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BARF Jam: Saturday, December 17th, 7 p.m.

You know I'm just jealous, Jason. That's a sweet ride you have.
This is the only fretless you need, Mike...

Seriously, the more basses the better! Connie can't play in 11/17 time signature, and I've pretty much forgotten how to play. :laughing

Hey now! I don't know what 11/17 time signature is, but I can play Ramones at speed, so there! :p And I think you'll still be one of the best bass players there!

I haz new furry boots for the occasion :party

Great news on the drums :thumbup Now, what can we do about the sodding guitars and the crap singing :dunno :rofl :later




I may have to crash the party with a keg of homebrew....

OMFG YES!!!!!! :banana
I meant when I attempt it Connie :rofl

ooh, in other news, I ordered some proper yorkshire pudding tins from Marks and Spencer :party

sodding muffin tins are useless :x
I may have to crash the party with a keg of homebrew....

I may have to upgrade from possibly in Band-Aid to probably in Band-Aid. :teeth

Are you caging then? Carpool?