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BBQ Bake Sale Fundraiser ~ Sat, June 25th 2011 Concord

Great to meet you Adam, Thanks for braving the trip across the bay !

Perfect job Wendy and John, it seems that cats CAN be herded :wow
:laughing Hey that's my bike!

Sorry I couldn't stay longer...looks like I missed the second wave coming through. Great afternoon! This effort might continue, but in another form. Talking with a friend about a project he's putting together and am hoping we can work Adam into it--no promises, but we'll see. :thumbup

Here are a few shots from today.

It was nice meeting you Adam...and it was nice meeting alot of new people and some I've met already always great to hang with such cool folks.

I had a blast...Wendy thank you for hosting this it was perfect.
:laughing Hey that's my bike!

Sorry I couldn't stay longer...looks like I missed the second wave coming through. Great afternoon! This effort might continue, but in another form. Talking with a friend about a project he's putting together and am hoping we can work Adam into it--no promises, but we'll see. :thumbup

Heather it was nice meeting you...and your alien and machine gun Rock.:teeth
What a great day. Always cool seeing friends new and old especially when we come together for a cause.

Remember, this isn't just some motorcycle web site it's a community and a great one at that. You should all be proud.

Thank you :D
My crappy phone pics :teeth


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First of all, thank you to all of you! This has been the best day I can remember for a long time:)
MEC, your cake was amazing! My mother and I were fighting each other for the last bites...oh and we both hate cake.:thumbup

Nice to see everybody and meet some new people:thumbup

Thanks for hosting wendy :thumbup

I hope we were helpful Adam :thumbup

Helpful would not even begin to describe what this wonderful day has been to me. Because of the amazing kindness that you all shared with me today, I can now afford my power chair.

Good times.

Great cause.

Adam, you're a sweetheart and if I could I would trade places with you.


It's sweet of you to say, but I would neither wish for, nor allow that. It's hard to describe without risking the chance of sounding extremely arrogant or conceded, but quadriplegia is something that many people will never overcome psychologically. I have been blessed with a bloodymindedness and determination without which, I would be lost to depression. I would trade places with no one, this is now my life. I have accepted this challenge.
Thank you dearly for your kind words.

Great to meet you Adam, Thanks for braving the trip across the bay !

I wouldnt have missed this for anything :)
Congrats on your power chair Adam.:applause

:cool Adam, it was very nice to meet you and your family/friends (even though you declined my offer to be your Umbrella Girl! :laughing).

Great to see/meet everyone; someday I'll remember all the names/faces. Maybe.

Wendy, :applause :hail :thumbup to you and John and Gwynne and everyone who helped/baked!!!

I'm so glad I was able to get there and spend some time with you and your family, Adam! And hearing the good news about your chair, as we're all standing around with eyes welling up... well, that was an incredibly moving moment that I'll carry with me forever. I'm so happy I was able to be a small part of helping to make things better for you. You inspire me, on a daily basis, to accept the things I can't change, and to be a better person.
I'm so lucky to have met you! :)
First of all, thank you to all of you! This has been the best day I can remember for a long time:)

Helpful would not even begin to describe what this wonderful day has been to me. Because of the amazing kindness that you all shared with me today, I can now afford my power chair.

I wouldnt have missed this for anything :)

:thumbup :teeth :thumbup
Great to meet you Adam! Awesome about the chair! :thumbup

Susan and I had a great time, just a bummer we had to make it so short. Hope to see everyone at Skips on Wednesday.
What a wonderful event!!!!
Wendy you truly are the Queen and John, GREAT Freaking job on the BBQ. How alien to see Bill Swim eating not grilling :thumbup

Adam, thanks for introducing so many of us to your wonderful family :)

CONGRATULATIONS on your new powerchair!!!

BARF you are an amazing entity!!!
Wendy and John, thank you for hosting such a wonderful bbq fundraiser!! Thanks Gwynne too for all you've done to make this a success.

I had a great time! It was super duper nice to see everyone. I swear I miss you guys.

Adam it was great meeting you, and I hope you get the chair with the nifty features you would like to have. I hope we've raised enough dough.

Thank you Wendy for the leathers!! I have two sets now. Woohoo. And thanks for the helmet too. I couldn't have been riding all this time without it. You have a big heart Wendy.

Great to see everyone and darn... I can't make the Skipps meet. =(
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Great event and really nice to see so many of you I haven't seen in a while. Sorry I missed the 2nd wave and apparently a lot of folks were there I wanted to meet but failed to. :(

Adam, great meeting you and look forward to your contributions in the new sub forum.
so nice to meet you Adam, it's hard to describe the respect and admiration I have for you....so, I'll leave it at that.

Your mother (who's kinda hawt) has a strength and will and determination that was wonderful to see. It was great to see your buddies, and of course your brother, there...a wonderful support group.

For all of the BARFers I met, most for the first time....thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Hey Adam and everybody, what a spectacular day and event. It was great to meet you all, especially you Adam. I'm glad and thankful that a could partake in something so special. :)
words fail me. absolutely fail me. And I'm not normally a wordy person to start with

Adam, you truly are a gem, you do your mother proud :thumbup Really, you are a credit to your family, and a credit to yourself. It was my absolute pleasure to meet you, your brother and your mother. Your friends too. Every one of your friends is a credit to your generation, not something you can say very often. Please thank them all for attending and respecting my crotchety old lady wishes :rofl

As for the barfers, what can I say. I always knew you were a great bunch, but even you lot outdid yourselves in every respect :thumbup I have never before seen such a coming together of every aspect of barf in such a manner, thank you all

Thank you everyone for contributing everything to make this a success, it really is appreciated, whatever the contribution was. Time, money, support, whatever, this would not have gone so smoothly or been such a raging success if it hadn't been for you all. You deserve a pat on the back :)

So, how much money did you all raise you are wondering

Well, there were a couple of dollars in those tamper proof donation box things we had, and a 50p coin

When we added it all up, after we got our act together (there can be too many people trying to do the same thing :rofl) we arrived at...................................................

$2900 as near as dammit

You heard me $2900 :wow :wtf :wow :party

Adam, if you are wondering where's the other couple of hundred, well, I found a cheque in the box secretly hiding and waiting to be found this morning. I guess he wanted special attention.

Additionally, we have some outstanding liquor, courtesy of OaklaMdLion to auction off at a future event (we kind of ran out of time or somat :confused)

There's also a couple of helmets, jackets, jeans etc that will also be auctioned/raffled off when we get our act together ;)

Again, yeah I said words fail me, and here I am blathering on, I cannot thank you all enough for your outstanding generosity and show of support

I'd particularly like to thank Gwynne and John for all their support leading up to this. And for being the prep chef and Billswimmer. You guys were outstanding and I couldn't have pulled this off without you. I love you guys :kiss

Alright, I'll shut up now. Oh, someone left a pair of sunglasses. Whose are they???

Can we do it again :rofl
When we added it all up, after we got our act together (there can be too many people trying to do the same thing :rofl) we arrived at...................................................

$2900 as near as dammit

You heard me $2900 :wow :wtf :wow :party
WOW, that is AWESOME!!!! Hearing that makes me so deeply proud to be a part of BARF's membership. :) What a truly wonderful group of men and women. Another round of cheers for our hosts and organizers, you gals and guys are awesome! I had a lot of fun and it was great to see everyone. Congrats Adam and thanks everybody for the good time! :party
