am recently doing it again trying to get down close to 180 pounds but finding it harder to stick with this time. In general I have reduced my carb intake whether doing keto or not and it has made me feel a lot better all the time.

About 10 years ago I had a job where I worked 14-18 hours at a time. Mostly nighttime. I simply didn't have time to eat and was so tired, when I did have time I didn't want to eat. I got down to 165 pounds which I hadn't been since I was 16. On my days off I was eating as much high calorie garbage as I could so that by the end of my work week I wouldn't be any lighter than 165. That was the best weight loss program I ever did but I didn't do it on purpose. I don't recommend it to anyone!
I love getting fit!

F - finally
I - increasing
T - the fitness
- of my
- brain

For me they all go together.
I sure that for me and others getting FIT means losing some weight so putting our starting weight and a goal weight can help us stay accountable to our FIT goals.

So quick update got my shoulder surgery done Friday was feeling like crap because they gave me narco pain killers at the hospital and it made me sleep pretty much all day so I didn't stay awake feeling like crap. Saturday I felt pretty good so started experimenting with not taking pain pills to see what happened and it was not all that bad so I took maybe 1600mg of ibuprofen spread through the day and did not die. Sunday I took it a step further and only took about 800mg all day 400mg in the morning and 400mg before bed. felt pretty good so I took off the bandages and took a shower. God it felt so good to be clean again. Rebandaged the incisions and then started moving my shoulder around to see how much mobility I had in it. I got pretty good but trying to rotate it out to the side hurts like a mofo so I am not doing that so much anymore. Saw the bonecutter yesterday and he said time to start PT and no more need for bandages on the incisions. So I will probably start hitting the stationary bike at the gym next week. I think I will need to talk to my primary care physician as the Antibiotics seem to be making me light headed/nauseous which is a stated side effect fo the pills they gave me it's not to bad but not really liking it and don't want to have to try and tough it out for ten days. I am so glad that the pain is not as bad as everyone was telling me it was going to be...........:thumbup
I'm feeling pretty good. I can almost convince myself that I have a hit of a butt dimple. Almost. Weighed in at 171 this Am but feeling much stronger than I did 3 weeks ago. Is there a simple way to measure body fat % now? Calipers?
Well there are scales, but despite the claims they are still not all that accurate. They are more for tracking a long term trend.

Went climbing to the gym yesterday. Did my first 5.11c cleanly on lead. That was kind of fun. Besides doing it few times, and getting familiar with the moves a big thing that helped was breathing and staying calm.
^ Yeah I'm not really to concerned with an absolute number. More wanting to know if i'm gaining muscle as my weight changes. I would like to be a ripped 180-185 lbs. I'm 5'10"
^ Yeah I'm not really to concerned with an absolute number. More wanting to know if i'm gaining muscle as my weight changes. I would like to be a ripped 180-185 lbs. I'm 5'10"


The easiest and most rewarding way (IMO) is the start taking progress pics. You don't ever have to show them to anyone, but yourself. They're good motivators and solve any delusion you have about if you're getting smaller/ fatter again, etc. As you've identified, the scale is a tough measurement when you get to a certain fitness level. It may not change (and you're improving) or you may even get heavier (but getting leaner).

Pics MANG!
I have one of the Garmin scales that measures and tracks body fat percentage. Did a comparison last month to a DEXA scan, and it was about 4% high, but we'll see if it tracks linearly across changes.

Speaking of which, this was pretty interesting: https://www.dexafit.com/services/dexa-scan

Cost $45 for the scan at a local place up here. Got a lot of good data, and im not posting my "before" chart until I have some "after" :laughing
One of my goals is to improve my running mechanics and work on a sustainable pace. Right now I can do pretty good time for a mile run, but need to get a slower pace that still feels smooth and efficient.

Have had a Garmin Vivo Active watch that I'm really happy with. Got it because my old Fit Bit HR accuracy was shit during HIT. The Garmin is even worse, but pairs with a chest strap and is dead on.
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Check in y'all. 171 lbs this am. Getting stronger. Feels good. I realized how important INTENSITY in your workout is. Time is bullshit. I used to put time into the gym thinking if i wasn't there for 2 hrs it wasn't worth going. Now I try to exhaust myself in an hour or less and my overall level of fitness has improved. in short, GET SOME !!! even if you only have 30 mins to do it.
I discovered zwift, better late then never, and shopping for smart trainer. haha Time to get in to better shape!
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