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BARF Jam: Saturday, December 1st, 7 p.m.

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Can we play some deep purple and some groovy blues beats?

Maybe try our hand at some improvisational jazz too?

We'll be cleaning the house-garage today.. getting excited!

How many people so far?
In. one bass, one amp. lets roll!
How bout some Kenny G.? :)
new front tire AND a jam in ONE day!!!
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oh god, NO jazz, please, I HATE jazz :cry

hate hate hate jazz

Having said that, we are still mebbes, so go ahead and do whatever you like :rofl

Hey, I haz a request if we show - Don't Fear The Reaper, Imma like that song

Hey G - Remember the kitty kat, Creamsicle, that you paid part of his adoption fee with that 20 I owed ya? Yeah, he got adopted :banana :banana
Count Basey?


Tell me your foot doesn't start tapping by itself to this music?

oh god, NO jazz, please, I HATE jazz :cry

hate hate hate jazz

Having said that, we are still mebbes, so go ahead and do whatever you like :rofl

Hey, I haz a request if we show - Don't Fear The Reaper, Imma like that song

Hey G - Remember the kitty kat, Creamsicle, that you paid part of his adoption fee with that 20 I owed ya? Yeah, he got adopted :banana :banana
OK, I got 10 seconds into it and shut it off. The anticipation of the horror of jazz was enough for me :twofinger
oh god, NO jazz, please, I HATE jazz :cry

hate hate hate jazz

that's like saying 'i hate ice cream'- there are so many different flavors...

now you may hate ice cream just 'cause it's cold and you have sensitive teeth or something, but with jazz, you probably just never tasted enough flavors.
it's ALL good.

I'm in - with ALL my saxes...
Hell yeah. This is going to be a sweet BARF Jam! I'm making some Irish style lamb stew, and will be bringing some beer and wine for folks. I don't play, so I have to contribute somehow, right?
Hell yeah. This is going to be a sweet BARF Jam! I'm making some Irish style lamb stew, and will be bringing some beer and wine for folks. I don't play, so I have to contribute somehow, right?

Might have to show up just to try that stew!
Anyone wanna play Iron Maiden or anything in that Heavy Metal era of the 80s?
Schteve! Long time, no see. I would love to hear some 80's metal!
Not gonna make it out until around 8 or so.

I'll bring some beer.
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