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Who's gone Solar

Just signed the contract Sunday with mom & pop company.

CASH - $33,300
11.6 kW
29 - 400W QCell Q Peak Duo Blk MLG10 400 panels
29 - enphase IQ8 Plus micro inverters
I am doing a similar setup through a local small scale installer.

Cash - $32,500
30x 395 watt Canadian Solar with Enphase IQ8+ micro inverters
11.85kW system
25 year manufacturer warranty
10 year workmanship.

Figured savings over going with a comprehensive package from big name will pay for several service calls when required.

Thats pretty close to what i just signed for. Youre getting a little more for a little less.
It appears that you and I will be comparing notes as I shot myself in the head a few days ago, too. Get ready for the notoriously horrible customer support, impossible timelines, and horrible follow on support should something fail.

I'm setting my expectations to TSLA level. I don't expect this to go smoothly, on time or with any level of care. But I love saving money, and so here we are.

In case you need any reasons to back out, here are a few threads. One of the posts links to another thread with some relative "horror" stories, lol.


Share the links where they make these guarantees please. Don't believe anything they say unless YOU get it in writing for your specific build out because they are notorious for going back on their words. And it doesn't matter if they guarantee it and don't meet the deadline, PG&E (etc) won't give a rat's ass.

We will see. I ordered a car from them last year and it was a pretty easy and seemless experience. There were some delays longer than originally estimated, but it all worked out just fine. It was the easiest car buying experience ever. Not much harder than ordering stuff off Amazon.

A guy I work with got Tesla Solar last year. He had no complaints.

You are correct about the so called guarantee. This is an email I got from them.

Order Solar Now to Lock in a Better Rate
California is implementing a new energy policy that will reduce the value of solar energy you sell to the grid.
By ordering solar and finalizing your design before March 15, you can lock in a better energy rate with the existing program. Tesla will submit your enrollment application for you, guaranteeing your system is registered before the deadline.
Place an order using your Tesla Account email to earn 50 percent more credits in Loot Box with the Tesla Referral Program.

Just signed the contract Sunday with mom & pop company.

CASH - $33,300
11.6 kW
29 - 400W QCell Q Peak Duo Blk MLG10 400 panels
29 - enphase IQ8 Plus micro inverters

So, it turns out Tesla is saying my roof isn't large enough for a 9.6 kwh system that I tried to order. They say max for my roof is 19 panels @ 7.6 kwh.

CASH - $20,513.34


NET COST - $14,534.34
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That's pretty sweet for the money. I'd be comfortable giving tesla a shot, just wish they'd do ground mount.
That's pretty sweet for the money. I'd be comfortable giving tesla a shot, just wish they'd do ground mount.

Yeah, it's a pretty good deal. The system is estimated to generate 10,746 kWh /yr, which is probably about 1,000 to 1,500 kwh more than I will be using, even with an electronic vehicle. I wanted to go bigger to accommodate future needs, such as a second EV, but oh well.

An EV is estimated to use about 4,000 kwh /yr, but it depends how much you drive.
Yeah, it's a pretty good deal. The system is estimated to generate 10,746 kWh /yr, which is probably about 1,000 to 1,500 kwh more than I will be using, even with an electronic vehicle. I wanted to go bigger to accommodate future needs, such as a second EV, but oh well.

An EV is estimated to use about 4,000 kwh /yr, but it depends how much you drive.

Looks good. Any room for ground mount, carport or lean to patio overhang to add panels?

We may consider an EV at some point as we both commute. At that time we will have to revisit the system size to add more panels and/or generation storage system.
Looks good. Any room for ground mount, carport or lean to patio overhang to add panels?

We may consider an EV at some point as we both commute. At that time we will have to revisit the system size to add more panels and/or generation storage system.

Definitely no room for a ground mount. We have a pergola in the backyard, but it's detached from the house, and I don't think it would be suitable.

The location at the top of the diagram is a first floor roof (2 story house) and it faces North, so I don't think that's a recommended location. But it seems to me there are areas to the front of the house, near the lower left side of the diagram, and also near the center right side, where more panels could fit. But Tesla says the system they're offering is the max amount of panels for my roof.

And I'm willing to pay more for a bigger system, so I tend to believe them. IDK.



