TV Shows I am enjoying

Just started Sugar on Apple TV. One ep in and I like it so far. Has an interesting style to it.

Forgot to follow up on this. Finished the season. I must say there is quite a little plot twist about 2/3 of the way into the season. Explains a bit of things you notice about John Sugar that were a bit baffling up to that point.

Good show. May or may not get another season. Even if it doesn’t, it’s still worth a watch.
I did not know that so nerd-thanks Haven’t watched yet.

Updating that we enjoyed Tokyo Vice a lot. Then we watched Eric and that was pretty good too.

Ms. BA is out of town so I checked out the Boys last night. Not sure I’ll hang with it or not as I am a little tired of super-ability shows (Ms. BA hates em all the way).
Dragons have 4 legs and wings. Wyverns have 2 legs and their wings are attached to their arms or upper legs, or whatever you want to call them.

This is a dragon

This is a wyvern

Hence... all these creatures in Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon are all wyverns... I did say this is a hill I'm willing to die on and I meant it. :laughing
Also BA, Tokyo Vice is in my pocket for now. I need to set aside some time to rewatch season 1. For some shows, these long breaks between seasons do the shows a disservice. Between Tokyo Vice and House of the Wyvern, I feel I'm forced to rewatch season 1 before bothering with the next. Or it's a marketing tactic so people rewatch previous seasons to catch up. I'm not sure how smart that tactic is though, if that is what it is. There's so much content out there and so many things in my queue, having to rewatch 10-12 hours of a previous season that was 2-3 years ago to remind myself gets knocked down on the priority list when I can just like... you know... watch something else tonight.

I feel like, unless it's a show that requires a lot of time with expensive set pieces and post production CGI work, a new season every year should be feasible. I don't know what the hold up was with Tokyo Vice but season 2 should have been out last year. I'll get to it and I'm sure it's as good as the first season but I'm not in a rush.

But even with House of the Wyvern, 2 years was a long time. Maybe that's because the effects of so many dragons took longer, as opposed to just the 3 dragons in GoT. I'm fine with that.
Yeah, that is why I didn't' fuck with Game of Thrones until the show had been done for a couple of years. Complex shit like that you need to power watch.
I didn't even get into GoT until season 3. Going back to 1 and 2, there were a lot of "AHHHHHH NOW I GET IT" moments. :laughing It was something I could have put on my shoulder parrot and silly hat in college if I wanted but it wasn't really on my radar.
Triple post

On a related topic but not about any specific show, one of my recent pet peeves is about this show or that show that's been "cancelled".

9 times out of 10, the show wasn't cancelled. The show ended as it was intended to. Or there wasn't enough ratings and viewers to invest in another season. Everything can't be, shouldn't be, and wasn't intended to be like The Walking Dead that became a caricature of itself as a dead thing that just won't die.

Cancelled implies everything was full speed ahead for another season and something happened to sink the ship.

Dragons have 4 legs and wings. Wyverns have 2 legs and their wings are attached to their arms or upper legs, or whatever you want to call them.

This is a dragon

This is a wyvern

Hence... all these creatures in Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon are all wyverns... I did say this is a hill I'm willing to die on and I meant it. :laughing
Silly hill to die on. It is a fictional animal defined by the way it is used on European heraldry and that definition varies by nation. As far as I am aware, calling it a wyvern is an agreed upon definition of the type you described, but most countries also seem to agree that a wyvern is a type of dragon.
Are they showing the women's trials orrrrrrr....
Thus far no controversies to speak of at the trials other than the Chinese getting a "pass" on their cheating at the last Olympics with failed drug tests and thus keeping their medals.

China names 11 doping scandal swimmers in its Paris Olympics team​

The swimmers heading to the Games include Zhang Yufei and Wang Shun, who won golds in Tokyo despite having tested positive for banned heart medication trimetazidine.

Tack and Field trials start this weekend from Oregon.
Silly hill to die on. It is a fictional animal defined by the way it is used on European heraldry and that definition varies by nation. As far as I am aware, calling it a wyvern is an agreed upon definition of the type you described, but most countries also seem to agree that a wyvern is a type of dragon.
I've seen you strongly defend things that are silly to me but it is what you believe. Everyone has their quirks.
I'm enjoying the Olympic swimming trials.
The fact they built those temporary pools for the trials seems odd to me but very interesting. I don't fully understand why they did it but... they did it. But yeah, I've been watching too at the local sports bar.

The fact they built those temporary pools for the trials seems odd to me but very interesting. I don't fully understand why they did it but... they did it. But yeah, I've been watching too at the local sports bar.

I guess Indiana is a hotbed of swimming (who knew) so to accomodate all the fans they made that huge investment.

Hope they leave them up for the community after the trials for a month or so.

he success of this event could set a new standard for future Olympic Trials. By utilizing large venues like NFL stadiums, USA Swimming aims to elevate the sport’s profile and provide a more dynamic and inclusive experience for athletes and fans alike.

The transformation of Lucas Oil Stadium into an Olympic swimming venue represents a remarkable fusion of sports and a bold step forward for USA Swimming. This innovative approach not only addresses the logistical challenges of hosting large-scale swimming events but also enhances the overall experience for athletes and spectators. Whether this experiment becomes the new norm or remains a unique chapter in the history of the Olympic Trials, it undeniably sets a new benchmark for the sport’s future.
I guess Indiana is a hotbed of swimming (who knew) so to accomodate all the fans they made that huge investment.

Hope they leave them up for the community after the trials for a month or so.

Is Indiana not also a hotbed for diving? That was my next thought after learning about the temp pools. Obviously no one is diving into those pools because they're pretty shallow but I kinda figured water sports are somewhat related.
Is Indiana not also a hotbed for diving? That was my next thought after learning about the temp pools. Obviously no one is diving into those pools because they're pretty shallow but I kinda figured water sports are somewhat related.
The diving trials are elsewhere; Knoxville?
The Wife is getting into Suits. I watched some of it back in the day, but we just started over.
I did not know there was 9 seasons. It is aight with good charactors and since she likes it we are going to enjoy it together for a while. Makes her happy to not watch alien crap, documentaries, science and shit blowing up. :laughing
Wife and I are on season 8 of Suits. It's a nice change of pace after binging a lot of darker shows. Kinda like Castle, just fun and you don't have to think too hard.
Kinda like Castle, just fun and you don't have to think too hard.
It's funny, as I've seen Suits is supposed to have comedic elements, but I haven't really seen them. I guess Louis is supposed to be the comic relief. Mind, it's not "serious" by any sense, but it hasn't really cracked a smile for me either.

Not like Castle. Castle was great. Castle could get you smiling with blood on the floor.

Wife and I really enjoy "The Rookie" that's been going a few years on ABC. They do a pretty good job.