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BARF Jam: Saturday, December 17th, 7 p.m.

The time signature alternates between 10/4 and 20/8. Give it a go!

After 3 years or so of jamming together, I sorta thought you'd have figured out by now I'm a complete poser as a musician, and speaking "musician words" at me usually results in this: :wtf followed by: :( and sometimes even: :cry

(in other words, I don't know what that means... :shhh)
I'm a bassist but damn, I only play at home with head phones, havent done band work in about 20 years! Can a brotha get a practice session????
Maybe in...as long as my apt move is complete... in as a Band-Aid only, I don't have any musical talents.

I'm a bassist but damn, I only play at home with head phones, havent done band work in about 20 years! Can a brotha get a practice session????

We'd be glad to have you there. What do you have in mind for a practice session?

Maybe in...as long as my apt move is complete... in as a Band-Aid only, I don't have any musical talents.


Band-Aids are cool!
I'm a bassist but damn, I only play at home with head phones, havent done band work in about 20 years! Can a brotha get a practice session????

Seriously, the more basses the better! Connie can't play in 11/17 time signature, and I've pretty much forgotten how to play. :laughing
If anybody is thinking that this is all about playing difficult music with weird time signatures, it's not. Oh, once in a while a few of us want to have a go at something a little out of the ordinary, but mostly we want anyone who wants to jam to be able to.
Note to first timers; dress warmly :thumbup
I'll be bringing ear plugs :p

Not a bad idea, though I think Aaron is bringing electronic drums. A nice feature of them is that they have a volume control!

That said, it'll probably be loud anyway. :laughing
Note to first timers; dress warmly :thumbup

I haz new furry boots for the occasion :party

Not a bad idea, though I think Aaron is bringing electronic drums. A nice feature of them is that they have a volume control!

That said, it'll probably be loud anyway. :laughing

Great news on the drums :thumbup Now, what can we do about the sodding guitars and the crap singing :dunno :rofl :later
I may have to crash the party with a keg of homebrew....