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Time to get Fit thread

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5'7"...or 5'8" if I sleep a lot. My license says 5'10". I can't believe the wrote that when I suggested it.

I'm between 5'8" and 6'2" depending on what convenience store I'm leaving.

I have my rowing machine in between the rest of the house and my shower. I managed to knock out 2000 meters before getting cleaned up, because why the hell not.
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I injured my left thumb and my right wrist so going to the gym tonight and running on the elliptical machine like a goddamn pussy
Just do squats.

It actually hurts my wrist holding the bar in place. Thinks I'm looking at another week or two before its back to normal.
The gym a weird piece of equipment I never saw before. Looked it up and its for sissy squat that I've never heard of before but I think its worth making a regular part of my routine after regular squats.
It actually hurts my wrist holding the bar in place. Thinks I'm looking at another week or two before its back to normal.
The gym a weird piece of equipment I never saw before. Looked it up and its for sissy squat that I've never heard of before but I think its worth making a regular part of my routine after regular squats.

Im not a huge fan of sissy squats. Weird positioning to work quads. But if its confortable for you go for it.

I know whst you mean about squats with a bad hand. I had a flare up in my right wrist this week and had a hell of a time doing squats.
Demolished my chest lastnight doing slow pause reps on bench, followed by incline dumbbell press abd finally flies.
Sore enough to keep me from doing pullups today in my back workout
I'd like to put something like this in my future garage:


I'm between 5'8" and 6'2" depending on what convenience store I'm leaving.

I have my rowing machine in between the rest of the house and my shower. I managed to knock out 2000 meters before getting cleaned up, because why the hell not.

You rule hard core Dave!

I injured my left thumb and my right wrist so going to the gym tonight and running on the elliptical machine like a goddamn pussy

Iron Cowboy all the way.

Demolished my chest lastnight doing slow pause reps on bench, followed by incline dumbbell press abd finally flies.
Sore enough to keep me from doing pullups today in my back workout

I did drop sets of Cleveland steamers. I'm totally pooped.
Anyone else just do random shit throughout the day? Like, take a shower > do a set of pushups. Go to the bathroom - do a set of pullups. Wake up - do a set of leg lifts. Just something, anything, constantly. I've found myself doing body weight close leg squats in the shower, pullups after brushing my teeth, I feel like I sit so much during the day now that I have to do little stuff constantly beyond my regular workouts.
Yes, but with masturbating.

I like that wall-mount lift set, really nice space saver.
Had a good workout today. One chick went to far and lost her breakfast.

Warm up was 10min row or 10min mile. I fucking HATE running. So rowed.

Work out:
Row until you hit 9 calories
75 single unders (50 double unders if you can do it)
20 sit ups
15 wall balls
1min rest

repeat x5 -

I like these kind of workouts. Mostly because rowing, jump rope and sit ups are easy for me. Im not a fan of wall balls but we havent done them for a while and was actually pretty easy for me too. I did it in 9:34
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And you're wondering "is he serious..."!

Serious M4M...you're in killer shape. I just can't do the "no sugar" thing because It's not like I'm gonna lose any fat when I have very little of it and thus motivation to do so at that point, despite knowing the affects. I then justify it with Not caring about alcohol, drugs, or any of that shit.

At some point I may get more serious, but for now, 168-170 on my frame works well enough. Despite wanting your shoulders, Brah!

Brah, 170 is thick for you. Racing you should be more like 150 right? I just use a floatier surfboard when I hit 215+ (which actually sucks because my blood pressure goes way up when I'm more than 205).

The bigger takeaway here is that one's body has a weight it likes, find that weight and live with it happily!
The bigger takeaway here is that one's body has a weight it likes, find that weight and live with it happily!

Totally agree. I’m 5’6 and I’ll never get under 151-53. I have wide hips for my height so I’ll never wear size 31 jeans again goddamnit.

Tonight: pecs bis and glutes.

Best thread ever. Agent Orange’s “girl help” is a close second.
+1 on finding this thread a real joy. Thanks guys and gals. Keep pushing.

It's helped me.

Mostly because if you guys can do it, I've got no excuse.

Wife is gone, kids are at school so I rowed on the water. I prefer that because I can't stop when I'm tired-I need to get back to shore.

Took about 80 minutes to get to the far end and back. Rough.
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