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BBQ Bake Sale Fundraiser ~ Sat, June 25th 2011 Concord

Heading out soon. Be ready with ice. Cookie dough is en route. :cool
Thanks for hosting, Wendy! Great time had by all for a even greater cause! :thumbup

+ a gazillion! :cool

MEC, my wife loved the Guiness chocolate cake. :drool

Nice to meet you and your family, Adam. :thumbup
Nice to see everybody and meet some new people:thumbup

Thanks for hosting wendy :thumbup

I hope we were helpful Adam :thumbup
fun little gathering and for a good cause - donated some dinero and got my Vanilla Vodka, and my Violet got full ownership of Wendy's leathers - now we can shag in them :banana

good fun, even with the lame :smoking rules hahaahha - but wtf was with the grill man?! i practically had to pull out my .45 to get a friggin' hotdog :twofinger
Finally able to sit down and get a moment to post. (Waiting for dancing to start lol)
Adam, you are awesome and keep on keepin on brother. :thumbup
Wendy, thank you for hosting and opening your home for a great cause! :teeth
Thank you to all the Barfers who were able to make it and it was once again very nice to put faces with names and nicks. You gals and guys continue to amaze and inspire me!
I am sure I missed out on a lot of awesomeness by not having had 2 wheel motos in my life over the last 20 something years!
And Budman, thanks for having Barf for us and all you do for the community. :twofinger
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Wendy and her man servant put on a nice little shin-dig.

To my new friend Adam, it was a pleasure to meet you and I look forward to seeing you again soon. Your Mom is an Angel.

Good to meet lots of folks and view the famous Barf Books.

Get top dollar for that damn high dollar no fittin bullet proof Dainese Jacket. Every time I see it I get angry.

Thanks again Wendy and Friends. Good Karma was in the air in your backyard today.
Good times.

Great cause.

Adam, you're a sweetheart and if I could I would trade places with you.

WTF! This is like the 5th time that we have been in the same location and not met. You have to be a figment of my imagination.

Adam, it was great meeting you, and it was great seeing old friends and meeting everyone!

I wish someone had a camera or something.
Wendy and her man servant put on a nice little shin-dig.

To my new friend Adam, it was a pleasure to meet you and I look forward to seeing you again soon. Your Mom is an Angel.

Good to meet lots of folks and view the famous Barf Books.

Get top dollar for that damn high dollar no fittin bullet proof Dainese Jacket. Every time I see it I get angry.

Thanks again Wendy and Friends. Good Karma was in the air in your backyard today.
Here are a few shots from today.







Indeed quite the shin-dig, not bad for a Northern loud mouth :p Thanks for opening up your home and letting us abuse it for a good cause. Next time I'll add black pudding to the brownies in your honor Wendy :green

Nice to put names to faces, speaking of which InNoHurry, you get a pass to butcher my name anytime.

Hun, glad the fine English wife enjoyed the cakey.

Gwynne and Wendy just let me know how I can help with future events and ideas. My friends know the owners of Alice's, I could approach them about having another bake sale there one Sunday?
great shots!!! hilarious one of Violet on the bike :laughing
It looks like it was so much fun. I'm super jealous :cry but glad it was such a success.