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Do You Mountain Bike?

Here's the race course:


More info here

Just did that trail Saturday, fun stuff.
Well I procrastinated and missed out on Tamarancho race registration, its closed now :(
Shit sounds like you been busy Herny.

Does this mean that if you "invade" a closed state park to go mtbing that you would be forced to shoot yourself?

Just imagine it without first aid portapottys and garbage cans, the squirrel cops never were an issue with us.
Ugh..... pretty sure I acquired a nice little rotator cuff tear over the last few weeks. I did a 1footed x-up over the big jump on boy scout and something in the shoulder popped. Hasn't been quite the same since then, i'm gonna lay off the jumps for a little while. :party
Yeah, I'm still planning on going, unless the weather report gets worse during the week.

Damn though, all the hotels are booked since its graduation weekend :(
Doug found a room at Knight's Inn.

I was told that we also need to ride the Time Warp trail, which until last year, was an illegal trail. (*big bike/FF helmet trail*)
I'm bringing the Nomad -- both XC & FF helmets w/ knee/shin/elbow pads.

I can easily pump of the pressure in the fork/shock -- crank up the seat then it should be set for you:p
Doug found a room at Knight's Inn.

I was told that we also need to ride the Time Warp trail, which until last year, was an illegal trail. (*big bike/FF helmet trail*)

THanks Roxy, just booked a room there. :cool

I already included you in the shuttle resevations for Saturday. 10am and 230pm -- They should be picking us up from the skatepark.

There's 8 of us.