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BBQ Bake Sale Fundraiser ~ Sat, June 25th 2011 Concord


:banana :party :bbq :party :banana
Damn, I'm out. I don't do paypal but will bring some cash for Adam to give to Wendy @ Skips on Wednesday. Wendy, I hope you'll let me buy you a glass of wine in tribute of all your hard work.

Have fun guys, I'll miss you.
Oh Suzeh :cry bu I know it's a loooooong haul!
Haven't heard from anyone about coordinating baked goods from the City does anyone still need someone to pick up stuffs?
^^ it means no illegal substances shall be consumed :shame

Sorry to hear it Suze :(
Haven't heard from anyone about coordinating baked goods from the City does anyone still need someone to pick up stuffs?
We're taking a raffle item for Cindy. Caroline is taking her own stuff. Heather and I will be leaving SOMA/South Beach around 12:30. If anyone needs for us to carry something, just ping us. The rear seat is taken but we have space in the boot. We'll stop at a petrol station near Wendy's to pick up some ice.
Sorry Adam, I'm unable to make it. I hope you have a wonderful time!
Carolyn (not Caroline :mad) is taking her own stuff.

Hope the magnets on the tank bag can hold my "stuff", the bacon brownies are dense. The choco-stout cakey will be in me tailbag, tethered down like the wild beast that it is :ride

I'm a definite in to support Adam and all Mad English Cows far and wide that throw fundraisers out the goodness of their cold, black hearts :p

Now who wants to help me with my washing up? I'll give you 50p for the effort :thumbup
I'm going to be really really late- Ogg has crashed up on Mt. Hamilton (about 7 miles past the Junction from the LibMo side), and I can't find a volunteer available to help. After I drop him in San Jose, I'll head up to Concord.
Really sorry, Wendy... :(
Wendy is unable to monitor the barfs if you need addy post in the thread and Ill get you.