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Time to get Fit thread

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I hope you like it more than the one I bought. After I started using the heavy duty one at the gym I rarely ever use mine at home.
I found that the range of motion was less and didn't work as smooth as gym quality machines.

Best not to get all caught up in that. Sure gym quality stuff is going to be nicer than most home stuff, but for me the trade off is my home stuff get used every day and I don't have to go to a gym to get my workout on.

I'd rather work out at home with a stack of plates and a bar than all of the best equipment at a gym full of douches.

Plus no asshole is going to be doing curls in my squat rack unless I'm that asshole.
40 pullups in 1:24 today.

Second set of 40 was a struggle at 2:41.
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Had to buy another pair of jeans. I had just bought some maybe like 2-3mos ago and they are looking saggy so went another size down. If i put on these size 6 jeans and they fit i might cry. if they dont it will be a good excuse to go back to hitting it hard at the gym and eating better. :p
Had to buy another pair of jeans. I had just bought some maybe like 2-3mos ago and they are looking saggy so went another size down. If i put on these size 6 jeans and they fit i might cry. if they dont it will be a good excuse to go back to hitting it hard at the gym and eating better. :p

Sweet feeling when your "skinny" stuff starts to fit loose isn't it? The board shorts I bought as my skinny fit are now starting to slip. If I had money I would shop again.
Had to buy another pair of jeans. I had just bought some maybe like 2-3mos ago and they are looking saggy so went another size down. If i put on these size 6 jeans and they fit i might cry. if they dont it will be a good excuse to go back to hitting it hard at the gym and eating better. :p

I was recently told by someone that matters to me quite a bit that I look good in collared shirts.

I tried on a few that I haven't worn for quite awhile. It was gross and depressing.

Time to eat right and get serious.
Had to buy another pair of jeans. I had just bought some maybe like 2-3mos ago and they are looking saggy so went another size down. If i put on these size 6 jeans and they fit i might cry. if they dont it will be a good excuse to go back to hitting it hard at the gym and eating better. :p

Kim I was thinking about your fitness journey thus far and it occurred to me that you do best when you're doing what you like- which in your case was heavy lifting; you seemed most stoked when you were deadlifting. You seemed less engaged, certainly less stoked when you were crossfitting. Maybe I'm wrong but that was my take.

I see this as a reminder we can all use. Like life, do what you love and you will succeed. It really is that simple.
Ive definitely done what I have always done which is hit it super hard for like 4 weeks straight then bomb. It didnt help we had family here for a week and just other things happening. I havent posted much because I havent been going to the gym much.

I went last week and felt great! Being able to lift 65lbs for push presses for a total of 55 times made me feel swole :laughing

I still very much enjoy the crossfit gym and im making friends along the way. I just wish I can keep going and not have these weeks of being lazy and eating shitty. There's always weight lifting involved there, some days more than others, admittedly (and you're right) I prefer the more heavy weight lifting days but try to go to every class so I can get better at other stuff. I'm so close to one strict pull up! :laughing

But ive passed that period and im back to being on it. Just got dressed and heading to the gym in about 20mins :)

oh and please feel free to post more pics, you know as motivation :teeth
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work out today:

  • 100m run
  • chin up hold at the top for 5-10secs
  • 15 banded lat pull downs

WORK OUT - part 1
  • 45 strict pull-ups ( I had to use a band for assistance cause you know I cant do one pull up :p)
  • 12 kettlebell squats for every "break" (men 55lbs/women 35lbs)

**edit: I took 3 breaks so did a total of 36 squats

WORK OUT part 2
  • Russian twists with med ball - 30secs
  • suitcase kettlebell hold (L) - 30 secs
  • Russian twists with med ball - 30 secs
  • Suitcase kettlebell hold (R) - 30 secs
repeat x4

then we did some extra credit stuff for about 15mins.
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Went to a new gym tonight.

�� 8 sets checking out boobs
�� 8 sets checking out butts

20 reps each ��
THEY FIT!!!! :banana :banana :banana :cry :banana :banana :party

Getting in shape and seeing & feeling the results in your clothes is a wonderful feeling. Congrats! Keep it up! Splurge on a pair of new jeans or jacket or something. Reward yourself but not with food.
Walked back into my old Crossfit gym today after taking almost a year off from gym life. Been working out in the garage occasionally but need that extra push / motivation from the CF community.

Did the wod today RX
30 minute AMRAP
100m run
2 toes to bar
4 box jumps

The movements double every round. Felt fantastic to move like that but I'm dreading how sore I'll be the next few weeks as I get back into it.

And for all the Crossfit haters :twofinger

This shit works :laughing
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I was going to say, don’t say you do crossfit!! And then I read the last part of your message. :laughing

:crossfitfistbump :p
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