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Do You Mountain Bike?

Lessons learned today:

Get off the brakes while actually going over an obstacle. Brake in between.

Train some more.

The east bay trails we rode today are totally ridable when wet. No freaking excuses.

Til next time :thumbup

Great write up Bap! :applause

One thing you might want to add to the lessons list:

The goal of mountain biking, much like motorcycling, is to achieve a zen-like oneness with the bike. Personally, part of the way I try to accomplish this is loving my bike. Usually that means maintaining it well, picking the smoothest line down a trail, communicating well with it, generally using inputs it responds favorably to, etc.

It does NOT mean sporadicly wrestling it to the ground in hopes of pounding it into submission! Of course there are exceptions to this principle. Disagreements between the two of you WILL happen occasionally and you need to be firm with your bike as you are the rider and it is the ridee.

HOWEVER, in the parking lot AFTER a ride is neither the time nor place for these little tiffs. :p

I think you should go out to the garage and apologize to your bike and see if the two of you can work towards a more healthy relationship. :)

Great ride everyone! :thumbup When can we do it again?
Been riding my Nomad at Pleasanton Ridge , awesome singletracks with berms , jumps , super steep technical sections to a couple of giant vertical drops - have not done the giant drops - yet .:thumbup

This sounds like it has some potential! I am always down to check out the local spots. Please post up when you plan on heading out there again.
Thanks to this thread, I got it in my crazy head that I wanted to go MTBing in the rain too! :teeth It didn't rain, and Lake Chabot isn't exactly a technical course, but I still had fun and got D-I-R-T-A-Y! Maybe some day I'll be conditioned enough to come play with the big kids. :teeth

Thanks to this thread, I got it in my crazy head that I wanted to go MTBing in the rain too! :teeth It didn't rain, and Lake Chabot isn't exactly a technical course, but I still had fun and got D-I-R-T-A-Y! Maybe some day I'll be conditioned enough to come play with the big kids. :teeth


How was traction on Brandon?
HOWEVER, in the parking lot AFTER a ride is neither the time nor place for these little tiffs. :p


Thanks to this thread, I got it in my crazy head that I wanted to go MTBing in the rain too! :teeth It didn't rain, and Lake Chabot isn't exactly a technical course, but I still had fun and got D-I-R-T-A-Y! Maybe some day I'll be conditioned enough to come play with the big kids. :teeth


You kidding? I'm the least conditioned guy there. Come out and play with us.

Oh, and what's the policy on unmarked trails? I stumbled on a couple of obviously fabricated MTB singletrack trails that parallel some marked trails in my neighborhood, and am wondering if I am contributing to delinquent acts by riding them.
Maybe some day I'll be conditioned enough to come play with the big kids.

It seems like one of the tricks to sticking with an activity is finding cool people to do it with. You'll be hard pressed to find a cooler bunch of people than the BARF MTB crew - come on out!

You kidding? I'm the least conditioned guy there.

Says the marathon guy ;)

Oh, and what's the policy on unmarked trails? I stumbled on a couple of obviously fabricated MTB singletrack trails that parallel some marked trails in my neighborhood, and am wondering if I am contributing to delinquent acts by riding them.

Unless it's a designated trail, it's usually off limits. Enforcement varies by region - not sure about East Bay, but poaching trails in Marin or the Peninsula has gotten riders fines of $300.
When's your next ride? I haven't ridden in YEARS:cry So I know any technical, hills, bumpy roads, a little bit of dirt is gonna kill me:cry

Since I'm not racing in Folsom this weekend, I'll probably be riding in the east bay this weekend on Saturday. If some people want to come out who are just beginning, or just getting back into it, I can put together a fairly easy loop, or we can go balls out (at least balls out for me since I'm a pussy).
The 15 Greatest Mountain Bike Crashes

From http://www.yourmtb.com/mountain-biking-crashes.html - enjoy!

15) Take Deep Breaths

Who knew Lamaze class could help with mountain biking crashes?


14) Six Inches Too Far

If only this guy had stopped a split-second earlier, he wouldn’t have looked like a scene from a bad teen comedy.


13) Rough Landing

If Slip ‘n Slides were made of wooden planks and dirt, they would look like this. Also, a lot of parents would be investigated by Child Services for letting their kids use them.


12) Guy Hits Tree

One of the funniest things about watching bike crash videos is seeing how many camera people stay perfectly still even after a horrific crash. “I know you’re bleeding internally, but I need this to look good on YouTube!”


11) Snow Bank

At least this was a soft landing.


10) Rooftop Jump

The key to an enjoyable mountain biking experience is putting safety first. That includes keeping a well-maintained bike, wearing proper protective equipment, traveling in groups, and not trying to jump off the roof of your parents’ house while your friend videotapes you.


9) Kicking Up Dust

Good form, but a little rough on the landing. He may have to settle for the silver.


8) Apparently You Can’t Do It

Let’s be honest, this woman wasn’t even trying.


7) Crossing the Stream

Sometimes the build-up to a crash is funnier than the crash itself.


6) Broken in Half

After he recovered from this crash, Jimmy vowed to never put a bike together with Scotch tape again.


5) Guy Hits Tree (Version 2.0)

During the Mountain Cup Race in Angel Fire, NM, biker Drew Powers’ right shoulder popped out of its socket. Fortunately, Drew was able to pop his shoulder back into place… by slamming into a tree.


