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Time to get Fit thread

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FINALLY getting back to the gym today. I've been out for 2 freaking weeks and feel like shit.
Still managing to row on a regular basis:


Down to 214 pounds.

I was 235 when I left California.
Nice Dave! Ever used a shell for rowing?

I lost almost all strength the last week...went to my excellent motorcycle crash Chiropractor in Oakland and turns out, I was all kinds of messed up from putting the bike on the ground in T14 at Thill in the 600 SB race chasing Braedon, Deion, and Corey. Turns out 22 year olds don’t have these issues when they crash. 44 year olds? Yeah...they surface about a week or so later with a vengeance.

About 90% now and feel way better!
Great day to come back to the gym. All the regs were on vacation so we all felt pretty winded after a what we thought was a light workout.

30 sec - row or airbike
1min of air squats
1min of rest

30 sec row/airbike/sled push
1 min of push up's
1 min rest

repeat each section 4 times.

So in total I did 100 air squats and 46 really hard push-ups

Then we did a core work out

Superman - 40 secs
Dont remember what they called them but you lay on your back feet up head and shoulders up and hold - 40 secs
Forearm to arm extension plank - 40 secs

repeat 3 times

Then we did some dumb bell workouts as extra credit. Feels good to get back in the gym. Already looking forward to Friday
Nice Dave! Ever used a shell for rowing?

I lost almost all strength the last week...went to my excellent motorcycle crash Chiropractor in Oakland and turns out, I was all kinds of messed up from putting the bike on the ground in T14 at Thill in the 600 SB race chasing Braedon, Deion, and Corey. Turns out 22 year olds don’t have these issues when they crash. 44 year olds? Yeah...they surface about a week or so later with a vengeance.

About 90% now and feel way better!

Shit, heal up, man.

I was stroke seat of an 8 man for 6 seasons, then I moved on to a shell. I want one again but they're ungodly expensive.

Back then I looked like this:

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Did a training race this evening, was very active at the front. At some point I couldn't breath, and at another my lungs or heart (not sure) hurt. It was fun.
You did got on this south last week or so right? Don"t forget about that too beefcake.

Took my 6'10 Firewire Greedy Beaver out at the rock, set up as a quad. I had a good session but probably should have been set up as a thruster, I lost a lot of drive on the bottom.

Got a new superhero suit too. Changing room selfie, proving you can't take me anywhere!


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Didn't realize we had a fitness thread!

Main Lifting Goal: Been chasing the 1,000 lbs club for a bit now @ around 165 lbs & 5'6". Took a break the last 8-ish months chasing the pump to focus on aesthetic gains since it wasn't obvious that I trained.... :( Getting back to heavy lifting this past month.

Diet: Crap.

Program: 4-day Upper/Lower split with 5/3/1 programming on the main compounds.

Bench: 185 3RM
OHP: 135 3RM
Squat: 315 2RM
Deadlifts: 355 3RM

Here's Tuesday's attempt at breaking my 2RM squat pr from early last year:
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^ what is the 1000lb club? sounds kinda gnarly to say the least...

The 1,000 lbs club is when your 1 rep max in bench, squats, & deadlifts sum up to over 1,000 lbs.

It's not a crazy goal for bigger folks, but as I'm a bit vertically and size challenged... It's been hard.

For example, a 405 deadlift is only 2.03x the weight of someone @ 200 lbs. For me, it's 2.45x my weight.
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