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What Are You Thinking Of Right Now?

I am thinking about all the pics I am taking due to the purge. Dad's Air Force discharge, his first Architect License (1965), pics of him with 49ers players etc. Makes me feel like the road is closing down and very sad. One more pass by my kids before I dump some of it.... but it sucks.
Martin makes me think of my first car, a 1955 Studebaker Commander. Beautiful thing, it took out a telephone pole.
My mother did the same thing with the 1951 Studebaker she got from her mother. Otherwise I would have been the eldest of 13 children.
I wish I had pictures of my mashugina family but all I have is recall. It's getter dimmer.
i’m thinking that instead of sending me a silly debit card for some random amount my former ISP could have just refunded the card they erroneously charged. :rolleyes
Everyone knows that charges can be done instantly, but refunds? Well, they are far more complicated.:shame
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I wish I had pictures of my mashugina family but all I have is recall. It's getter dimmer.
I have but one memory of my paternal grandfather. I acquired it at the age of about a year and a half. I can’t recall his face or voice but I do remember being carried on my father’s shoulders into the hospital ward he was in. My father set me down on my grandfathers lap and my grandfather then offered me a pack of cigarettes of which I pulled one out and put it in my grandfathers mouth. It’s my earliest memory and I’ve carried it all these 70+ years.
i am thinking it feels nice to be in my bed.

i agree that pain sucks.

i’m hoping that those having a rough go of things right now see some relief soon.
I’m thinking: saying final goodbyes and simultaneously reconnecting with old friends leaves an unfinished feeling in my heart.
I think promises to stay in touch will likely be robbed by time until the next one of us passes.
I wonder what is so hard about maintaining friendship.
Something I learned a long tome ago:
Maintaining a friendship is not a 2 way street.
You get out of it what YOU put into it.
"I think promises to stay in touch will likely be robbed by time until the next one of us passes."
Time does not rob them, procrastination does.
I’m thinking, our lives are complicated , yeah it’d be great to simplify….but, the trouble with a lot of TBIs is someone has to be the sweep, and sweeping can be energy intense, there is no time to procrastinate only time to barely keep up.

I think the moment that bike arrives I will reinstate old habits and run away every few weeks to collect myself.
While what you are thinking would be fun, it might be better to simplify from home. Learn to tune things out and be at peace where ever you are. At any time.
lol - i texted a dude at 1am. he replied immediately - it’s late, can i text you back in the morning? um… sure.
he gave me a time to stop by. very long, narrow driveway. wasn’t sure i’d be able to turn around way up there at the house, so i parked at the bottom of the hill and walked up. got about halfway, when his girlfriend, this drop-dead gorgeous redheaded woman comes rushing to meet me. arms open.

what i didn’t say about his text the night before, was he ended it with ‘sweet dreams’. so she takes me in the house, introduces me to him and says ‘this is the woman you told to have sweet dreams last night’.

i’m thinking - if i was a dude, i’d be plotting how to steal her from him.