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TV Shows I am enjoying

Monsieur Spade on Netflix, could have binged the 6 episodes but paced myself into 2 episode over the last three nights!
I thought Clive Owen did an excellent interpretation of Humphrey Bogart's Sam Spade role. (y)(y)
Note: I strongly recommend you watch the 1941 movie the Maltese Falcon starring Humphrey Bogart (as Sam Spade a private detective in SF) and
Mary Astor (as Bridgid O'Shaughnessy) if you haven't seen it before. Or if it's been a while, re-watching "it". Doing so will definitely help connect the dots as to how and why Sam finds himself in France in 1955.
We're watching the Wyatt Earp and the Cowboy War on NF right now.

It's interesting, and presents the story different than I've heard it before.
I've got the Wyatt Earp one on "to watch". Gonna start one tonight thanks to your post berth.
Just started Bad Monkey on Apple TV. Two eps in and I’m digging it.

If you like Vince Vaughn being…well, pretty much the same kind of guy as he is in most things? This will do just fine for you. Not saying my man has no range. He played a very off brand character in Brawl in Cell Block 99 and was great in that. Just just like Ryan Reynolds or The Rock, he’s got something that works everytime so why go off the reservation.
I've got the Wyatt Earp one on "to watch". Gonna start one tonight thanks to your post berth.
Saw that listed.. will follow up as well.

Started Tacoma FD.... just silly ass shit that at times I really enjoy. Went through 4 episodes. No big hurry to carry on but when I need silly I know where to look.
Did a 'double feature' at the local theater today because the water is shut off at my house while working on a slab leak. (Not important to the topic.)

Watched Alien: Romulus first. Dang... It brought it back to the fear of not wondering who will or won't survive and what might or might not happen... first of all... who gets Face Hugger'd first before we even talk about any Xenomorph... As soon as that happens, all bets are off, that's not even a spoiler alert. Prometheus and Alien: Covenant didn't really have that constant feel of apprehension and fear but those were very different movies in their own right.

Also watched The Crow. As many of you know of my pet peeve with comic based movies, this was not a reboot or a remake of the movie when Brandon Lee was killed on set. It was a different cinematic interpretation of the source material. Even the introduction credits say "based on a comic series". The plot is not very different but how it gets to a certain point and how it plays out are very different.
Saw that listed.. will follow up as well.

Started Tacoma FD.... just silly ass shit that at times I really enjoy. Went through 4 episodes. No big hurry to carry on but when I need silly I know where to look.
I'd seen ads for this show but never got around to watching it. I was in the mood for silly yesterday and it hit the spot. It's not a great show IMO but it has some great moments (Cops mad that FD get all the love had me rolling). I'll pop it on when there's nothing interesting on in the future.
Hit two episodes of Wyatt Earp last night. It was great. Delving into the history as it is known and not.
Well explained and acted. I admit not having Val Kilmer as Doc is a bummer. The new Doc is not nearly as bad ass. :teeth
Edited to soften any political seeming commentary, this is just a review and statement of what I watched

Just watched "Hail Satan" on prime.

Documentary about the group The Satanic Temple.

Lots to unpack here: (these are the major topics of the documentary, not political commentary on my part)
- they are doing advocacy and legal work to fight Christianity creeping into government and public schools, etc. They are a tiny group fighting a behemoth, but the Constitution is on their side, but it takes $$$.
- fighting for women's reproductive rights, same as above.
- their 7 tenets are absolutely spot on
- the "hail Satan" ritualistic stuff is a bit silly and performative to me, but they seem to be a bit tongue in cheek with it
- we are a secular nation by the Constitution. This documentary highlights a few historical events that pushed aside the separation of church and state and have had lasting negative effects on it.
- much pearl clutching as reactions to their antics
- christians pushing for power and influence of their religion in government
-some christian politicians putting their christianity above their responsibility to uphold the constitution in their work and openly working to that end

If you have an open mind, and can look past the silliness of some of the costumes and antics etc, the foundation of the argument they are making for the freedom of and from religion is the foundation of their work.
They just use "Satan" as a recognizable image counter to the religious majority.
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Just watched "Hail Satan" on prime.

Documentary about the group The Satanic Temple.

Lots to unpack here:
- they are doing good advocacy and legal work to fight Christianity creeping into government and public schools, etc. They are a tiny group fighting a behemoth, but the Constitution is on their side, but it takes $$$.
- fighting for women's reproductive rights, same as above.
- their 7 tenets are absolutely spot on
- the "hail Satan" ritualistic stuff is a bit silly and performative to me, but they seem to be a bit tongue in cheek with it
- we are not a Christian nation, we are a secular nation by the Constitution. This documentary highlights a few historical events that pushed aside the separation of church and state and have had lasting negative effects on it.
- much pearl clutching as reactions to their antics
- the Christian right is absolutely pushing for power and influence of their religion in government and must be stopped

I will remain simply atheist as I don't need the hail satan ritualistic stuff, but I fully support their mission to push back on aggressive Christian politics and indoctrination in the public sphere.

If you have an open mind, and can look past the silliness of some of the costumes and antics etc, the foundation of the argument they are making for the freedom of and from religion need to be supported. They just use "Satan" as a recognizable image counter to the religious majority.
Amen to that!! Keep your church out of my constitution!!!!!

This is not the PolSink. Please refrain from Political commentary.
Neither was necessary to review the show.
Is there a post that was deleted that I'm missing, or is that in response to my actual review of the documentary (and bubba's)
My bullet point comments were a summary of the topics that were covered in the documentary, with my own comments at the end, which seem apolitical to me.

Also edited my post to remove anything that seemed editorial
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It was all good except this little nugget I assume. The reported post was not very detailed.


I chose to comment to keep the thread from going off the Religous rails so to speak. Not a biggie.
I (somewhat) frequently donate to TST.
Their shirts and mugs are cool gifts for the edgy types in your life.
Hit two episodes of Wyatt Earp last night. It was great. Delving into the history as it is known and not.
Well explained and acted. I admit not having Val Kilmer as Doc is a bummer. The new Doc is not nearly as bad ass. :teeth

I had no idea Doc Holiday was buried in Glenwood Springs, CO. Found that out this last winter...will go see his grave next winter for sure. Pretty neat history there.
back to the original subject, sort of, I was just in the car listening to NPR and they were interviewing folks who did "Jumps". Hey? Finally, they said it was about a National Geographic thing about base jumping called "Sky". I think. Base jumping as mainstream NPR? What is the world coming to?
fly, not sky
and they think we are crazy moto dudes
Finished it. Most awesome and fun history lesson. :thumbup