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Time to get Fit thread

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monday ~ august 9

Rotator Cuffs

5x20 - Cable External Rotation
5x20 - Cable Internal Rotation
5x20 - Cable 90° External Rotation
5x20 - Cable 90° Internal Rotation

3x10 - Cable Rear Delt
5x10 - BB Military
3x3 - BB Military Forced Rep
3x8 - BB Clean & Jerk


• Jamba Juice Greens & Ginger
• Skinless Chicken & Steamed Mix Veggies
• Pro Shake
• Pre Workout
• 10 Gummy Bears
• Post Workout
• Apple
• Roast Chicken & Salad
• Chocolate Raisins & 3 See’s Candies
• 2 Shots Tequila


Don’t care. It’s Monday :twofinger
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So back to "What should I be doing?"

Yesterday I added in the flies and did some tricep bench dips, hammer curls. So I covered chest, triceps and biceps.

What should I do today? I want the main exercise to be pullups. What else should I do? Rows? Should presses? etc
I have been doing back and shoulders. So here is what I normally do for back shoulders but I go to a gym so let me try and come up with some you can do at home.

Bent over rows with dumbbells
shoulder shrugs
good mornings
You could even attach bands to the wall and emulate a rowing exercise
deadlifts are good for overall back workout

arnold press
shoulder raises front, side and bent over back flys for the rear delt
could do shoulder presses as well
face pulls with bands also for rear delts.
Great suggestions will use them immediately.

Also, normally when at home I do one set, then wait 2 minutes and do the next set. When I work out with my trainer he does more of a circuit.

Is there any downside to circuit training?

Will do

Shoulder Raises

at minimum

Woke up feeling no soreness at all but then it hit me in the afternoon in the chest region :)
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You're a cyclist in the past, IIRC? Circuit for sure...while resting one muscle (group) work a different muscle group. Fill-in's can be anything, but for me they're abs, low back, specific leg stuff.

Bodybuilders do low reps, high weights and take longish breaks. I ain't into that wasted time. Less weight, more reps, and no breaks. IMO and IME. You'll sweat your ass off. Do you use a Garmin?
I use a bike computer and heart rate monitor for cycling and I have a Whoop exercise band.

Thanks so much! I just finished this workout, plus I added some weighted squats.

Now I'll probably take wednesday thursday off and do my Friday zoom personal training.
Circuit training is good for conditioning but probably not hypertrophy. For me Im trying to build strength, so I going with higher intensity and lower volume.
I am starting to take this more seriously as I would like to build some size in the glamor muscles while building real strength in the core and back.

Still find wide grip pullups quite difficult, can do 3-4 max while chin ups and neutral grip I can bang out 5-6 in comparison. Did find a good method for using the assist bands today by putting one knee in it though.
You're a cyclist in the past, IIRC? Circuit for sure...while resting one muscle (group) work a different muscle group. Fill-in's can be anything, but for me they're abs, low back, specific leg stuff.

Bodybuilders do low reps, high weights and take longish breaks. I ain't into that wasted time. Less weight, more reps, and no breaks. IMO and IME. You'll sweat your ass off. Do you use a Garmin?
They also only do a partial range of motion. Definitely not athletic muscles, they're pretty much for show.
tue - aug 10

Took it easy tonight.

5x10 - Lat Pull Negative Reps
5x10 - Curling Bar
1x5 - Curling Bar Forced Rep
1x10 - Curling Bar Reverse Curl
3x10 - Lateral Raise w/10-Lb Plate
3x10 - Hanging Leg Raise
3x10 - Scap Rotation on Pull Up Bar
1x10 - Bodyweight Squat
3x10 - OH 360 Shldr Rotation w/ Plate
2x20 - Cable X Over


• Panera Quiche (Cal 520 ~ P 18 ~ C 39 ~ F 33)
• Pro Shake
• Chicken, a little Rice, Broccoli & Carrots
• 1/2 Cantaloupe
• Skinless Chicken & Steamed Veggies
• Pre Workout
• 10 Gummy Bears
• Post Workout
• Salmon filet & Seaweed Salad
• Cashews


Kinda wish I didn’t eat that Panera quiche muffin.
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Circuit training is good for conditioning but probably not hypertrophy. For me Im trying to build strength, so I going with higher intensity and lower volume.

I'm finding good strength gains with the quasi HIIT programs I'm running. I'd get more mass with lower rep counts/ more rests, but I'd get largely, unusable muscles. I'm actually in better shape than when I was half my current age...and that, for me, is a feat.

They also only do a partial range of motion. Definitely not athletic muscles, they're pretty much for show.

Totally...and then injury risk when doing sports.

I am starting to take this more seriously as I would like to build some size in the glamor muscles while building real strength in the core and back.

Still find wide grip pullups quite difficult, can do 3-4 max while chin ups and neutral grip I can bang out 5-6 in comparison. Did find a good method for using the assist bands today by putting one knee in it though.

Good to see the progress and enthusiasm J! I'm telling you...AthleanX has great info in his vids for free...
I am starting to take this more seriously as I would like to build some size in the glamor muscles while building real strength in the core and back.

Still find wide grip pullups quite difficult, can do 3-4 max while chin ups and neutral grip I can bang out 5-6 in comparison. Did find a good method for using the assist bands today by putting one knee in it though.

I used to do a ton of pull-ups until a shoulder injury (diff cause). Form is a big part of it. If wide are giving you more issues means your back muscles aren’t as strong since chin ups and neutral start using more biceps.

When you’re coming up get your head up and visualise squeezing the middle of your back together and almost an invisible hand pushing you up towards the bar from the center or your back. Once you get that feeling right, you’ll know your form is on point. The goal is to get your chest to the bar with a tilt back.

The other thing when building up reps is to soak up the negative. Releasing slowly per rep will speeds up the muscle building while not overly impacting your total rep count.

I’d recommend rows but 52.5 is simply too light and you’re better off spending that time doing hammerhead and other curls.

edit: forgot to mention your core. Hugely important to keep you core tight. It'll smooth out your range of motion (no jerky inputs) and keep your legs in the right position, behind you so you can lead with your chest out.
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They also only do a partial range of motion. Definitely not athletic muscles, they're pretty much for show.

Ahh that would totally explain why I see the swole guys in the gym doing partial reps. I was wondering what was up with that and was going to ask one day.

HH, I don't know if you have seen some of the past workouts I have posted but all the sets and reps I do are usually done in around 45 minutes. I usually group about 3 exercises together that target different groups and then bang through them one after another. after doing all 3 I take about a minute to rest and then bang through them again. I have been doing a mixture of max weight days and then lighter weights to get more reps.
4 days till showtime.


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Tonal delivery & install contractors were MIA. Cancelled the day of delivery and not like with a few hours notice but during the time of said delivery. Hubby gave them a ration of it. :laughing

Meanwhile I'm still choking on smoke. : |
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