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Time to get Fit thread

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Lat pull downs right now, 237 pounds for sets of 8’s to failure. I’ll start my pull-up challenge after that.

Also worked on lat pulls last night in effort to get to 20 non-stop. But did something different. Cavaliere (athleanx) recommends improving pull ups by pulling down then slowly releasing the weight to enjoy the burn. Fuck yeah :burn

Will try my 40 reps next time and hopefully will beat my 40 reps in 6:30. Really like this thread!
Also worked on lat pulls last night in effort to get to 20 non-stop. But did something different. Cavaliere (athleanx) recommends improving pull ups by pulling down then slowly releasing the weight to enjoy the burn. Fuck yeah :burn

Will try my 40 reps next time and hopefully will beat my 40 reps in 6:30. Really like this thread!

Also try negatives? IMO when you're trying to slow the descent as long as possible you learn really quick where your weak points are -- which in my case is my biceps, because I don't do curls/was one of those "compound movements are all you need" sorts of guys.
Weirdly slow descents are pretty easy for me to do. I think I engage the wrong muscles when trying to pull myself up. Im close to getting one though! My chin is like 3 inches from the bar :p
Also worked on lat pulls last night in effort to get to 20 non-stop. But did something different. Cavaliere (athleanx) recommends improving pull ups by pulling down then slowly releasing the weight to enjoy the burn. Fuck yeah :burn

Will try my 40 reps next time and hopefully will beat my 40 reps in 6:30. Really like this thread!

You could also to negative reps with 25-50 lbs hanging from your waist as a change up. I often use weights for pullups as I get bored doing higher reps sometimes.
You could also to negative reps with 25-50 lbs hanging from your waist as a change up. I often use weights for pullups as I get bored doing higher reps sometimes.

Just started wearing a backpack full of water jugs for this.
Also try negatives? IMO when you're trying to slow the descent as long as possible you learn really quick where your weak points are -- which in my case is my biceps, because I don't do curls/was one of those "compound movements are all you need" sorts of guys.

I would say a pullup is the compound movement opposite to the shoulder press, but I know what you mean...Lots of people out there saying nobody needs anything other than Bench/Squat and Deadlift. I kind of agree, if those were the only exercises you could do.
Used an elliptical machine tonight for the first time ever. Holy shit are they ever boring. It was mental torture to get 30 minutes out of it.
Used an elliptical machine tonight for the first time ever. Holy shit are they ever boring. It was mental torture to get 30 minutes out of it.

I’ve been trying the stationary bicycle and I can’t stand it, can barely do 20 minutes. I don’t mind walking/running on the treadmill for an hour plus though...
Used an elliptical machine tonight for the first time ever. Holy shit are they ever boring. It was mental torture to get 30 minutes out of it.

That's how I feel about the 20-40 minutes I spend on a rowing machine everyday.

It's so boring even Dan Carlin's podcast "Hardcore History" doesn't help. The only thing I've found to alleviate some of the mind-bending torture is listening to techno.
Got a swim wetsuit on rental from sports basement yesterday. Scheduled to try and swim around the santa cruz wharf with a friend and some master swimmers at 2. Wish me luck. Might try to jog there and back from my place in capitola... Run swim run?! Hmmmmm.
Meh, there are probably better ways of achieving it besides doing something soul crushingly boring.
Pre ran the wharf to wharf course and then went fo a 1 mile open water swim today. Both firsts. Felt ok. The 70.3 does not seem impossible now.
I would say a pullup is the compound movement opposite to the shoulder press, but I know what you mean...Lots of people out there saying nobody needs anything other than Bench/Squat and Deadlift. I kind of agree, if those were the only exercises you could do.

Yeah, I saw lat pulldown and thought regular pullup. That's what I get for posting at 4:30 in the morning.

Trying to ride the human powered bike to work more, ideally twice a week if schedule permits. 7 miles/40 minutes each way from one side of SF to the other, not nearly close to what you crazy beasts are doing but I do what I can.
^ Just keep doing the best you can. Do that and It works out better than you could have imagined.
My lat pulldown/pullback machine came and I spent the weekend unboxing it and putting it together. Everything fit perfect. Superior quality. So glad I didn't settle on the Big 5 p.o.s. that I was tempted to buy. It's the one missing piece of my home gym that I needed for back, bi's, tri's and any other exercises I can figure out what to do.:thumbup


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I hope you like it more than the one I bought. After I started using the heavy duty one at the gym I rarely ever use mine at home.
I found that the range of motion was less and didn't work as smooth as gym quality machines.
Why do it at all if it's so boring.

I’m going to Hawaii in 2 months and I want to be shredded. I’ll get shredded then let myself go during/after the trip. :laughing

I have a history of fluctuating. New goal is to just be consistent, and don’t try to maintain something that requires 2 hours a day of exercise.
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