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When should we stop riding? -- perspectives of an older rider

I'll stop when my wife says I can have a live-in girl friend or a motorcycle but not both. Some bets are safe.

Laguna Seca not so seca on day one: a week ago Sunday eldest son and I rode down to Monterey and Monday and Tuesday were on the track with Reg Pridmore"s ClassRides organization, 12 +/- instructors, 55+/- riders. First day, as one of the instructors said when introduced "the prayers of 20 million californians were answered". It rained hard, most of the day. But we rode, and i, for one, learned a lot about riding in the rain, through shallow rivers and some mud (most of the mud they were able to scrape off, but still). We were, of course, split into A+B groups. I opted for C, but...what'r'ya'gonna'do? Maybe this is standard, but our schedule was 20 min on the track, 20 in the class w/ Reg talking about skills, technique. At first a little overwhelming, I learned just to listen and just soak it, and when back on the track, try to apply. The instructors were amazing, besides excellent riders, they had communication skills. A whole bunch of times over the two day one would pull around in front of me, gesture to fall in behind, and then monkey see monkey do around the track, then pull in to the pit and talk. Great way to learn. Next day blue skies and everyone a lot faster (I was still in the slow part of that "a lot faster", but I was good with my 90 mph on the straightaway before turn 2.) Great to learn, a lot of bang for the buck.
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Well, here's my 70th Birthday present to myself. It's an 08 GSXR 1000, 184 Hp, full Penske/Bazaaz, Ti Leo system, QS and all the goodies.

I'm actually kinda scared of this one and tremendously excited. It's got about 40 more HP than my last literbike, which was insanely fast. So looking forward to riding this beast.


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Have you made out your will yet, and is teh BARF one of the beneficiaries? :teeth

Ride safe, mang.... :laughing
Hey, I'm 60, so that subject has been discussed en famille... :loco :laughing
Well, here's my 70th Birthday present to myself. It's an 08 GSXR 1000, 184 Hp, full Penske/Bazaaz, Ti Leo system, QS and all the goodies.

I'm actually kinda scared of this one and tremendously excited. It's got about 40 more HP than my last literbike, which was insanely fast. So looking forward to riding this beast.
Did it come with those training wheels, or did you add them? ;)

(Honestly though, you are an inspiration!)
just remember to scope out that long high-speed run thoroughly; things start happening mighty fast when you get above 165ish or so....:afm199

O, I've ridden 1000s before and fairly recently. For me it's that you have to do everything sooner and plan ahead.
I'm 76 years old... Just had to toss that out there. :)

Too address the question... Depends on the individual..
Different riders have different backgrounds and abilities...
And age differently. And ride in different settings and conditions.
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Well, here's my 70th Birthday present to myself. It's an 08 GSXR 1000, 184 Hp, full Penske/Bazaaz, Ti Leo system, QS and all the goodies.

I'm actually kinda scared of this one and tremendously excited. It's got about 40 more HP than my last literbike, which was insanely fast. So looking forward to riding this beast.

Sweet :ride :thumbup
i may be forced to give up riding this year.
sad (lawyers) taking a year and a half and i still have not seen a proper neck Dr.
fell out of a rig at work. hit my head up on a rXr tie. and have damaged 4 out of 7 neck bones. if they get fused will not be able to turn my head.
might even force me out of the working world.
and i am only 56.
too young to retire. :wow
too old to start up at entry level.:afm199
Dude P

Sorry to hear that. I have fears of physical breakdowns stopping my ride, but for now I will continue to rock it. Hope you get too. Coming up on 58. So that means I must Rock HWY 58. :banana

You never know when the last ride is. No matter what your age.
all depends on how the operation comes out.
i get to go the Dr that did my moms back she can walk again thanks to him. :afm199

but as now when it happens is a big??

waiting on lawyers to do there shit first.

good roads, bit wet of late but plenty of good dry days to ride and both working bikes are parked.


The last time a police officer pulled me over and I removed my helmet he said "You really are too old to be riding like that."

Sixty-five on the next one.

And please, move to right so I can get past safely.
i may be forced to give up riding this year.
sad (lawyers) taking a year and a half and i still have not seen a proper neck Dr.
fell out of a rig at work. hit my head up on a rXr tie. and have damaged 4 out of 7 neck bones. if they get fused will not be able to turn my head.
might even force me out of the working world.
and i am only 56.
too young to retire. :wow
too old to start up at entry level.:afm199

get a second opinion man. sounds like your doc don't like bikers.

I fought discrimination against riders for years when I was hurt. I finally found a European doc who liked riders. THEN I got things fixed quickly...

nothing to do with bikes, it was a on the job thing.
have not even talked to the surgeon as of yet.