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Why are you so fat?

kickstand said:
just drop some fat and tone up a tad...
youll be so pretty and people will want to have sex with you and buy you things.


I think you girls are fat. Drop some weight so you'll be attractive to me and I can have sex with you and in returning I can buy you things. (I'm telling the fat girls this because the thin pretty girls won't give me the time of day)

I'll start losing weight as soon as you actually bag a black girl.
What I want to know is how these people gain weight.

I'm frankly sick of being 6 feet tall and only weighing 135 pounds no matter what I eat.
eisenfaust said:
What I want to know is how these people gain weight.

I'm frankly sick of being 6 feet tall and only weighing 135 pounds no matter what I eat.

Yeah well I've been on a 900 calorie, 1.5 meal a day program going on two weeks and its not doing shit for me! For the record its not nearly as easy as kickstand makes it sound, imo. :x

You've got calorie resistance and I've got insulin resistance. :laughing Wouldn't it be nice to trade bodies and see how the other side lives......
To be honest, at one point I did gain wait, but it was because of medication.

I was having some really bizzare sleep patterns (spent about 3 days in a sleep clinic for that one), that resulted in me being unable to sleep for more than about an hour, and unable to stay awake for more than about 90 minutes. It sucked.

So my doctor put me on some wierd antipsychotic medication. I gained almost 40 pounds in a month. I was only on the med for 4 weeks, and I lost all the weight within a month of stopping it. I figure a lot of the weight was water retention.

My thing is that I try to eat food suited to gaining healthy weight, work out, etc, and I stay scrawny. I cant fill out any brand of leathers. My alpinestars are close, but they're still technically "too baggy".
HtChic said:
You tell me where to lose it from, I'll get started: :hand


Start with the pig sticker and the cloths. You can keep the heels on.......;)
40s and still 10-15#s away from where I wanted to be. :|

The truth for me is I have accepted my build as what was intended and I am happy with me today. :teeth

My thoughts on the subject have developed over years of trying to meet the expectations of others. I took their advice and worked out more than was comfortable for me, consumed products that were marketed to my ego and spent far to much time and energy on "looking good"

Beauty is in the mind of the beholder. When I meet a person who takes care of their self and their loved ones, express's their self eloquently as an individual apart from the herd, judges their own thoughts and feelings (as opposed to those of their peers) and is obviously happy with who they are then I have meet a beautiful person.

Our super-sized society is a crime. The criminals are the media and the marketers. The Parents and our educational system are culpable bystanders. Not only do they create our super sized selves they also create the super sized false perceptions of “beauty” that our thread starter passes on.

Now look what you did…… I was perfectly happy in the Time Out thread throwing around merry jabs of four letter jousting. Now ya got me all waxing philosophical idealisms.

HtChic - Are you into cosplay?

Man.. I'm not at my ideal weight. In fact, I'm probably considered obese at this point. However, I'm happy.
I see fat people!

In my mirror at home.

Eisenfaust if you want to gain weight.


Bacon, cheese and egg sandwich
two sodas, not diet


Half a large pizza
Salad with blue cheese
3 sodas


2 sodas
Entire Chocolate Torte Ganache from TJs

Works for me.

Desert, half a cheescake....

Seriously the obesity problem is really fucking bad....I was getting fat, so I cut back on meals and started working out....its not hard. People are lazy and want to blame others, no one made you stuff that shit in your mouth....gawd I get sick when I walk into wal-mart...obesity-mart.....
This is the origin of the phrase "mouth breathing ham beasts".

rothmans said:
People are lazy and want to blame others, no one made you stuff that shit in your mouth....gawd I get sick when I walk into wal-mart...obesity-mart.....

For me.. I'm lazy and nobody force feeds me. I'm a full fledged foodie. I love food. However, I know when I'm getting to be a real fatty and I actually do stuff about it rather than just complain.
Re: Re: Why are you so fat?

Janna said:
Everywhere I look, I see people who can't write. You people can't spell for shite. It's unpleasant for the rest of us, and I don't want to read what you write and post. Don't you know how to write proper English, or do you just not care? Just get the Bedford Handbook and The Elements of Style.

It's not even that hard. I took a few classes, doublechecked words I was unsure how to spell, and basically just paid a little attention. Don't worry about getting geeky... just drop some of the grammar mistakes and tone up your spelling and punctuation a bit. It's so important to improve your mind, and then your writing will look so pretty, and people will think you're intelligent, and offer you better jobs so you can buy yourself things.

OMFG!!! I laughed so hard my cheesecake dessert flew all over my keyboard but its OK because I can't see the keyboard over my big fat gut! :cry
Fight...no. Train, yes. Kumdo, and of course forms, I do some cutting, but very, very basic cutting (no real instructors for that part - theory, but mostly learning on my own for that part of it, so keep it within my sword handling experience).

Can't say as tho' I've heard that term before tho' - is it a style or something?

Editted: Link didn't work. I'm gonna start feeling stupid real quick here, aren't I...