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When should we stop riding? -- perspectives of an older rider

So much respect! :hail

Well, he still doesn't have Unirr's level of "talent." :laughing

Remember when we were that cocky as young riders?

Remember what happened? :wtf

In my case it was a conversation with a barbed wire fence. :(
AFM 199 I have so much respect for you, KEEP IT UP ERNIE!
I glad you beat those young punks.I had a couple of punks this weekend . I beat them 3 times up one near Fort Bragg on the barf event to grizzly park.But I keep saying to my self I need to let them go by and not race them .I need to leave my ego at home .But its hard to do.
Old and in the way

My motorcycle mentor is like75 and did a track day a few years ago.
I'm not at all competitive but will be doing a track day in 10 years:twofinger
@amf199. Respect you and always look for your sage postings. I am 61 and I look way up to you.

As long as i'm having FUN with bikes, with riding or with our fellow riders, I'll still be riding. Of course I'm only 17 years old, at least that's what my mother-in-law says. Guess she's right!:laughing

Of course if I find myself not having fun, I'll fix it so it's fun again! So I plan on riding to a very ripe old age until it's not safe physically to do so. Even then I'll just own bikes and restore them. Of course by then I'll be restoring vintage 2015 bikes!! :ride
i've been riding for for nearly 15 years daily and countless miles. horrible habits, but i love it, i'm still breathing, and i'm still physically and mentally capable. ride on, fellow barfers. ride on.

As long as i'm having FUN with bikes, with riding or with our fellow riders, I'll still be riding. Of course I'm only 17 years old, at least that's what my mother-in-law says. Guess she's right!:laughing

Of course if I find myself not having fun, I'll fix it so it's fun again! So I plan on riding to a very ripe old age until it's not safe physically to do so. Even then I'll just own bikes and restore them. Of course by then I'll be restoring vintage 2015 bikes!! :ride

You will never quit :thumbup When riding is in your subconscious..
It's happening all the time.
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Alzheimers, Dementia, are pretty good signs to stop riding
Concussions are temporary. :x

:teeth :loco

Ride on, Ladies & Gentlemen, RIDE ON. :party :burnout :party
I turn 50 in 5 months :cry But seeing some of you still killin it with skills and wisdom is uplifting :ride
I was at Laguna Seca Friday, helping out with the "1000rr experience" BMW demo rides. Old dude shows up on a KTM390rc, Sidi leathers so faded they looked bleached. We engage. He lives not too far, he tells us he's just checking out the scene, comes by regularly.

A flock of s1000rr swarm between sessions: "Yeah, got one of those, an '11 with 92,000 miles on it." He smiles and reveals what must be 85 year old stained teeth, his eyes still gleaming. "Been to Colorado once on it, but mostly carving 'round here". Jaws drop all 'round.

Glances over and spots Keith Code. "I better go over and say hi to Keith".
And with that he lumbered over his lean old frame to 'registration' to greet the boys.

Looking over his 390rc it looked like the old timer had had some fun with it. The radar detector perched on his dash and the ground-down pegs told part of the story. A few minutes later he returned, fired up his sled and gracefully rode away, mystery rider still stackin' up the miles and looking as if could school some of the wiper-snappers watching in disbelief!
well at 56 and going on 12 😳.

i am looking at parking the bike. only cause the body is not ageing so great.
hands hurt, and at times big pain to just reach out to grab the brake handle.
as i write this it is after 10:pm and getting ready for work, yes i ride to get to work. (50 miles each way).

on a good day it is great to get out for a fast paced (fast for me) ride up into a pass and have lunch in markleyville.

i have cut back, some weeks no miles (of or in anything) others just the fz gets over 6 or 700 miles. how much longer on these tires? then on the klr for a couple months.
money problems pu needs tires. fz less than half on them, klr almost new.
( but 80% dirt tread)