4) Extreme Crash

This TV clip from Japan shows what can go wrong when riding a bike at speeds upwards of 170 kilometers per hour. They say Japanese vehicles are more reliable than anything made in the USA. If that’s true, an American bike going 170 KPH must either spontaneously combust or turn into a lion and maul whoever’s riding it.

This video is in Japanese, but fortunately, excruciating pain knows no language.


3) What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

A true test of friendship is telling your buddy, “OK, you hold one end of this rope in your van, I’ll hold the other on my bike, then you pull me down the street doing 40 miles per hour, and I’ll let go of the rope, ride off a giant ramp, and try to land on top of a 2-story building,” then seeing if they question your plan.

(Note: This video would be #1, except that it’s not really mountain biking, per se.)


2) Yep, That Was Bound To Happen

Pros and cons of attempting a 50-foot jump off a cliff on a bike:

Pros - Your friends will think it’s cool.

Cons - You could suffer permanent brain damage, broken bones, paralysis, or just get knocked unconscious and wake up thinking your name is “Ashley, Princess of The Mountain Kingdom.”


1) The Penalty For Failure

This guy is the real-life Wile E. Coyote. And until we’re positive he survived this fall, it’s really not appropriate to say anymore.

From http://www.yourmtb.com/mountain-biking-crashes.html - enjoy!

15) Take Deep Breaths

Who knew Lamaze class could help with mountain biking crashes?


14) Six Inches Too Far

If only this guy had stopped a split-second earlier, he wouldn’t have looked like a scene from a bad teen comedy.


13) Rough Landing

If Slip ‘n Slides were made of wooden planks and dirt, they would look like this. Also, a lot of parents would be investigated by Child Services for letting their kids use them.


12) Guy Hits Tree

One of the funniest things about watching bike crash videos is seeing how many camera people stay perfectly still even after a horrific crash. “I know you’re bleeding internally, but I need this to look good on YouTube!”


11) Snow Bank

At least this was a soft landing.


10) Rooftop Jump

The key to an enjoyable mountain biking experience is putting safety first. That includes keeping a well-maintained bike, wearing proper protective equipment, traveling in groups, and not trying to jump off the roof of your parents’ house while your friend videotapes you.


9) Kicking Up Dust

Good form, but a little rough on the landing. He may have to settle for the silver.


8) Apparently You Can’t Do It

Let’s be honest, this woman wasn’t even trying.


7) Crossing the Stream

Sometimes the build-up to a crash is funnier than the crash itself.


6) Broken in Half

After he recovered from this crash, Jimmy vowed to never put a bike together with Scotch tape again.


5) Guy Hits Tree (Version 2.0)

During the Mountain Cup Race in Angel Fire, NM, biker Drew Powers’ right shoulder popped out of its socket. Fortunately, Drew was able to pop his shoulder back into place… by slamming into a tree.


4) Extreme Crash

This TV clip from Japan shows what can go wrong when riding a bike at speeds upwards of 170 kilometers per hour. They say Japanese vehicles are more reliable than anything made in the USA. If that’s true, an American bike going 170 KPH must either spontaneously combust or turn into a lion and maul whoever’s riding it.

This video is in Japanese, but fortunately, excruciating pain knows no language.


3) What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

A true test of friendship is telling your buddy, “OK, you hold one end of this rope in your van, I’ll hold the other on my bike, then you pull me down the street doing 40 miles per hour, and I’ll let go of the rope, ride off a giant ramp, and try to land on top of a 2-story building,” then seeing if they question your plan.

(Note: This video would be #1, except that it’s not really mountain biking, per se.)


2) Yep, That Was Bound To Happen

Pros and cons of attempting a 50-foot jump off a cliff on a bike:

Pros - Your friends will think it’s cool.

Cons - You could suffer permanent brain damage, broken bones, paralysis, or just get knocked unconscious and wake up thinking your name is “Ashley, Princess of The Mountain Kingdom.”


1) The Penalty For Failure

This guy is the real-life Wile E. Coyote. And until we’re positive he survived this fall, it’s really not appropriate to say anymore.


:wow :wtf
Since I'm not racing in Folsom this weekend, I'll probably be riding in the east bay this weekend on Saturday. If some people want to come out who are just beginning, or just getting back into it, I can put together a fairly easy loop, or we can go balls out (at least balls out for me since I'm a pussy).

Sounds good, but I gotta see how I'm feeling by then. I'll keep checking this thread...
MrCrash, now those where some nice vids. looking forward to riding with you guy's soon but I still don't have my legs back. Bap, Would like to ride sat but I have to work. Maybe next time.
^Wut he said.... + ouch!:(

Every time I watch something out of our video collection, it makes me think "I could totally do those jumps out at Demo". Watching those YouTube vids brings me back down to earth :)
I don't want to start another "do you" thread

Most of us were from this thread anyway


POWPOW Day !!!

The top of Sugarbowl was a straight blizzard, snowing sideways, visibility 20 yards. We had a good day, marching out before dawn, doin it until exhaustion, back to base after dark.

This pic I barely got, I didn't know if we would make it so I was ready to start our "McCandless diary".


  • SugarBowlCliff-1.jpg
    25 KB · Views: 192
Most of us were from this thread anyway


POWPOW Day !!!

The top of Sugarbowl was a straight blizzard, snowing sideways, visibility 20 yards. We had a good day, marching out before dawn, doin it until exhaustion, back to base after dark.

This pic I barely got, I didn't know if we would make it so I was ready to start our "McCandless diary".

The question is: where did the 3rd person who you failed to mention go?

Will they find them in the spring? Down the cliff.