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Why are you so fat?

for a few fleeting moments i was able to see the beauty in your eyes, now it's gone. I am feeling so lonely and vulnerable right now, will you hold me..

I doubt the hubby would be too pleased with that.

But here's a virtual (((hug)))

Otherwise, I hug my friends (yes, even guys), but you gotta be a friend first. :x
HtChic said:
You tell me where to lose it from, I'll get started: :hand


I take that back - I'm about 4 pounds lighter than I was when that was taken (due to a more physically demanding job)...so take that into consideration... :x

Chicks with swords are hawt. :teeth :)
Hate to scare you off with the amazing bruise my elbow is touting..I haven't turned those colors since I got kicked square on by a horse!

But thanks...at least my ego got stroked for one night. That'll last me a little while (kinda has to - once most guys see the ring they run screaming - with good reason, but I started to feel really ugly - I was too naive to realize that ya'll pay that close of attention...).
Hot chicks cause threads to veer off course than anything else. I almost forgot this was a kid ranting about fat people.

Not to sound gay or anything, but I think he should post a picture of himself and let the public decide if he's worth of getting freegrazing blowjobs but more interesting...presents bought for him just because he's so thin.

I'm in great shape, and nobody buys me shit!
TheRobSJ said:
Hot chicks cause threads to veer off course than anything else. I almost forgot this was a kid ranting about fat people.

Not to sound gay or anything, but I think he should post a picture of himself and let the public decide if he's worth of getting freegrazing blowjobs but more interesting...presents bought for him just because he's so thin.

I'm in great shape, and nobody buys me shit!

"Freegrazing blowjobs"... excellent phrase! Never heard it before.

"Yes, please. By all means, Kickstand, do post a picture of yourself so we can judge your body and its its sexiness, and by extension, judge your character, willpower, and general worth as a human being AND as a man. I mean, it's only fair, isn't it?" she says sweetly without a hint of irony.
kickstand said:
You people are too fat. Its unhealthy and i dont want to have sex with you.

This right here is the reason #2 why I don't excercise! I don't want dudes proposing sex to me :mad

The reason #1 is that it is actually fun being fat. Food is the only thing that loved me back 10 times. Plus 3 guys died at the LA marathon last year. I ain't excersing myself to death. Ok gotta go grab an In N Out double double before its too late. I love late night appetizers :blush
wow 5 pages on a friday night...pretty good.
the one chick whos most mad about this topic put up two pics of herself, pretty cool.

half the people attacked me and someone said im jsut lashing out because im unhappy about myself, pretty cool. someone else criticized that i dont care if im gramatically correct or not on barf, and another pointed out that i was a kid.....Violation of philosaphy TOS because you should never argue about the persons wrongs, but only his ideas, pretty cool.

to the guy who cant gain muscle mass...eat 3000 calories/day of chicken and oatmeal and workout.

It was easy to lose fat. and difficult to gain muscle at first becasue i didnt know what to do at all.. so i got a muscle gaining book. For a brief moment ive posted a boxing pic of me on here a few months ago... got some responses and deleted it becasue my face was clearly visible to 13000 crazy people. maybe ill post another one wihtout a face but then you ownt believe that its me.

the only arguement i can repsect on here is when someone said, why dont people mind their own fucking business.
AND I WILL BAG A BLACK girl. but then youll have to get healthy.

If you think its ok to be overfat and im an asshole becasue i care about appearence and physical fitness, jsut remeber, people are not supposed to be fat. theyre supposed to be thin and lean or muscular and lean depending on what part of the world they are from...you cna take fat and muscle size to an extreme of course.

no i wanst getting 10 blowjobs a day in highschool but after i got thin and lean more girls wanted to be with me...this is fact. and as boyfriends and girlfriends do, we bought eachother things. iw asnt some amazing gigalo....Im trying to help YOU out. NOT make myself feel better. i have firsthand expirience on how great it is to be healthy compared to how it is to be overfat.

having too much fat is a problem in this country, mcdonalds is not the criminal. theyre a comapny to make money...dumb people who buy form them are problems....no one here blames yamaha when a newb smashes his r1.
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janna, ive got plenty of fat friends, theyre all great human beings....but im not sexually attracted to them.
its very possible to be a person of depth and character and also care about your body and physical stregnth....it doesnt jsut have to be one or the other.
my body, that i take care of says nothing aobut my mind...i could be as dumb and shallow as i look or i could be a really bright sweet guy....but its my body that most people are sexually attracted to and not my mind at first......isnt a boyfriend/girlfriend jsut a best friend that you wanna fuck?
Re: Re: Why are you so fat?

Valgar said:
Surprisingly, I find this oddly comforting.

kickstand said:

Goodness, how could any normal girl of any color resist the temptation that is teh Kickstand?! :rolleyes I know this stems from another thread but that's just jake, m8.
Most upset? - Umm, no, just hijacking your thread.

There are nicer ways to bring up body composition, and you didn't approach it that way. And no, it's not easy for everyone. I've seen some people who have health problems that make it extremely difficult. A certain person I know pretty well went on an elimination diet (for food related allergies), had a "cleansing" period of 6 weeks. She could only eat certain veggies (none with high starch), and 1/3 cup of rice a day, and could only drink water. No meat or anything else. She lost 5 pounds during that time - that was all.

And out of three kids in my family, I'm the only one who took after my dad and don't have to struggle to lose weight.

Who wants to give up going to resturants, no take-out, and suddenly rearranging their lifestyle to fit in an extra couple hours for going to the gym (and cleaning up afterwards, and if you're honest, it does take that long or longer once you gather stuff, drive, etc, etc)? Plus, many people don't know how to eat properly - it's not as easy as it seems.

Do I think there's much excuse for obesity - generally, barring health (or often mental) issues, no. For packing a few extra - who cares? If I wanted everyone to be able to look like me, they'd have to struggle a lot harder than I do. I got lucky - and yes, genetics DO make a huge difference sometimes! I'd be fat too, if I had to give up pizza and soda in order to lose weight!

I just don't think you're being very diplomatic, and maybe, if sex is only about looks for you, then your friends may be fat for a reason!

So, ya, that being said, how about a picture of you? Since you're baggin' on fat people, let's see what all the hype is about! Or are you scared?
kickstand said:
AND I WILL BAG A BLACK girl. but then youll have to get healthy.



But I have to see panties! (16 Candles reference for us old folks)

To be honest. I understand your feelings/sentiments kickstand. It's your tact that needs work. And also learning in which social arrangements certain subjects should be broached.

What I really get bothered by is when I'm in a restaurant having a nice salad and water, and watch 3 generations of a family walk by. Grandma, mom, and child. All of them obese. All of them ordering mega burgers, milkshakes etc... I don't care if you don't wish to be in shape, but it sickens me to see people pass that on to their children. At least ATTEMPT to teach them better than yourself. :(