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So, it turns out Tesla is saying my roof isn't large enough for a 9.6 kwh system that I tried to order. They say max for my roof is 19 panels @ 7.6 kwh.

It's interesting you've already got response from them from your order, and yet I ordered mine before you...no response :laughing

Notice how they state their 'guarantee', "By ordering solar and finalizing your design before March 15". The latter "finalizing your design" is the concern...if you order March 14th, you won't have a chance to finalize your design by the 15th because you wouldn't have received a design. So this begs the question - how long does it take for them to submit the first design to you? I have a few weeks until there is cause for concern, so I'll wait patiently.
Of course, I post here and minutes later I get an email to "Review & Sign" the CPUC Solar Packet.
Well I was going to DIY some solar stuff, but people throwing out quotes here got me thinking I need to get some of my own before the switch. I've seen Tesla, but what other mom/pop spots are people liking? I'm on the peninsula.
Well I was going to DIY some solar stuff, but people throwing out quotes here got me thinking I need to get some of my own before the switch. I've seen Tesla, but what other mom/pop spots are people liking? I'm on the peninsula.

Re: Tesla
Read through the entire thread and linked threads to get a better picture of Tesla. They'll be thousands cheaper than any "mom/pop spots" but you won't get mom/pop support. You'll get corporate pass-the-buck attitude and representation, so you'll need to value your own time and patience before pulling the trigger.
Well, I spoke too soon as we're now completed all the pre-documentation including the design plan. Allegedly, they will be here on the 3rd for a site assessment.

Assuming the roof is in good condition, which I believe it to be, this should be a very simple install. There is virtually no shading, simple roof, yada yada yada. We'll see though...still not holding my breath...
Re: Tesla
Read through the entire thread and linked threads to get a better picture of Tesla. They'll be thousands cheaper than any "mom/pop spots" but you won't get mom/pop support. You'll get corporate pass-the-buck attitude and representation, so you'll need to value your own time and patience before pulling the trigger.

I can diy, as long as they aren't being super-proprietary. Mostly concerned about being able to put in my own battery after the install and being able to get replacement parts if needed.
I can diy, as long as they aren't being super-proprietary. Mostly concerned about being able to put in my own battery after the install and being able to get replacement parts if needed.

Based on the little I read, you can connect your own batteries at a later date, by yourself. Again, my understanding with limited knowledge. You'll want to confirm that 👍

The replacement parts (inverter and/or panels - not sure). Check out the solar thread on SBR. There are links to full kits with batteries, racks, etc for cheaper than the Tesla panels installed. That would be a much better route, if you're capable enough (I'm not).
Based on the little I read, you can connect your own batteries at a later date, by yourself. Again, my understanding with limited knowledge. You'll want to confirm that 👍

The replacement parts (inverter and/or panels - not sure). Check out the solar thread on SBR. There are links to full kits with batteries, racks, etc for cheaper than the Tesla panels installed. That would be a much better route, if you're capable enough (I'm not).

I'll have to look. I'm confident in everything other than mounting the racks to the roof, because I have no experience with that and don't want to risk a leak. The permitting and financial aspect of it are also a bit mysterious. I'm confident I could install the system and get it working properly, but getting the permit signed and all my money due back might be worth hiring someone.
Well I was going to DIY some solar stuff, but people throwing out quotes here got me thinking I need to get some of my own before the switch. I've seen Tesla, but what other mom/pop spots are people liking? I'm on the peninsula.

I talked to a guy at West Coast Solar this morning who impressed me. They are in Brentwood and have been around about 10 years.
I emailed them yesterday and within 10 minutes Ryan called me to ask a few questions. He needed my PG&E usage report which I supplied. He said he'd call me this morning at 9:00 AM and sure enough, right at 9:00 my phone rang and he put on a 30 minute presentation that made a lot of sense.
I'm mulling over his proposal but so far he's a standout.

His phone number is 925-383-0869.

Tell him Ed sent you, no I don't get anything out of this.
Well, I spoke too soon as we're now completed all the pre-documentation including the design plan. Allegedly, they will be here on the 3rd for a site assessment.

Assuming the roof is in good condition, which I believe it to be, this should be a very simple install. There is virtually no shading, simple roof, yada yada yada. We'll see though...still not holding my breath...

My site assessment is on the 8th.