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Time to get Fit thread

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Need to keep this in mind. After 2 days being back in a gym I could barley get out of bed this morning! Body is wrecked.

I cant remember a time I wasnt sore when going to class. It switches often enough that every muscle group gets worked out.

Today I think is back squats which should be fun since my quads are still super sore.
Went to my PT/chiro appointment yesterday, and definitely tender last night/today after a big fascia release work on my lower back (there were some lingering issues after my crash in April that I decided it was time to have worked out). Thankfully movement doesn't feel too bad though, so was still able to do my full workout this morning.
just got back from the gym. Pretty sure I Was going to die.

Work out part 1

Accumulative back squat 5-7 reps for 20mins

I hit my first PR! 100lb back squat! 5 reps :banana Pretty sure the other 2 times we did back squats I wasnt anywhere near 100lbs. Probably closer to 65.

Workout part 2 (where I almost fucking died)

6 push ups
10 wall balls - 14lbs
16 walking lunges

repeat..... 10 FUCKING TIMES :faint :faint

Did I mention its like 98 degrees outside probably closer to 100 inside the gym. I was almost going to tell the coach to turn the shower full blast on cold and I was going to jump in, clothes and all, after my last set of lunges
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Good video about working around shoulder pain. Jeff Cavalier is the man.

no working out this week. Im in CA for work and im eating as much good food as I can while here and only kind of regretting it. :p

Back to work on Monday
Leg day:


Jump Squat..........3........5-6
Superset with
Leg Extension.......3.....::16-20

Front Squat...........3.......16-20
Superset with

Lying Leg Curl........3.......16-20
Superset with
DB Romanian DLift..3.........7-8

Squat....................8.....::::20 sec.

Leg Press Calf Raise..3........16-20
Superset with
Standing Calf Raise...3........to failure

Dumbbell Lunge.......3.........10

Hanging Leg Raise....3..........10
Pullup PR

Those challenge drills really helped up my emdurancet
I got tired of rowing my dinghy, so I bought a new toy yesterday.


Managed an hour and a half today.

It was beautiful out.


Now I can work out my legs at the same time.
Right on Dave, that boat could not have a better owner.

On a different note, anyone else here struggle with negative body image? I know this is a fitness thread, but I kinda want to know if anyone else has negative-based motivation. I'm not saying that it's alway this way for me but more often than not when I look in the mirror I find more of whats wrong than right.
^ 100%. The motivation is usually coming from a place of lack. Sad but true. And then when you do make progress the fear of losing what you gained is ever present. I console myself by saying that there will be tomorrow and if you did something once you can do it again. I also remind myself that living feels better when I continue my healthy habits. So keep doing them and the byproduct is a body I like to look at and live in.

I don't know if I will ever get to a place where I forget completely my flaws and imperfections. When I live right I just care a whole lot less about them and have other things about myself to be stoked on.
Right on Dave, that boat could not have a better owner.

On a different note, anyone else here struggle with negative body image? I know this is a fitness thread, but I kinda want to know if anyone else has negative-based motivation. I'm not saying that it's alway this way for me but more often than not when I look in the mirror I find more of whats wrong than right.

I think that is very common. I assume folks that are very intense about working out have a number of motivations, but at or near the top is improvement of body image. The prevalence of social media types with super fit bodies leads some to have unrealistic or hyper critical views of their own bodies. Problem is, most of the internet fitness crowd are jacked up on some sort of PED which keeps them nice and ripped year round or are simply good with the camera and angles.

I can objectively say I am in shape and am generally good with how I am put together. With that in mind, I can find 50 different areas where my build is lacking/needs work. I just hit a personal record for consecutive pullups and my first thought was, I should probably be able to do more.
I'm also getting older and would rather spend the second half of my like being able to move around and act like a young person as much as possible. Getting old shit is for the birds and I ain't going to do it.
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Right on Dave, that boat could not have a better owner.

On a different note, anyone else here struggle with negative body image? I know this is a fitness thread, but I kinda want to know if anyone else has negative-based motivation. I'm not saying that it's alway this way for me but more often than not when I look in the mirror I find more of whats wrong than right.

I think everyone who is into appearance has this issue, regardless of their fitness or activity level.

That being said, it's worse in the fitness/ workout world. I like to look good, but what's really helped allay any issues I have with certain parts of my body is considering how my body is working for it's need: sport domination. I don't care as much that things aren't perfect on my biceps so long as I'm winning...

Hope that helps some Beau. You're working out so you can be active. Looking great is an additional, ancillary benefit. IMO.
Okay so Enough was enough and I've gotten on track to getting back in shape. I quit planet fitness, signed up with crunch, hired a trainer cause my unlifting ass doesn't know squat, literally. He also has been monitoring my nutrition. The plan is to bulk up on some muscle before cutting down weight. he said it would be easier that way and who wouldn't want a little more muscle? After the first week he said i was showing a lot of potential and moved me training to a more advance workout doing supersets. I'm putting my best effort to it to try and learn as much as I can so I don't need a trainer anymore cause i cant really afford one.
On a different note, anyone else here struggle with negative body image? I know this is a fitness thread, but I kinda want to know if anyone else has negative-based motivation. I'm not saying that it's alway this way for me but more often than not when I look in the mirror I find more of whats wrong than right.


Short legs and bow-legged
Goat shoulders
Wide hips for my height
One shoulder lower than the other
Elephant ears
Disgusting Flintstone feet
Fat head
No lips
Crepe-y forearm skin
Pig nose
Weird-shaped skull
Octogenarian’s wrinkled hands

I work out to stay healthy and when I’m in good shape like I am now I overlook the above list.
Oh man, lizard went deep on that one. Not sure I'm brave enough to toss up my list... Should it be a thing in this thread?
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